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What are your Thanksgiving plans?

Working here at CMTC - OCT Academy is on going and I'm assisting on that so it will be Thanksgiving turkey at the Snr NCO mess for me
In Moncton visiting with family.  Turkey or ham?  I guess we'll see what Dad picks up!
Robbie said:
Having some turkey in the Niragra Mess here in Afganistan mmmmmm... If I'm not on a convoy...

Rob  :cdn:

Hoping they send some of that bird out to those not in to get it.  If not, I'll live vicariously through everyone else.  MMmm stuffing and gravy, mashed potatoes.  Post pictures of your great meals people, especially dessert, please!
I've got a busy weekend ahead it looks like.  Saturday just a lot of errands, cleaning etc to do, and shopping I guess.  Sunday into Toronto for Turducken at a friend's place (it's become something of a ridiculous tradition), and then Monday 9D is making another huge feast for at least six of us - and any other stragglers I round up who don't have a dinner to go to of their own.

Then, being married to an American, I get to do it all again in a few weeks.
Well, seeing as all my family/loved ones are 3700 miles away, I'm having an "Orphan's Thanksgiving" with a bunch of friends down in Nordegg. Pretty much a pot luck suppper with a lot of alcoholic drinks going down range. Might get some hiking in as well.
Making a nice big turkey and stuffing myself and the kids with it.  No visiting, no in-laws, just a nice quiet holiday.  The only thing really missing will be the husband.
Greetings from CFLRS!!  (Well Montreal actually, weekend leave.)

My Mother and little Sister have made the trek from Ontario to spend the weekend with my in Montreal this weekend so thats really nice!  :)

Week 8 complete, out to the field for 9 on Monday!  I've missed all you guys in here!  Glad to see the boards never fail to provide enjoyable reading.
BulletMagnet said:
Eye, The UFC fight no Saturday is a just a rebroadcast of GSP vs Fitch from like a month ago or so. Guess who wins  8)

Awww crap!  No wonder its on Spike TV for free!  I just saw the commercial on Spike and never looked on the website or anything...thought it was a rematch.


*edit - I just saw the commercial on Spike again...UFC 87 is showing tonight...its NEXT Saturday that its live, UFC 89, Bisping vs Leben.  doh!
We're ordering in Chinese food for thanksgiving this year.  I usually start cooking the turkey early in the moring and slow roast it for the whole day but since I'm duty the night before I'll be to tired to do all that work the next morning.  So we're taking the easy route this year. Beside the kids really enjoy chinese.

To all the folks that can't be home with family, I hope you'll be able to make the best of it. For some the chicken and gravy IMP (do they still make that one?) will probably be as close to a turkey dinner as they'll get. To those folks I salute you and I'll be thinking of you.  You folks, those who do the heavy lifting in this crazy world are one of the things I'm most thankful for.   :cdnsalute:
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
Doing my bit to win the war in Afghanistan. 
And I appreciate it!!! ;D
Sorry, I would send you dinner, but I don't think turkey and all the fixing will travel very well.  :P
So, Mortarman Rockpainter, I am making your cookies Monday, will be in the mail on Tuesday.
Take care and be safe :cdn:
Robin  SOT :salute:
Finally, a few quiet nights at home.  :)
Well now let's see...tanning...PT...drinks with friends...turkey with friends...drinks with friends...tanning...PT...biking with friends...out with the puppers...date...drinks...and whatever comes after that  ;) 8)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

And I appreciate it!!! ;D
Sorry, I would send you dinner, but I don't think turkey and all the fixing will travel very well.  :P
So, Mortarman Rockpainter, I am making your cookies Monday, will be in the mail on Tuesday.
Take care and be safe :cdn:
Robin  SOT :salute:

Thank you!  I look forward to it, and yes, I promise to share!


Home for the weekend enjoying Turkey with the wife and kids. Took the family to Fort Fright at Fort Henry last night. Good show if anyone in the Kingston area is interested. $5 admission with Mil ID, $7 without.
9er is doing her usual magnificent best cooking a large turkey dinner with all the trimmings, roast/deep fried potatoes and some home made bread.  I am doing what all smart men should at this time...staying out of her way.  ;D  I will be transplanting some flowerbeds soon before CFHA turns up next week to dig me a new walkway...after I had already put in one with patio stone...impressed?  NOT! 

My thoughts and best Safe wishes to our Warriors deployed and a hope for a safe return home to share in next years dinner with family and friends.  :salute:    :cdn:

BYTD sends
Lounging around, baking a bit of bread, and enjoying my sweetie's company.

Best wishes to all those far away from their loved ones for Thanksgiving - your sacrifices (on both sides) are appreciated and not forgotten.  :salute: