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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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hannloot said:
Thanks but That tread did not have what I needed.

You are welcome.

But, why not ask your getting back in questions, in the Getting Back In mega-thread?
hannloot said:
So I want to know all requirements to receive cpl rank. I have 4 years in and got out and getting back in. I should get cpl but was told I'm starting g at p3 pay grade until I finish my ql3's which is ok but I will not be getting back paid which does not make since to me is this a mistake because i have timed served. I will end up being in the training system for 1 1/2 to 2 years how can I stay at p3 for 2 years tell me that's wrong. Anyone have excess to the proper paper work in Dwan to clear this up for me thanks

Simple you are not qualified in your new trade...each trade has their own requirements to be promoted to Cpl....

For a P.Res Engineer for example you need DP1 complete (so BMQ-C,BMQ-L and trades course this alone could take 2 years or more) and then at a minimum 2 years in the CF....
I understand not get cpl right away but once qualified my pay should be back dated. I have friends that got their  cpl rank after their ql3's on same course and they got back pay just trying to find out why I'm being told different
hannloot said:
I understand not get cpl right away but once qualified my pay should be back dated. I have friends that got their  cpl rank after their ql3's on same course and they got back pay just trying to find out why I'm being told different

Just because your friends did, does not mean that you can.  Your Service Record is not the same as theirs.  Your conditions of re-enrolling are not the same as theirs (if they even re-enrolled).  You have Broken Service.  Do your friends have Broken Service as well?  You have to ask your CoC what the story is, not us.
hannloot said:
So I want to know all requirements to receive cpl rank. I have 4 years in and got out and getting back in. I should get cpl but was told I'm starting g at p3 pay grade until I finish my ql3's which is ok but I will not be getting back paid which does not make since to me is this a mistake because i have timed served. I will end up being in the training system for 1 1/2 to 2 years how can I stay at p3 for 2 years tell me that's wrong. Anyone have excess to the proper paper work in Dwan to clear this up for me thanks
I posted regarding a friend who is in the same position except he has almost triple your time in and a couple tours overseas.  Only getting Pte(3). You can ask for it to be reviewed.
Can't find a copy of cfao 49-4, but is it not 4 years for accelerated, 5 years for mandatory promotion to Cpl? You're not entitled to promotion to Cpl until that 60 month mark. You haven't said what rank and qual you released at, or how long you've been out. All of those things have huge bearing on the advice you can get here.
PuckChaser said:
Can't find a copy of cfao 49-4, but is it not 4 years for accelerated, 5 years for mandatory promotion to Cpl? You're not entitled to promotion to Cpl until that 60 month mark. You haven't said what rank and qual you released at, or how long you've been out. All of those things have huge bearing on the advice you can get here.

.....and were you a Reservist or Regular Force?
OP's Profile does not offer many clues.
IRC, it's 48 months service. For substantive promotions, it's also appropriately trade qualified. Accelerated promotion is 36 months and qualified for the rank (you can't be accelerated to acting rank). In all three cases, you require the CO's concurrence. The foregoing applies to the RegF... the ResF is somewhat different.

As someone with broken service, you can ask your career manager for a review of your "Time Credit for Promotion", or TCP. That being said, the normal process for re-enrollment at the rank of Cpl is that you were substantive prior to your release, and your qualifications meet the current trade requirements.

It appears that you are re-enrolling in a different trade, that being the case, you would not meet the requirements for promotion to Cpl as you are trade qualified. Once you are qualified QL3 or QL4, you might be promotable to A/Cpl, but like I said earlier it requires the CO's approval.

If you are looking to return to reg force service, please follow the link.  I'll be the one to reply directly to you for NCM via phone call or email.


The Air Force Intake & Liaison Team (AFI&LT) is working with Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG) to get the word out that the Air Force is actively seeking ex-military members of the Canadian Forces who were fully trained in an Air Force occupation.

The AFI&LT, which is based in Ottawa, works to identify and staff initiatives aimed at improving the re-enrolment of Air Force personnel into the Canadian Forces (CF). Due to manning shortages, personnel from many Air Force occupations are being sought.

In an effort to reduce waiting times the AFI&LT is working closely with CFRG and the career managers to expedite re-enrolment.

There are many advantages to re-enrolling fully qualified personnel. The Air Force recognizes the qualities of leadership, maturity, and experience that former personnel bring with them. We have found that these personnel can immediately contribute to aerospace capability. Those returning are an indicator to serving personnel that the CF remains an employer of choice.

