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True updates about new BMQ / FORCE / EXPRES (NO RUMOURS)

Eye In The Sky said:
If you've never done the EXPRES or FORCE fitness tests, what makes you think one is 'easier' than the other?

Regardless of which test you do, I'm going spoil your New Years and say if you can't do 19 pushups, you are likely going to be in the hurt locker at the Mega.  It is not only the PT test that can send a recruit off Platoon.  We had guys recourse from Week 6 back to Week 2 when I went thru years ago, and I'd bet a box o donut holes there will be folks recoursed back weeks in 2014.
I failed the EXPRES and passed the FORCE
Before I did the EXPRES I underestimated my pushups and I did 2 out of 9....
(I am a woman under 35 years and fairly active)
Clearly I did not prepare enough for it and I was so discouraged because those pushups were nuts... I did the FORCE test with no training and preparing and passed it. I found it much easier but harder at the same time.
It was harder because I was lifting 20kgs when I normally lift 20lbs. It was easier because I had lots of time and lots of support and encouragement from the people marking me. They were actually in the army unlike the FORCE test where it was just some broad from the university..
My times were good enough to pass but need improvement. I was very pleased with myself and it's encouraging me to get the times down! I did the Sand bag drag in 25 seconds !