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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

  • Thread starter Thread starter wackymax
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Coming from my base BPSO, to apply to the AVOTP program once you reach the OFP of your trade tou are not eligible for the program until you have served a number of years in the trade youre in. That would be 4 years for a gunner like me, it may be more or less for the trade you are in. So unless things have changed very recently, if you just reached the OFP of your trade I dont think you will be eligible for AVOTP just yet.
Combat arms can apply for VOT after 36 months under LOTP.

Find, read CFA0 11-12.  It is still the overall OT regulation for Reg Force NCM (unless the 5000 series DAOD has recently been released and superseded it).  The term OFP is part of the DRAFT DAOD but not found in the CFAO.  I've been down this road, had this argument, and won.  draft policies etc don't supersede a CFAO.

Find this years AVOTP CANFORGEN and have a read of the references.
Hey Eye,

Yeah the CFAO 11-12 only states QL4, and the there is no DAOD on AVOTP still. I recall you stating in many older posts over the years on this forum that if a trade has no QL4 then they have to use QL3. Is there somewhere I can find this written that you know of, or do you know a way for me to prove or convince the naysayers in my CoC of this fact?

Thanks :)
Dingoo said:
Hey Eye,

Yeah the CFAO 11-12 only states QL4, and the there is no DAOD on AVOTP still. I recall you stating in many older posts over the years on this forum that if a trade has no QL4 then they have to use QL3. Is there somewhere I can find this written that you know of, or do you know a way for me to prove or convince the naysayers in my CoC of this fact?

Thanks :)

Have another look at the CANFORGEN you posted above.  It will usually have something there under the eligibility column that will indicate how many years of service you require, prior to being eligible to apply.

You don't have to "convince" your CoC of anything.  Just schedule yourself an appointment with your local BPSO to discuss "career progression/academic upgrading" options and then bring the topic up at that time.  I do believe that in some locations, the BPSO Office will hold monthly or quarterly briefings which are available to everyone and attendance at one of these, is a requirement prior to scheduling a counselling appointment.
The only thing I could offer other than what DAA has said is stuff from my COTP process which was a decade ago.

However, I know that, for several years now, there has been aspects of the draft 5002 DAOD that have made their way into the VOT processes.  The DAOD is still, AFAIK, a draft, hence the use of CFAO 11-12 as the reference.  If the current AVOTP message states CFAO 11-12 as the main reference, then common sense would tell me that any PSO with a shred of ethics would go by the CFAO (this is what happened in my case;  some superiors in my CofC tried to stonewall my OT application when it was determined that my old trades' Career Mgr informed them that, as a Pri 4 unit, he could not post anyone in to replace me).  However, either via PM or on this thread, I think one person who is (I believe) a PSO stated that interim policy was signed off by the CMP and that policy is being used over what the CFAO states.  My experience with these issues tells me it wouldn't stand up to a formal challenge or review, such as a grievance. 

I haven't looked at this years AVOTP CANFORGEN, but do your homework, remember to be polite and proper military bearing, etc when dealing with the PSO office.  Ask questions. "The CANFORGEN says that CFAO 11-12 is the reference for Reg force NCM remusters, but the term OFP isn't found in the CFAO.  Where is the policy that states OFP shall be used, and can I have a copy of it please". 

It is also helpful if someone in your CofC is supportive of your position.  Cross your Ts and dot your Is, and ask for assistance from your CofC if you can if/when you hit walls.
Hi, I am a new Sapper that just graduated DP1. I have been posted out and so far things are going well. My job is good, my pay is good, the people I work with are good, and the tasks that I have are alright.

I have a little over a year since I've signed in and have wanted to be Intelligence from the get go.  For some reason, I was convinced by one of the recruiters that I won't get into Intelligence due to my background (Middle-Eastern).

I realise now that's a load of bull and the fact that I speak, read, and write Arabic fluently would be an asset to the CAF. Hell, I speak every dialect there is and can tell from where buddy is from in minutes. I also studied Communication in university. I also speak French and would like to learn more languages.

Any advice for me? Will I have to wait until Corporal, another three years in the Engineer corps? Can I see a BPSO right away and have a memo in through my CoC for VOT?

If anybody has gone through a similar process of remastering and/or knows of the process, please please help me.

I want to serve my country in the best way that I can and I know that I would be beneficial in Intelligence.

Ningen said:
Can I see a BPSO right away and have a memo in through my CoC for VOT?

For reference, perhaps,


will be merged with,

VOT 2015, 16, 17, 18............... 
23 pages.

Ningen said:
I have a little over a year since I've signed in and have wanted to be Intelligence from the get go.  For some reason, I was convinced by one of the recruiters that I won't get into Intelligence due to my background (Middle-Eastern).

I want to serve my country in the best way that I can and I know that I would be beneficial in Intelligence.

"I want to be Int" Mega-thread 
15 pages.
Ningen said:
Hi, I am a new Sapper that just graduated DP1. I have been posted out and so far things are going well. My job is good, my pay is good, the people I work with are good, and the tasks that I have are alright.

I have a little over a year since I've signed in and have wanted to be Intelligence from the get go.  For some reason, I was convinced by one of the recruiters that I won't get into Intelligence due to my background (Middle-Eastern).

I realise now that's a load of bull and the fact that I speak, read, and write Arabic fluently would be an asset to the CAF. Hell, I speak every dialect there is and can tell from where buddy is from in minutes. I also studied Communication in university. I also speak French and would like to learn more languages.

Any advice for me? Will I have to wait until Corporal, another three years in the Engineer corps? Can I see a BPSO right away and have a memo in through my CoC for VOT?

If anybody has gone through a similar process of remastering and/or knows of the process, please please help me.

I want to serve my country in the best way that I can and I know that I would be beneficial in Intelligence.


I really can't speak to the likelihood of you being able to OT to Intelligence; however, the CAF does periodically go out asking for folks with different language skills.  In that regard alone, you should submit a memo to your chain of command that spells out your language skills in detail.  Then follow up to see that your career manager is informed and that it goes on your MPRR. 

It's disappointing that your recruiter took that approach.  I often wonder about our recruiting process.  I took my son to an ROTP information session this last weekend and was very disappointed with the recruiters and other speakers.  They seemed to be guessing at the answers to the questions they were receiving and they missed the mark altogether on a few points.

Sorry if this has been asked before but i can't seem to find it.

Is there a list of all the trades you can only remaster into after you in the CF for a few years or whatnot? I'm just curious as to what is "hidden" and becomes available after your in for a few years.

A few examples that might help to understand what i mean are...

- SAR Tech
- FE
- Non Destructive Testing Tech
- CSOR Operators/Specs

Thank you
CSOR does not have specialist trades that are remuster only. The recruiting site only recruits for Supporters or Operators, of which SF Op is an occupational transfer.
PuckChaser said:
CSOR does not have specialist trades that are remuster only. The recruiting site only recruits for Supporters or Operators, of which SF Op is an occupational transfer.

ahh okay, my apologizes.
Untamed Spyder said:
You can only be Clearance diver by being Combat Engineer, Correct?
Untamed Spyder said:
Thanks! You can only be Clearance diver by being Combat Engineer, Correct?

No, you can also be a Ships' Diver or Port Inspection Diver (NAVRES MOSID) and apply IIRC;  I'd have to look at the AVOTP/COTP CANFORGEN for the exact prerequisites though.
Eye In The Sky said:
No, you can also be a Ships' Diver or Port Inspection Diver (NAVRES MOSID) and apply IIRC;  I'd have to look at the AVOTP/COTP CANFORGEN for the exact prerequisites though.

ahh, That's pretty neat. Thanks!
Good afternoon all!

I was wondering if anyone knew when the VOT-U messages from the December board were due to be issued out? It can be a challenge to get info out of the local PSO staff, so I was just hoping someone on here has some inside info

Just curious as to how this is handled? Heading to wainwright for 3 months. If I get my offer while I'm there, how will I receive it?
Sylencer said:
Just curious as to how this is handled? Heading to wainwright for 3 months. If I get my offer while I'm there, how will I receive it?

You should......unless you have less than competent OR staff.  [:(

It would arrive through your deployed Admin staff.