Persons interested in receiving more information on this initiative are asked to contact the AFI&LT via email or through one of its toll free numbers.

For Re-enrollment

Officers: Please contact the AFI&LT team AFILT-EALFA@forces.gc.ca or 1 866-355-8195

Non Commissioned Members: Please contact the AFI&LT team AFILT-EALFA@forces.gc.ca or 1-877-877-2741

For general information on how to join visit http://www.forces.ca/en/home

Hey folks

Simple question:

I heard that members can re-enlist with the army and pick up where they left off in their training as opposed to dropping back to week one if they re-enlist. I was 2 weekends away from finishing my BMQ-L but had to release in July of 2015. It is 16 December 2016 and I was wondering if anyone knows if that's too much time to have passed (1 yr 5 mo's) for me to be able to re-enlist and pick up where I left off, or if I'd have to go back to week 1 and start everything over.

Thought I'd ask because a family member of mine told me (back in Sept of last year) that just because I'm no longer in the military, it doesn't mean the time I was a member just disappears off into the ether.

Anyway, yeah I figure that'd be too long but then again I honestly have no idea what the military considers a reasonable amount of time to have passed.

Thanks and have a great weekend.
Your time in may not change, but to my knowledge unless you finish a qual, you'll have to begin at the start. IE: Had you finished BMQ-L then you'll still have kept the qual.
PeteRecruit said:
Hey folks

Simple question:

I heard that members can re-enlist with the army and pick up where they left off in their training as opposed to dropping back to week one if they re-enlist. I was 2 weekends away from finishing my BMQ-L but had to release in July of 2015. It is 16 December 2016 and I was wondering if anyone knows if that's too much time to have passed (1 yr 5 mo's) for me to be able to re-enlist and pick up where I left off, or if I'd have to go back to week 1 and start everything over.

Thought I'd ask because a family member of mine told me (back in Sept of last year) that just because I'm no longer in the military, it doesn't mean the time I was a member just disappears off into the ether.

Anyway, yeah I figure that'd be too long but then again I honestly have no idea what the military considers a reasonable amount of time to have passed.

Thanks and have a great weekend.

It depends.

Reservists retain their BMQ and BMQ-L after release, only if they had completed their trade course.

Hello everyone,

I got into the military in 2009 and out in 2012 and recently applied again, my application was selected for further processing and I go in 2 weeks for a personal trait test or something. My question is would they of already looked at my previous military service prior to sending me the email stating my application was selected for further processing or will they look at all of that at a later date?

Thank you

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
westcoastrider7 said:
I got into the military in 2009 and out in 2012 and recently applied again,

For reference, perhaps,

previous military service

will be merged with,

Getting Back In/Re-enrolling Mega Thread 
36 pages.

See also,

OP: westcoastrider7
Reenlisting after being released on a 5f 

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

I'm assuming your question is because of your 5F release, personally I'd call and talk to someone. It's better to find out now then show up, write the TSD only to find out they won't continue to process your file.
Good Day,

All 5(f) Releases require a waiver to re-enroll, you must be out of the CAF for 5 years and the approval for the waiver is the CDS.
Your prior service should have been identified, but I would follow up with your recruiting detachment to make sure.

Best Regards
This afternoon I reported to my local CFRC for the (PRes) medical and interview. I was last in the forces in the mid 90's. During the interview I was informed that it would not be necessary to take the BMQ as I had prior service. But that was 20+ years ago. Does anyone know a reason for this? I am quite puzzled.
beardedsawyer said:
This afternoon I reported to my local CFRC for the (PRes) medical and interview. I was last in the forces in the mid 90's. During the interview I was informed that it would not be necessary to take the BMQ as I had prior service. But that was 20+ years ago. Does anyone know a reason for this? I am quite puzzled.

Unless things have changed, I would double check on that.  If things have not changed, even as a PRes, you would have to do BMQ if you were out for more than five years.  Perhaps things have changed; or the Recruiter couldn't do the math.  Double Check, as I have seen people with less than five years break in Service (Reg to PRes), PLQ qualified, land up on a BMQ.
beardedsawyer said:
This afternoon I reported to my local CFRC for the (PRes) medical and interview. I was last in the forces in the mid 90's. During the interview I was informed that it would not be necessary to take the BMQ as I had prior service. But that was 20+ years ago. Does anyone know a reason for this?

This is a good place to ask questions about joining the Reserves,


As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.