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Unofficial Wardiary Census


Army.ca Legend
Reaction score
Here are the results of this poll, from the conversion:

Poll Results: Unofficial Wardiary Census  (195 votes.)

What is your Element?

Land Force 69% (134)
Air Force 4% (7)
Navy 3% (6)
Civilian 17% (33)
Cadet 7% (13)
Other 1% (2)

What is your Component?

Regular Force 26% (50)
Reserve Force 45% (87)
Canadian Ranger 1% (1)
CIC 1% (2)
Cadet 7% (13)
Civilian 19% (38)
Other 2% (4)

Which describes your service?

Retired/no-longer serving in the CF 14% (28)
Still serving in the CF 55% (107)
Current applicant to the CF 19% (37)
never served 7% (13)
Married to a soldier/sailor/airman 0% (0)
RCMP 0% (0)
US Military service 0% (0)
UK Military service 1% (1)
Australian Military service 0% (0)
Other NATO Military service 0% (0)
Other Commonwealth military service 0% (0)
Other foreign military service 1% (1)
Other 4% (8)

What is your rank (or what was your rank on departure)?

Civilian 16% (32)
Cadet 7% (13)
Pte 28% (55)
Cpl 16% (32)
MCpl 7% (13)
Sgt 3% (6)
WO 4% (8)
MWO 1% (2)
CWO 1% (1)
OCdt 6% (11)
2Lt 3% (5)
Lt 1% (2)
Capt 4% (8)
Maj 1% (1)
LCol 1% (2)
Col 0% (0)
BGen 0% (0)
MGen 0% (0)
LGen 0% (0)
Gen 0% (0)
Other 2% (4)

Large Double-Double?

Yes 58% (114)
No 42% (81)

Inspired by the Current Ranks poll; what is your military history/status?
Timmies Large Double-Double..... is that not NATO standard? I believe there is even a NSN for it.

Did you her that they are considering making a Timmies a protected landmark in all CDN cities.

Interesting. I always thought there was more than just one Army Cadet on this site.
With the exception of 9 people who have applications at the CFRC and one from a foreign military, everybody here has served in the CF? I would have thought that at least one person has never served.
I just said the dumbest thing to myself I ever have said before. Except maybe "Pssh how hard can SQ and BIQ be." and "A reg force course officer and warrant sweet easy morning PT" I was sitting here looking at the poll results and I thought of something so dumb I Have to share it. : "Gee most of the people in the forum are army and not other services." And then I stopped thought and slapped myself sor being dumb. And if you dont get the joke think of thge name of this site.
You are right Pte Lickers, but I still thought we would see some representation form (Non Canadian) NATO soldiers. I guess this really is Canadian Army.
Looks like ther are a few of us in the queue for the next Basic Training, biting our nails while we wait for application updates, and when we are not running on treadmills, we jog over to Tim‘s.

Make mine a double-double! Tim Horton‘s rocks!
Two fingers Baileys with coffee for colour!
