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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

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krasny said:
well im glad the info i got here is not that ill get rejected but just that it will take some time due to normal factor of jobs available... but yeah thats a good point in 10 months / a year will there be red trades ... if its the only obstacle then i think its worth it. Its really difficult to get out of the submarine world unless medically unfit... well ill re enroll in chicoutimi quebec i think quebec is always a little behind with their quotas for recruitment.i could find a job there waiting ...

i know one guy with dolphin waiting to go firefighter ... did they do the process recently ?

It sounds like your main objective is to get out of the submarine trade,  and hoping to get fast tracked back in by accepting any red trade.  I think this is an ill advised and short sighted tactic that will bite you in the ass.  There are a boatload of risks in getting out for the sole purpose of getting back in, and things can change on a dime.  And just taking a trade because it is expediant for you does a disservice to you, the forces, and the person who really wanted the job whose position you took.

My advice is to hold out for a vot,  and be selective in what you want.  Rack up the pensionable time and dont burn any bridges.
Folks if you are a skilled applicant and you have been out for less than 5 years (in some cases longer than 5 years) and you are looking to re-enrol go to that link - it's for Skilled Air Force Managed Occupations.  NCM or Officer, we will assist you back into service. 

I need skilled AVS techs and skilled pilots; call me, leave a message, or fire me an email.  If you are a pilot I'll send you to my co-worker who just finished going through the re-enrolment process himself.

Can't hurt .. call me!  The process has indeed improved!
Hello all, I have searched for some information, but everything comes back from 2009. I am looking for current info.

I had just finished my POET course as an LCIS Tech, and I decided to get out. I was 22 when I left, I wanted to start my own business - which I did. I don't see a long term future with it.

I would like to re-apply as Air Force ACIST I think it is. My credit sucks, I think I need to declare a bankruptcy to get back in.

Will I have to redo boot camp and POET to get back in? Can I get in to a different trade that was similar (at least until POET) ?

Any advise is helpful!
Are you thinking ATIS Tech? That's the RCAF tech trade. ACISS (CST) is the new name for your old LCIS trade.
Thanks! I was thinking:

(Air Force version of LCIS?) Aerospace Telecommunication & Information Systems Technician


Avionics Systems Technician
I believe the skill fade is 5 years for technical courses (POET) and 10 years for BMQ. You should be able to bypass both.

What I think your big concern is what the credit check will hold. You need to find out the policies from the recruiting center ASAP, as simple bankruptcy might be a limiting factor for recruitment, despite your former service.
THANK YOU. That is extremely helpful information. I've enjoyed being out for 3 years, starting my own company here in Toronto, but have gone very broke in the process. (have just turned 26).

I have settlement letters with the companies, I'm in pretty regular communication with them. I've settled 3/5 accounts over the last year, I only have 5k outstanding, and 10k owing on my student line of credit. My credit rating is awful, but this can all be fixed within 5 years.

Last year when I re-applied, the officer who did my entrance interview only spoke to be for about 5 minutes. "Everything looks fine except for your credit, you won't be able to join with your current situation. You *could* declare bankruptcy."

Thanks again, the info about BMQ and POET was awesome. I would hate to redo POET... So... Hard... !!!

EDIT: Will I need to re-qualify for a tech trade on CFAT?
Andy, I am not 100% sure but I think I have read somewhere that, if you declare bankruptcy you won't be able to join either, you would have to wait a certain time before you could rejoin. I would call a recruiter and check with him, to me it sounded like he was saying you can't join with your credit at the moment, and a recent bankruptcy would be a show stopper too so don't worry too much about what course you would have to re do because I think you need to get a definitive answer before doing anything. I am pretty sure  bankruptcy is a big deal not only for your re enrollment but in many aspect of your life it is going to have repercussion so make some calls get your question answered and then make a decision, that's what I would do. Note that I am not a recruiting expert, I did spent quite some time reading topics on the forum but that's it good luck with everything I hope everything works out for you. My  :2c:
Hey long time lurker but yet to post. So far so good for information on here without having to ask any questions. Anyways my TOS are coming up (first 3) and I seem to be in the same boat as krasny. But I'm infantry and would like to go boatswain. The general consensus seems to be that I should do a VOT as opposed to a release and enrollment.

