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Trump administration 2024-2028

One US legislator wants to prevent the US military from being used to annex territory.
A stunt. Congress already has authority to restrain military operations by presidents, assuming they care to exercise it. If they won't exercise it, unnecessary showboat legislation won't help.
Perhaps that characteristic can be put to better use.


Meanwhile -

I noted in the Bloomberg video with the PM of Norway that I posted in the Europe thread the number of times that the PM referenced the UK, the Nordic Alliance and the Baltics, essentially the Joint Expeditionary Force. I have also noted the lack of support by Keir Starmer for Canada.
Britain may not be a reliable ally but, perhaps, we can make something out of the Nordics. They did reach out to us a couple of years ago and were turned down by our isolationist government. The same government that turned down Japan and Germany leaving us without friends.

But our window may be closing, if it hasn't closed already.

The US has been supportive of the Joint Expeditionary Force even when Sweden and Finland were neutral. The USMC and the USN has exercised with JEF since 2014.

Trump seems to be quite happy to have the Europeans look after Europe but not thrilled if Europe extends into Greenland. How thrilled would he be if Europe extended into Canada?



In the US, Indian, Ukrainian and Turkish press

The British, Swedish and Danish press all seem very quiet about Canada's woes.




Is it noteworthy how much of Ontario's power is generated on the shores of the Great Lakes and St Lawrence Seaway?
How long to prep for demolition ?
What can I say I'm a scorched earth kind of guy ?
Fuck me, but is he ever stupid. I know we sometimes joke about Americans not looking at maps, but he’s the Secretary of State for God’s sake.
While defending anyone in the Trump administration makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit I think people are misinterpreting what Rubio is saying about Russia on the border of Poland.
"without Starlink Ukraine would have lost this war long ago and Russians would be on the border with Poland right now"
He's suggesting that without Starlink the Russians would have been able to defeat Ukraine and occupy it completely (questionable at best) meaning that Russian troops would be poised along the current Ukraine/Poland border. Not that their forces would be free to deploy along a non-existent current Russia/Poland border.

Ick. I have to go shower now...
I read yesterday that Trump wanted the actual Declaration of Independence to be moved to the White House (how incredibly selfish to want to take the founding document of government "Of the People, by the People, for the People" away from where the actual people can go and see it and move it to where only a chosen few can), but he will have to settle for one of the original (and still rare) reproduction.

That's nice, but did he ever read it and try to understand the meaning?

Basically, how does he square the following passage, "government are instituted among Men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed ...", with his current obsession of annexing Canada, Greenland and parts of Panama where, in all three cases, the "governed" have made it abundantly and unambiguously clear they do not consent to being governed by the USA.
Ironic indeed. Sadly, he only needs the (at least perceived) consent of those he governs - and we see how the info space is being shaped to massage that kind of consent for annexation :(
A stunt. Congress already has authority to restrain military operations by presidents, assuming they care to exercise it. If they won't exercise it, unnecessary showboat legislation won't help.


The War Powers Resolution requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States. The resolution was passed by two-thirds each of the House and Senate, overriding the veto of President Richard Nixon.

It has been alleged that the War Powers Resolution has been violated in the past. However, Congress has disapproved all such incidents, and no allegations have resulted in successful legal actions taken against a president.



How far can you drive from Forts Lewis and Drum in 48 hours? How far can you fly from Elmendorf and Bragg?

How much can be accomplished in 60 days? 90 if the withdrawal is active?

And, then, will the Congress deny him funds to continue?


I don't see this as a stunt. I see it as a demonstration.
A stunt. Congress already has authority to restrain military operations by presidents, assuming they care to exercise it. If they won't exercise it, unnecessary showboat legislation won't help.
A stunt perhaps, but the process will reveal which Republicans are on record as voting against it, which can then be used as political capital.



How far can you drive from Forts Lewis and Drum in 48 hours? How far can you fly from Elmendorf and Bragg?

How much can be accomplished in 60 days? 90 if the withdrawal is active?

And, then, will the Congress deny him funds to continue?


I don't see this as a stunt. I see it as a demonstration.

As I am reading that and rethinking it:

2 Regular force Stryker Brigades at Fort Lewis under the 7th Div and a National Guard Stryker Brigade.
2 Regular force Stryker Brigades at Fort Carson under the 4th Div
1 National Guard Stryker Brigade in Pennsylvania

All returning to London....