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US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs ??? - Vote Hard with a Vengence

Not entirely accurate. There is far more grey area here than you'd like to admit.
I fully admit there is grey. You have on multiple occasions accused me of “fence sitting” when I present grey areas. Glad to see we can agree that things are never black and white. Happy to hear what those gray areas you see in the two matters I posited. You said you were against Russia holding the territory it took. You agreed that Russia was a threat.

So what are the gray areas that make what I say not entirely accurate when I say we agree on those points?
Yes Russia is a threat, Capt Obvious.
No need for the ad hominem. Those normally reflect a poor position or lack of confidence in one’s argument. I’m trying to agree on certain facts so we can see where the discord might be.
I don't know how, but I suspect he will be more effective than the DNC alternatives have been or will be.
That isn’t exactly a convincing argument.

How about this. What “ought” Trump do to counter the Russian threat? Or at least what you think he ought do.

“I don’t know” isn’t a strong position to be formulating an opinion beyond “feelings”.
Ok - tell me where I’m wrong then.
A few excerpts that warrant not taking any of that seriously:

"Trump capitalized on Russian meddling to win"
"Trump refused to say Putin is a killer"
"Trump hired Manafort..."

All garbage.

But do you recall while Trump was president American soldiers killed a bunch of Russians attacking their position in Syria? I'd hardly attribute that to benefitting Putin.
Perfect. So we agree that any negotiated peace with Ukraine that involves Ukraine giving up their territory that has been taken is a bad thing.

It seems we also agree that Russia is in fact a threat.

I’m wondering what insight you might have into how he will deal with that situation?
To be honest I don't have confidence in either party doing a good job supporting Ukraine. Nor in the State Department.
I fully admit there is grey. You have on multiple occasions accused me of “fence sitting” when I present grey areas. Glad to see we can agree that things are never black and white. Happy to hear what those gray areas you see in the two matters I posited. You said you were against Russia holding the territory it took. You agreed that Russia was a threat. What is negotiated to end a war is anyone's guess. I happen to believe Trump will orchestrate a position of advantage for NATO rather than one of disadvantage.

So what are the gray areas that make what I say not entirely accurate when I say we agree on those points? The grey are the terms of peace. Ending the war and ensuring NATO remains in a position to counter Russia is the ultimate goal.

No need for the ad hominem. Those normally reflect a poor position or lack of confidence in one’s argument. I’m trying to agree on certain facts so we can see where the discord might be. I don't think that is ad hominem. If I were to say "stop whining" is that also ad hominem?

That isn’t exactly a convincing argument.

How about this. What “ought” Trump do to counter the Russian threat? Or at least what you think he ought do. To counter Russia, NATO must be stronger than it is while not backing Russia into a corner. Forcing other NATO members to have a legitimate defence budget is a good start, burden sharing. So far, I only see Trump's tactics generating any kind of result on that. Pressuring EU countries to rely less on Russian energy so they are not under a thumb is another... a strong and energy rich economy will help all of this along. So curtailing resource development in favor of a CCP backed "green energy" initiative is the opposite. Border integrity, a weak border with mass immigration problems stresses a country taking time and money to solve (it's never solved), all energy that could be focused on real strategic threats.

“I don’t know” isn’t a strong position to be formulating an opinion beyond “feelings”. I base my position from observations of past and current action. Nothing to do with feelings. In fact, most of the opposition to 45 is based on people "feeling" things like hate or anger from bullshit media and political opposition narratives.
A few excerpts that warrant not taking any of that seriously:

"Trump capitalized on Russian meddling to win"
"Trump refused to say Putin is a killer"
"Trump hired Manafort..."

All garbage.

But do you recall while Trump was president American soldiers killed a bunch of Russians attacking their position in Syria? I'd hardly attribute that to benefitting Putin.

But he also likely divulged classified info that forced the US to exfil some of their spies in Russia.


But he also likely divulged classified info that forced the US to exfil some of their spies in Russia.

Did he? From that very article there is also this from the CIA public affairs officer: "Misguided speculation that the President’s handling of our nation’s most sensitive intelligence—which he has access to each and every day—drove an alleged exfiltration operation is inaccurate.”

Based off how the US handled the Clinton bathroom server scandal and her emails I can only conclude neither situation is serious at all. So it's basically a wash.