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Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

What are the odds that at the same time both the Canadian PM and the POTUS are each thoroughly garbage to the extent they both should resign to save their party, but instead are hanging on for dear life. And both have some nefarious connection to China.
Sajjan figured out what the problem is. He's getting picked on (again) because he's wearing a turban.
Played the racism card:

Sajjan calls allegations he instructed Canadian special forces to rescue Afghan Sikhs “utter BS”

What are the odds that at the same time both the Canadian PM and the POTUS are each thoroughly garbage to the extent they both should resign to save their party, but instead are hanging on for dear life. And both have some nefarious connection to China.

The radical left is falling like a house of cards across the globe. It's a wonderful sight.
Played the racism card:

Sajjan calls allegations he instructed Canadian special forces to rescue Afghan Sikhs “utter BS”

Regardless of if he is playing the race card, he has a massive reputation of dishonesty and a lack of integrity.

He could argue that the sky was blue and I'd still need to look up and make sure myself.
Setting political mud-slinging aside, by any objective measure she is very experienced and accomplished, and she’s only 55.

Nothing wrong with retiring before age 55. There's a lot to be said for loafing. :)

Setting political mud-slinging aside

Worse things than retirement,

Public instances of threats and intimidation of women in public life have intensified in recent weeks, with significant examples of abuse targeted toward politicians — most recently, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland — as well as activists and journalists.
Cracks in the dyke, or spitting into the wind?
By itself, meh. If this leads to others piping up publicly, maaaaaaaaaaybe the snowball can begin?

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Cracks in the dyke, or spitting into the wind?
By itself, meh. If this leads to others piping up publicly, maaaaaaaaaaybe the snowball can begin?

Looks like the Guilbeault got recorded during a phone conversation on a VIA train, and someone has the transcript of at least his side of the conversation…. 😆

Earlier Friday, the Toronto Star reported that Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault was overheard in a train station this week discussing the situation and the unrest among the caucus.

Guilbeault responded to the story by issuing a statement that reiterated his loyalty to Trudeau and the party.

"One-sided conversations taken out of context do not reflect the open and honest exchanges that I routinely have with my caucus colleagues," Guilbeault said in the statement Friday.

"As I have said publicly many times, Prime Minister Trudeau has my full support, and I will continue to work to support Canadians."
I sure bet Sajjan is happy with the timing of the CDS leak.

Waaaaaait a minute...

Im Fine Fran Healy GIF by Travis
More, plus Carney as Finance Minister?

Liberal MP calls for Justin Trudeau to resign in email to caucus | Power & Politics


I guess the litmus test is whether the CPC ads start shifting from Trudeau to LPC in general.
They won't until he's gone. Why would they shift away from the face of the party before the final nail is in the coffin? Once he's gone, then they'll be able to switch to Singh as the prop up for Trudeau and finally demand an early election call once the LPC has a firm new leader. There is even more of a chance of an early election if the new LPC sacrificial lamb leader doesn't currently hold a seat.