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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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I have received confirmation that there is no waiting period for members who released (4c) from the Regular Force, prior to completion of BMQ/BMOQ, and who want to join a reserve unit. However, the local reserve can still decide if they are willing to accept you as a reserve member or not.
AFruch said:
I'm currently in the process of re-enrolling in the CF in the same trade as before and was wondering if anyone here was ever in a similar situation as myself. I served four years as an combat engineer, was promoted to corporal after three years and got out a year and a half ago at the end of my four year contract. After I got out, all the documents I received dealing with my final claims and supplementary reserve started referring to me as a private trained. I figure it must be related to me not having done my fives (there was a backlog and I was off in the field a good chunk of the time anyways). I'm just wondering if I am getting demoted on a technicality when I go back, or if I have a chance to keep my old rank?

I still have a copies of all my paperwork and can prove when I was promoted and the amount of time in rank. No matter what happens, I wont let it deter to me, even if I have to start as a sapper again. But it would be preferable to keep my rank.
So I was just wondering if anyone has dealt with this, or seem it happen to someone they knew and how it turned out in the end?
Much obliged for the information.

Even though you were released as a Pte(T), you will most likely be re-enrolled as a "Cpl (AL/Q)".
Hello! Question for any of you that VR'd and re-applied. I'm aware that there will need to be a re-enrollment waiver approved for me to be able to re-join following my VR last year. I'm going for my medical and interview in a few weeks and I'm just trying to get an idea of how the process may have gone for any of you that also needed a re-enrollment waiver? Just trying to prepare whatever I need to prepare and make sure I have all my ducks in a row.
So if anyone would care to share that part of the process with me, that'd be awesome.
I am planning on re enrolling in a few months after having a rough go the first time having to get multiple surgeries on my ACL, hamstring. Having to deal with multiple deaths in the fall/winter. I finally got the green light from the doctor that all is good, he had me do the "stair test 10 floors down and 10 up and along with a 5 k run/bike on a machine, and i am planning on restating a vigorous gym regime soon (likely 4 times a week for 90-120 mins each). I know i have to wait the 12 months from signing my VR, what should i be expecting in terms of medical stuff as some happened in Quebec under the CF and all the followup stuff happened in NB outside of CF control. I know all or most of my tests will be needing to be redone. I am looking to reroll in my old trade as a MarEng 00367. Would i be better to roll in a a Reservist and CT over to Reg in a few years (likely 18-24 months)

Thanks for your help and thoughts

Hatf 254 Out
marinemech said:
I am planning on re enrolling in a few months after having a rough go the first time having to get multiple surgeries on my ACL, hamstring. Having to deal with multiple deaths in the fall/winter. I finally got the green light from the doctor that all is good, he had me do the "stair test 10 floors down and 10 up and along with a 5 k run/bike on a machine, and i am planning on restating a vigorous gym regime soon (likely 4 times a week for 90-120 mins each). I know i have to wait the 12 months from signing my VR, what should i be expecting in terms of medical stuff as some happened in Quebec under the CF and all the followup stuff happened in NB outside of CF control. I know all or most of my tests will be needing to be redone. I am looking to reroll in my old trade as a MarEng 00367. Would i be better to roll in a a Reservist and CT over to Reg in a few years (likely 18-24 months)

Thanks for your help and thoughts

Hatf 254 Out

Same medical as before and they will request your previous CF Med File.  You will also be subject to the re-enrolment waiver process as well.
DAA said:
Same medical as before and they will request your previous CF Med File.  You will also be subject to the re-enrolment waiver process as well.

For those of us re-enrolling are we low priority, regardless of how well we've done on the CFAT, TSD etc?
FortYorkRifleman said:
For those of us re-enrolling are we low priority, regardless of how well we've done on the CFAT, TSD etc?

