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Training and relocation


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Hi everyone. I have searched and found some informative information, but was unable to find any that I thought could be applied to my situation.
My husband joined the forces in April of last year. Since then we have been apart. He is currently based in Kingston and has been for the last 9 months at the Canadian Forces school of Communication and Electronics. When he first arrived at Kingston he tried to have us (myself and his 2 children) moved to Kingston. They said that they couldn't move us there because it was considered a TD not a posting seeing as he was in training. Now (20 days from now in fact) he is set to graduate and move to Base Borden. He has already put in his application for a PMQ (are they still called PMQ's??) and we are waiting for the go ahead to move if they don't deny us again seeing as there he will be still in training getting his 3's. The question being (if we get approved for the PMQ) will the Army move us or will we have to come up with the money ourselves? I know the whole 'hurry up and wait' system but 20 days till grad time is starting to cut it a little short. My husband seems to be under the impression that they will come in, pack and move you, but from what I have gathered from the "VCR manual" like booklet produced by the CFIRP is they won't pay NCM's to move unless he has graduated from a military college or been in for 3 years. Is the CFSCE a military college?? If so, do they pack and move you like my husband suspects or do they reimburse you after the fact? Any info would definitely be helpful seeing as if not, I guess I have a house to pack.
If he receives the authorization to move his dependents and household goods and effects, then the CF will pay for the move.

I think the PMQs are now called RHUs (Residential Housing Units).  ;)