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WCPT for Public Affair Officer


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Hi, I applied for the RMC Public Affair Officer. And heard I have to take WCPT for further processing. Can you tell me how to prepare the test and what percentage I should get from the test? The CAF recruiting site usually includes those requirements and detail of it. For example, Aircrew selection test for pilot and controlling officer. But not able to find related information in the public affair officer application requirements.

Thank you in advance.
Pro Tip: Just ask chat GPT these types of questions and it will spit out everything. Here's what I found in 30 seconds.
Obviously some of this information may change, so it's important to stay up to date with CFRC for specifics.

But here is a really good overall outline to your questions on how to prepare and what to expect.


The Written Communication Proficiency Test (WCPT) is a standardized test used by the Canadian Forces to assess the written communication skills of candidates applying for Public Affairs Officer positions. Here are the key components and what you need to do for the WCPT:

  1. Understand the Test Format:
    • The WCPT is typically a multiple-choice test.
    • It measures various aspects of written communication, including grammar, punctuation, style, and coherence.
  2. Test Content:
    • Grammar and Syntax: Questions may ask you to identify errors in sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, and proper use of modifiers.
    • Punctuation: You'll need to know how to correctly use commas, periods, semicolons, colons, and other punctuation marks.
    • Style and Clarity: Questions may involve improving the clarity and flow of written passages, choosing the best word or phrase to fit the context, and eliminating wordiness.
    • Coherence and Organization: You might be asked to rearrange sentences or paragraphs to improve the logical flow of a passage or to choose the most coherent way to organize information.
  3. Preparation Tips:
    • Review Basic Grammar and Writing Rules: Brush up on fundamental grammar rules, punctuation usage, and writing style guides.
    • Practice Writing: Regularly practice writing essays, reports, and other forms of written communication to improve your clarity and coherence.
    • Take Practice Tests: Look for practice tests or sample questions online to familiarize yourself with the test format and question types.
    • Read Widely: Reading high-quality writing in newspapers, magazines, and books can help you internalize good writing practices.
  4. On Test Day:
    • Read Instructions Carefully: Ensure you understand what each question is asking before you answer.
    • Manage Your Time: Keep track of time to ensure you can complete all questions.
    • Review Your Answers: If time permits, go back and review your answers to check for any mistakes.
To pass the Written Communications Proficiency Test (WCPT) for a Public Affairs Officer position in the Canadian Armed Forces, you'll need a minimum score of 50 out of 100 (Forces) (Army.ca).

If you have further questions or need more details about the WCPT or other requirements for the role, I can help look into those as well.