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US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs Harris - Vote Hard with a Vengence

Candidates over the years have tried to incorporate Joe Lunchbucket in their campaign material. This (IMHO) is the best of the lot. Even if one disagrees with the Governor's politics, you gotta love his truck.


Statistically, how does that even work? Or is he being “sarcastic” again?

How about jobs that require security clearances that mean you must be a US Citizen, like…oh, I don’t know…most of the US military and federal govt?

Or, how are they “welfare queens” but still taking all of the jobs? The mind boggles!

Statistically, how does that even work? Or is he being “sarcastic” again?

How about jobs that require security clearances that mean you must be a US Citizen, like…oh, I don’t know…most of the US military and federal govt?
He’s a compulsive liar, and he surrounds himself with suckers who believe it. Why would that stop now?

Statistically, how does that even work? Or is he being “sarcastic” again?

How about jobs that require security clearances that mean you must be a US Citizen, like…oh, I don’t know…most of the US military and federal govt?

Or, how are they “welfare queens” but still taking all of the jobs? The mind boggles!
He basically confirms bias for his followers…and they fall for it.
He isn't the only one that does that... but he is the most obvious.
The question is why he says stuff like this, or the “women won’t need to think about abortion” post, or the “eating the pets” remark.

Then doubling down when fact-checked.

I mean, as someone with a 50-50 shot at either being POTUS or in the inside of a cell, I would think that he would want to say fewer things that turn him off potential supporters.

His pets remark is a viral meme (and not in a good way), and I’m sure that telling women that they “won't need to think about abortion” because it’s back to the States (which may or may not allow it) is a great way to gain the support of half of the electorate.
The question is why he says stuff like this, or the “women won’t need to think about abortion” post, or the “eating the pets” remark.

Then doubling down when fact-checked.

I mean, as someone with a 50-50 shot at either being POTUS or in the inside of a cell, I would think that he would want to say fewer things that turn him off potential supporters.

His pets remark is a viral meme (and not in a good way), and I’m sure that telling women that they “won't need to think about abortion” because it’s back to the States (which may or may not allow it) is a great way to gain the support of half of the electorate.
You're making the mistake of assuming that the people who will be swung one way or the other care about his inane ramblings. You're also "nut picking" the oddest things he says, and ignoring the things he says that actually resonate with voters.

I think he's a raging idiot, but I also don't presume to know how the average American perceives him vs the other option. Remember, a vote "for" him can just as easily be a vote "against" Harris. Kind of like how a vote "for" Trudeau can simply be a vote "against" PP...

I know we are mixing posts/forums, but every argument for voting LPC/Trudeau can be use for voting Trump/GOP.
You're making the mistake of assuming that the people who will be swung one way or the other care about his inane ramblings. You're also "nut picking" the oddest things he says, and ignoring the things he says that actually resonate with voters.
Fair, but that’s a total package. Also, given his history of stiffing folks he was supposed to be paying, turning on his supporters when/if they had any hint of “disloyalty”, I have a deep suspicion on whether he would actually follow through on those things that resonate with voters.

I think he's a raging idiot, but I also don't presume to know how the average American perceives him vs the other option. Remember, a vote "for" him can just as easily be a vote "against" Harris. Kind of like how a vote "for" Trudeau can simply be a vote "against" PP...

I know we are mixing posts/forums, but every argument for voting LPC/Trudeau can be use for voting Trump/GOP.
There’s one other point with Trump specifically though. He is at least partially running (if not his whole point of running) to prevent being thrown in jail.
There’s one other point with Trump specifically though. He is at least partially running (if not his whole point of running) to prevent being thrown in jail.
Recently I've noticed that on Twitter, Musk has been retweeting done if the more extreme/aggressive takes on the diresness of the election, such as that electing Trump is the only way to save America, and that if Harris is elected it will be the literal end of democracy, etc. He's been echoing Trump support for a while now, but these more extreme posts seem more recent, and it got me wondering. I wonder if he TOO is worried about something in his closet and knows that Trump will support/pardon him, while Harris's DOJ would see him in jail (for whatever it is that's in his closet).
Recently I've noticed that on Twitter, Musk has been retweeting done if the more extreme/aggressive takes on the diresness of the election, such as that electing Trump is the only way to save America, and that if Harris is elected it will be the literal end of democracy, etc. He's been echoing Trump support for a while now, but these more extreme posts seem more recent, and it got me wondering. I wonder if he TOO is worried about something in his closet and knows that Trump will support/pardon him, while Harris's DOJ would see him in jail (for whatever it is that's in his closet).
Too be honest Musk seems almost desperate. You do have to wonder if the door to his closet is about to pop open ?
Too be honest Musk seems almost desperate. You do have to wonder if the door to his closet is about to pop open ?
It may also be that he wants a monopoly on EVs. A Trump administration with Musk as an advisor certainly could enable that.

In the “take the payment and run” theme, that is diabolical :sneaky:
Just what every boy billionaire wants his very own country !
Although if pressed he might, might settle for a Cabinet Post.
I suspect being an ambassador would be beneath him.