So far I haven't noticed any extra time or lag on my file... I had to wait a little bit (3 weeks or so) for them to request and receive my old med files and I was emailed and given a date/time for my interview and medical 2 weeks after that. I'll be waiting 3 weeks for the interview and medical, but I figure it's just because they've kind of slowed down with recruiting for the moment. But yeah, otherwise it's been fairly quick. I'm hoping that trend continues and the background check and re-enrollment waiver don't take too long and I'll manage to get into a BMQ before the end of the summer.
Colta said:
So far I haven't noticed any extra time or lag on my file... I had to wait a little bit (3 weeks or so) for them to request and receive my old med files and I was emailed and given a date/time for my interview and medical 2 weeks after that. I'll be waiting 3 weeks for the interview and medical, but I figure it's just because they've kind of slowed down with recruiting for the moment. But yeah, otherwise it's been fairly quick. I'm hoping that trend continues and the background check and re-enrollment waiver don't take too long and I'll manage to get into a BMQ before the end of the summer.

Your case may be different given that your desired trade is in demand whereas mine (infantry) isn't. I think it also depends on whether or not you have completed BMQ and your trade courses. I don't think they're looking to fast track my application
FortYorkRifleman said:
Your case may be different given that your desired trade is in demand whereas mine (infantry) isn't. I think it also depends on whether or not you have completed BMQ and your trade courses. I don't think they're looking to fast track my application

Fair enough... I didn't complete BMQ or Trade courses, so I don't know how that will effect me (probably not much I would expect)... but it is handy that I'm going for an in demand trade. I had really good scores on my cfat too, so that probably helped a bit. I don't know... I'm hoping it goes quick for both of us. Where are you at in the recruiting stage?
Colta said:
Fair enough... I didn't complete BMQ or Trade courses, so I don't know how that will effect me (probably not much I would expect)... but it is handy that I'm going for an in demand trade. I had really good scores on my cfat too, so that probably helped a bit. I don't know... I'm hoping it goes quick for both of us. Where are you at in the recruiting stage?

Waiting for a medical and interview. I haven't been asked for a re-enrollment waiver yet but according to an e mail I received the staff at the CFRC will be doing it. I need to go down there to clarify but thats where I'm at
I haven't heard much about the waiver from the staff beyond that it would all the questions they had for me regarding it would be discussed during the interview (why I left, what has changed, why I won't leave again). I'm hoping to know more and have a better idea as to what will happen when I get there. I've been told by others that I need to write an essay explaining all of that and that the essay will be attached to my waiver request when the staff at the CFRC send it up for approval... but I don't know. My recruiter was saying otherwise, so we shall see on June 3rd I guess.
Colta said:
I haven't heard much about the waiver from the staff beyond that it would all the questions they had for me regarding it would be discussed during the interview (why I left, what has changed, why I won't leave again). I'm hoping to know more and have a better idea as to what will happen when I get there. I've been told by others that I need to write an essay explaining all of that and that the essay will be attached to my waiver request when the staff at the CFRC send it up for approval... but I don't know. My recruiter was saying otherwise, so we shall see on June 3rd I guess.

I'm assuming the re enrollment waiver will be part of your application package although its strange if thats the case; you'd think they would want a waiver first before even touching your file. Like I said I need to head down to my local CFRC and clarify
FortYorkRifleman said:
I'm assuming the re enrollment waiver will be part of your application package although its strange if thats the case; you'd think they would want a waiver first before even touching your file. Like I said I need to head down to my local CFRC and clarify

Not sure... from what I've been told it's something they do after your interview and medical and can be dependant on your cfrc staff as to when and how quickly they process it. Hopefully when you go to your cfrc you'll get some more info. I'm hoping at my interview things will be laid out clearly with regards to how it's going to go.

Folks, if you are a skilled applicant trying to re-enroll back into the service (RCAF Managed Occupation) or currently going through the recruiting process as a skilled applicant into the RCAF, give me a call (the toll free number is on our web page) or fire me an email through the web page and I will be happy to answer your questions or offer guidance or simply point you in the right direction.

The link above is our web page.


I released in feb from dent tech and am currently waiting the 6 month time frame to reapply (I am a 4C release category).
I'm going to reapply but under a different MOSID and was wondering if anyone could give any insight on the application process and what would happen to me should I be given an offer as I am already BMQ/5's qualified in my current trade. I'd like to reapply as RMS clerk, but not sure if I would be sent to borden on PAT platoon or be put on OJT/BTL in my current geographical location until course time.

