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U.S. troops shoot at Cdn. diplomats' car in Iraq

your probably right Kevin or at least close.

I was just saying that either side will say it from their perspective and make themselfs look more right if need be. it's have you ever been in a car accident when you knew it was your fault but you kinda exagerrate it alittle bit so you seem less at fault? same thing.

but I mean a bunch of soldiers who are on edge from being shot at and suiced bombed etc etc I would imagine it wouldnt take much to set them off.
ChopperHead said:
but I mean a bunch of soldiers who are on edge from being shot at and suiced bombed etc etc I would imagine it wouldnt take much to set them off.

Which is why ONE is ALWAYS very very careful when approaching checkpoints or convoys...
i will wade in and offer my opinion. I think the picture gives clear direction of what is expected of anyone approaching and what the expected results. I am always leery of the second-guessing that happens after a soldier uses their weapon in what amounts to self-defence.

Many of the same comments were made when one of our solders shot a taxi in Kandahar. My point is American soldiers and public have seen a lot of their comrades, sons and daughter pay the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country. Many as a result of suicide bombers in Vehicle Borne IEDs. So if the shooter thinks someone is a threat, we should be reluctant to criticize. If this was an Iraqi taxi instead of Canadian Officials, we would have never heard of it. I personally feel the shooter showed remarkable restraint and good shooting skill to only pump the rounds into the engine block.

Perhaps, the lesson to be learned is respect all signs and check point instructions, and always use extra caution through passage of lines.  :salute:
So the Canadian owes his life to the disciplined American soldiers- firing into the air first and then engine block instead of into the windshield.
Why don't we all wait and see what the investigation comes up with.

Soldiers, US or not, aren't perfect, so it isn't outside the realm that a mistake was made by them. The Cdn diplomatic team (why did they, including Amb Holms (who wasn't there) suddenly become politicians?) may have made mistakes - they were inside the so-called Green Zone, which may explain the soft-skin, single vehicle, and a certain complacency and failure to pay attention to signals. From what I know about how Cdn diplomats travel in Iraq (and I know a little bit about it) they certainly wouldn't have gone outside the wire like that (DFAIT, by the way, is hardly too cheap to buy armoured vehicles for their diplomatic pers - some posts have several).

I know some of you guys have shedloads of experience, but how many of you are really familiar with the ground on which this incident occurred? Let's keep some perspective, m'kay?
I do not blame the young G.I. that shot at the Canadian Diplomats all he is tyring to do is make it home in one piece.His leadership is to blame.There the ones that got him in to the mess that is Iraq.The war there has not a thing to done with 9/11 or the war on terrorisim.
I hope we(Canada) do not get into the same thing in Afghanistan.

sorry dude but you completely lost me. I don't even know how to question that statement because it makes no sense. Iraq and A-Stan are very diffrent. What are you talking about
getting into the same thing in A-Stan? what "thing" are you referring to
Cadpat20 said:
I do not blame the young G.I. that shot at the Canadian Diplomats all he is tyring to do is make it home in one piece.His leadership is to blame.There the ones that got him in to the mess that is Iraq.The war there has not a thing to done with 9/11 or the war on terrorisim.
I hope we(Canada) do not get into the same thing in Afghanistan.

please come up with more input into your statement vis via leadership and please define "mess". It would be extremly helpful if you could also fill in your profile so I (we) can answer back in the aproperiate manner.
This should be in new posting but I asked what I meant. After more than 2 year in Iraq I do not think the Bush government
has got handle on what they  are doing there That the leadership I blame.The young G.Is are the ones paying the price.I hope that as Canada put more troops into Afghanistan the trend for al-Qaeda to use IED and car bombs does not cost use dearly.That the mess I mean.

Please return to your X Box, and Michael Moore movies.

Cadpat20 said:
This should be in new posting but I asked what I meant. After more than 2 year in Iraq I do not think the Bush government
has got handle on what they  are doing there That the leadership I blame.The young G.Is are the ones paying the price.I hope that as Canada put more troops into Afghanistan the trend for al-Qaeda to use IED and car bombs does not cost use dearly.That the mess I mean.

ummm...........errrrrr ,ahhhh looking for the the translator.
I agree with Acorn on this.  Let's wait to get the full facts.  I was on duty when the incident happened, and I still don't have enough to base a judgement on.  I can look at it from both points of view I suppose. 
As far as the A-stan, Iraq rhetoric from Cadpat......that's a whole other can of worms.....let's stick to the subject at hand before we get dragged into a philosophical debate on the war in Iraq.....and I thought the term "G.I" went out with the Vietnam era?
Dont think I've laughed this hard in awhile. God I love how people come up with things... ::)
A few things that are common knowlege on the streets of Iraq:

Never pass any convoy, EVER.

The signs on the back of PSD and military convoys dont need to be readable, anyone who has been here more than 2 days knows to stay well back.

100 metres ? They start shooting at 150.

If you get shot at, chances are you deserved it, wake up.
I've even seen these signs on the News......Cant see how they would continue to try and pass. WOuld be really nice to get the whole story...or at least one story. Anyways no one got hurt...hope it does not happen again. :warstory: