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UK SF Trooper Reported Killed Rescuing NY Times Reporter in AFG

The Bread Guy

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Condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of the fallen.  :salute:

From the New York Times:
Stephen Farrell, a New York Times reporter held captive by militants in northern Afghanistan, was freed in a military commando raid early Wednesday, but his Afghan interpreter was killed during the rescue effort.

A British commando was also killed in the raid, a senior allied official in Afghanistan said.

Armed gunmen seized Mr. Farrell and his interpreter, Sultan Munadi, four days ago while they were working in a village south of Kunduz.

An Afghan journalist who spoke to villagers in the area said that civilians were also killed in the firefight to free the journalists. That report could not be independently verified, and details of the operation itself were sketchy.

Mr. Farrell and Mr. Munadi were abducted on Saturday while they were reporting the aftermath of NATO airstrikes on Friday that exploded two fuel tankers hijacked by Taliban militants. Afghan officials have said up to 90 people, including many civilians, were killed in the attack, which NATO officials are now investigating.

In a brief telephone call about 7:30 p.m. New York time on Tuesday, Mr. Farrell told Susan Chira, the foreign editor of The Times: “I’m out! I’m free!”

Ms. Chira said Mr. Farrell told her that he had been “extracted” by a commando raid carried out by “a lot of soldiers” in a fierce firefight with his captors. Mr. Farrell said he had also called his wife ....

From BBC Online:
A UK soldier has been killed during a dramatic raid to rescue a kidnapped journalist in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed.

He died in a firefight with the Taliban during the operation to free New York Times reporter Stephen Farrell.

Mr Farrell, who holds British and Irish nationality, was "extracted" by "a lot of soldiers", the New York Times said.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has praised the "tremendous effort" of the team that freed him, his spokesman said.

Flying bullets

The soldier's next of kin have been informed, the MoD said. The number of British soldiers killed in Afghanistan since 2001 is now 213.

Journalist Sultan Munadi, who worked as an interpreter with Mr Farrell, also died in the raid along with two more Afghan civilians.

Mr Farrell, 46, had travelled to Kunduz in northern Afghanistan to investigate an air strike last Friday on two hijacked fuel tankers when he was kidnapped.

The New York Times website reported he phoned the foreign editor of the newspaper at about 0030 BST (2330 GMT) on Wednesday and said: "I'm out! I'm free." Mr Farrell said he also called his wife....
From the UK's MoD:
It is with deep sadness that the Ministry of Defence confirms that Corporal John Harrison from The Parachute Regiment was killed in Afghanistan in the early hours of Wednesday 9 September 2009.

Corporal Harrison, aged 29, was part of an operation to free hostages from Taliban captivity. Stephen Farrell, a journalist of dual British/Irish nationality, was freed in the operation, which was supported by the Afghan authorities and our NATO allies. Sadly, it was not possible to rescue Mr Farrell's Afghan interpreter, Sultan Munadi.

The Harrison family made the following tribute:

    "We are absolutely heartbroken. John was a wonderful son, brother and a dedicated soldier who was greatly loved and cherished by all his family and friends."

Corporal John Harrison's Commanding Officer said:

    "Corporal John Harrison was an immensely capable, self-effacing and highly likeable soldier with an irrepressible humour. His hallmark was an undemonstrative, yet profound, professionalism; he cared deeply about his work, and more deeply still about those he commanded and served alongside. He was an unflinching and inspirational man with a deep, deep pool of courage, who died as he lived, at the forefront of his men.

    "He gave his life for his comrades and The Parachute Regiment, both of which meant so much to him. Although his passing is a sad day for us, every member of the Unit counts themselves privileged to have known such a tower of strength and we all are deeply honoured to have served alongside him.

    "Our thoughts and prayers now turn to his family and friends at this most difficult time. We hope that in the midst of their profound loss, they can draw strength from the fond memories that we all share of this remarkable man."

Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth said:

    "Corporal John Harrison put his life on the line to rescue others. He made the ultimate sacrifice and acted heroically in the face of great danger, in the best tradition of the British Armed Forces and in full knowledge of the risks he faced. My thoughts are with his family, friends and comrades at this difficult time."

Prime Minister Gordon Brown said on Wednesday 9 September 2009 (link to full statement):

    "Last night, Stephen Farrell, a journalist of dual British/Irish nationality, was freed from Taliban captivity in a British operation supported by the Afghan authorities and our NATO allies. He is now safe and well, receiving support from embassy staff and undergoing medical checks. Sadly, we were unable to rescue Stephen's Afghan interpreter, Sultan Munadi, and we send his family our condolences.

    "It is with very deep sadness that I must also confirm that, while acting with the greatest of courage in this most dangerous mission, one member of the British armed forces lost his life. His family has been informed, and our immediate thoughts are with them. His bravery will not be forgotten.

    "This operation was carried out after extensive planning and consideration. Those involved knew the high risks they were running. That they undertook it in such circumstances showed breathtaking heroism. I also want to thank the Afghan authorities and our NATO allies for their support.

    "Hostage taking is never justified, and the UK does not make substantive concessions, including paying ransoms. But whenever British nationals are kidnapped, we and our allies will do everything in our power to free them. As we all know, and as last night once again demonstrated, our armed forces have the skill and courage to act. They are truly the finest among us, and all of us in Britain pay tribute to them, and to the families and communities who sustain them in their awesome responsibilities."

The Harrison family has requested that the media respect their privacy at this difficult time.