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Toronto Reserves

Maximum_Joe said:
Hi, sorry to bump this but I recently (Aug 28th) sent in an application + resume to 32cbgrecruiting@forces.gc.ca and I have received no confirmation of any kind from them as of yet. Is this normal or should I attempt to contact them some other way?


Hello Maximum_Joe,

Unfortunately, I cannot help you in this matter because I am neither affiliated with 32 CBG nor actively being processed with them. I suggest you try and find their contact number and call them, for what it's worth.
Maximum_Joe said:
Hi, sorry to bump this but I recently (Aug 28th) sent in an application + resume to 32cbgrecruiting@forces.gc.ca and I have received no confirmation of any kind from them as of yet. Is this normal or should I attempt to contact them some other way?


The unit parades every Thursday night as well, and it would be advisable to make a visit. Bring a resume with you and try to be there around 19:30
Maximum_Joe said:

Went in and was told to go through the recruitment process @ 4900 Yonge St.

With the 32 Service Battalion? If you are applying for a job in the PRes with them, they should have referred you to Corporal Currie or Corporal John. You can actually visit at any time the Armoury is open. When I went in June, I was referred to CFRC Toronto, but I stood my ground and explained that I had to get a letter from this unit before I could get processed there.

It turned out Corporal John wasn't there that day, so I actually had the honor of being "recruited" by the unit Sergent, Sgt. King. I'm going in for my PT test in about a week, and they're concerned about me not being able to make BMQ for this year. The good news is that 32 Service will allow you to parade on Thursdays with the rest of the unit as a uniformed and paid Untrained Private.

You can give Corporal Currie and Corporal John a call at 416-633-6200, ext. 2968.

The two Corporals seem to share an office, and both are extremely kind and helpful. I find that they only seem to be in the office at around 1:45 PM- any other time, and you'll likely get directed to voicemail.

They will probably give you the most accurate recruiting information about the unit at the moment, though you might be applying a bit late. I submitted my application back in June, and waited almost a month for a reply because they were "trying to send all the replies out at once".

Either way, contact the recruiters. You MUST get a letter of recommendation from 32 CBG to get processed at CFRC Toronto at 4900 Yonge.

I hope I helped!