I saw eye in the sky post something about combat arms, which I am (QL3) so is all I need that plus 48 months? And mainly do I have to wait until a canforgen comes out and then apply for a VOT or can I just go down to the BPSO and start the process/notify my CofC? I'll stay in regardless and just continually try to apply. And I don't know if it makes any difference but on the forces website it says currently recruiting for boatswain.
I spent about 7 years in the Army Reserves (armoured), including doing my DP2.  I have been out for roughly the past 2 years now, but I am strongly considering re-joining reg force.

I was wondering if any of my passed experience would have any bearing or if I would be starting from scratch again.  I have no problem with doing it all over.  I will be there to learn. 

  I am just curious.
I got back in reg force after 4 years out of the reserve. I bypassed BMQ and SQ.
I think you have 5 years to get back in without doing every courses again
Free071 said:
I spent about 7 years in the Army Reserves (armoured), including doing my DP2.  I have been out for roughly the past 2 years now, but I am strongly considering re-joining reg force.

I was wondering if any of my passed experience would have any bearing or if I would be starting from scratch again.  I have no problem with doing it all over.  I will be there to learn. 

  I am just curious.

Free071, I merged your topic with this, as it was the closest and most relevent to what you are looking for, providing you are looking to go into the same trade.  Look up a few posts to what DAA wrote, about how things will work.  And generally speaking, you have 5 years to get back in without having to redo courses.  The caveat is though, if there have been significant changes to the qualifcation standards while you were out, or in your case there are some big differences between the RegF and Reserve trade quals.  The only way to know for certain is you have to apply and let the system do it's job.

Hatchet Man
Milnet.ca Staff
Thanks for the information guys.  My application is in (online).  I will speak to a recruiter on what my options are.
Just one quick question.  When I applied online, I noted all my previous service, including my service number.  Is it normal to get the default "Proof of citizenship/education/age" email reply?  I served for quite some time, so I meet those requirements obviously.
Free071 said:
Just one quick question.  When I applied online, I noted all my previous service, including my service number.  Is it normal to get the default "Proof of citizenship/education/age" email reply?  I served for quite some time, so I meet those requirements obviously.

I would think it is a default question.  You are after all dealing with a machine.
Free071 said:
Just one quick question.  When I applied online, I noted all my previous service, including my service number.  Is it normal to get the default "Proof of citizenship/education/age" email reply?  I served for quite some time, so I meet those requirements obviously.

If that email came from  jobs@forces.ca  then that is your "que" to contact your local CFRC to start your processing.  No one is going to call you, YOU have to call them!

Good luck!
Well, looks like the recruiting process has certainly changed.  I'll get on the phone with them asap.  Thanks again for the info.
Hey guys.
I saw alot of information on this thread but its alot of old information and I'm interested in current information. I released in august of 2013 from infantry DP1. I VR'd because I felt like the infantry wasn't the right trade for me. I wanted to put in an OT but we were told that the OT process was backed up and that if one put in an OT before April then it wouldn't get looked at until February (and it was May at this time.) I was under the impression that if I put in an OT it would take around 2 years before it got looked at. Whether or not this is the case is irrelevant. I do have a friend who recently transferred from the Air force into the Navy but I don't know when she put in her paperwork. I talked to the guys at the recruiting center and they told me it would be 12 months before I could re-enlist. I learned that the trades I want to re-enlist in are "high in math and sciences" so I'm upgrading my math and science credits through distance learning. They also told me to get some community service, although I already have 240+ hrs. I'm wondering if anyone could tell me how long I could expect it to take to re-enlist and what I could do in the meantime to make me more competitive.

P.S. My trade choices are navcomm, sonar, weng-tech, e-tech and bosun.
I'm wondering if anyone could tell me how long I could expect it to take to re-enlist and what I could do in the meantime to make me more competitive.

Ultrasound said:
I talked to the guys at the recruiting center and they told me it would be 12 months before I could re-enrol. They also told me to get some community service

You complain that information here is old, so you went to a recruiting centre and they told you 12 months and start volunteering....So....what do you want people here to tell you?  Something different and more to your liking?
Yup, you have to wait a "minimum" of 12 months from the effective date of your release, which would probably be Aug 14 and then it's still not a given.  You will have to "prove" that you overcame the problems which made you VR.

How long will you wait?  Too many factors to give you any reasonable answer but shortest would be 6 months after you re-apply.

And to expand on what HatchMan said, this thread may contain "old" information but Army.ca is probably the most "current".

Also, I wouldn't take what your Recruiting Centre told you as "gospel".  Upgrading your math and science credits may not be of much use, unless you know "exactly" which High School credits you need in order to apply for your occupation choices.