Would it be better/easier to re-enlist as my current MOSID and remuster to clerk after a year?

Thank you.

I've done a search on this site and can not find current answers to my query.  I've talked to my file manager and they are waiting for my prior service docs before they schedule a medical and my final interview.  Any ideas on the wait time for this at present?  Thanks in advance. 
Good day  RocketRichard,

Ensure that you read information provided at the top of this form before posting a question to be answered. I have copied and paste two of the locked posts containing the rules for posting in this form and what you need to do after submitting your application. Your question is being moved to the recruiting process board. 

Welcome to the “Ask a CAF Recruiter” section. The members tagged as “CAF Recruiter” are official Canadian Armed Forces recruiters. They will identify themselves with their rank, first name and the Forces.ca avatar. In order to best answer questions, there are some rules that need to be adhered to.

This section is for persons who have questions about joining the Canadian Armed Forces, occupations, different enrolment programs, and prerequisites. Much of the information can be found at Forces.ca, or the Recruiting FAQ and wiki section of this site. Before you ask a question, you should be searching the forum or the Forces.ca website for these answers.

We will not answer questions about technical difficulties with the application process, or the website. We will not answer questions about difficulties contacting your recruiting centre or general inquires with regards to your current application or file. These questions can be asked here: http://forces.ca/en/page/contactus-73

After submitting your application:

        You should receive an email within 5-7 business days after the submission of your online application, giving you further direction on the next steps to take in the application process.

  To ensure that you receive correspondence between yourself and Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting the following is recommended:

•  Adding the email address "@forces.gc.ca" to your Safe Senders list in your email account is recommended, as there have been instances where email communications between Recruiting Detachments and applicants are filtered out and end up in the junk/spam mail folder.
•  Check your junk/spam email folder in case Forces emails continue to be filtered out.
•  Check up on the status of your application every 30 days with the Recruiting Detachment processing your application.
•  Ensure that you are checking the email account that you provided on your application.

If you have applied and have not yet received an email within 10 business days of submitting your online application, or if you would like to know the status of your application, it is recommended that you do the following:

•  Visit the link to our Forces site, ( http://www.forces.ca/en/page/contactus-73 ) and submit a status update request for your application.
•  If you know your application number, include it in the email.
•  If you do not know your application number, ensure you include your first name, last name, date of birth and the postal code of your home address. This will ensure that the recruiter who receives your email can locate your application and provide you with a status update.
I just got word today that my re-enrollment waiver has been approved. It didn't take as long as I thought it would. Feeling very lucky right now.
formersapper said:
Quick update. Paperwork is in. If all goes well, I will belong to 44 Field Engineer Squadron. I will most likely parade in North Van and Chilliwack though...

I have my Force test tomorrow morning - arranged it through contacts at 19 Wing in Comox. Then, at some point, I will go to the recruiting center in Victoria for the aptitude test (they can't find my original results from 1990) and the interview. Should be fun.

I have asked for a PLAR, and am preparing a detailed resume of my experience since leaving the Army to demonstrate that I have built on, and grown my leadership and planning skills.

Fingers crossed I get a reasonable offer. Otherwise, I won't be putting a uniform back on. I have thought about it, and while attending 2 and a half months of phase training would be a nice break, I can't leave my business or my family for that long. Too bad - I would really enjoy it!

Sooo - took the CFAT - still smart enough to do the job (Combat Engineer Officer) that I did for 6 years previously - phew!

Interview was a formality - and had to do some medical follow-ups.

Initial review of my medical information resulted in the finding that I wasn't fit for re-enrollment. Older people trying to get into the reserves be warned - the language on any reports from your Dr. needs to be very specific and demonstrate that you fit the medical category - regulations here: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/about-policies-standards-medical-occupations/cf-medical-category-system.page

I had my Dr. write a letter that quoted the regs and confirmed that I meet the requirements - just waiting for a response.

After that I have two security clearances to get through as I lived in both California and Ireland after getting out, and then we will see what is offered.

For those re-enrolling in the reserves, the authority to make an offer actually resides with the reserve formation commander - I found the regulation at one point but couldn't find it today...