- Reaction score
- 118
- Points
- 680
Time wasted for ArmyVern
Birthday 1968-10-03 (39 Years, 59 Days, 12 Hours, 31 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 2005-18-09 (2 Years, 65 Days, 6 Hours, 46 Minutes ago)
Total Time Logged In 145 Days, 19 Hours, 44 Minutes
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 5.5635 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 18.336 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 1.0201 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 32.6
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 177.8
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0.03 *
* Calculated as if the user had been a paid subscriber since registration, with a $30 annual subscription rate. This figure shows the total subscription cost divided by the number of hours the user has been online.
Time wasted for ArmyVern
Birthday 1968-10-03 (39 Years, 59 Days, 12 Hours, 31 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 2005-18-09 (2 Years, 65 Days, 6 Hours, 46 Minutes ago)
Total Time Logged In 145 Days, 19 Hours, 44 Minutes
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 5.5635 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 18.336 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 1.0201 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 32.6
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 177.8
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0.03 *
* Calculated as if the user had been a paid subscriber since registration, with a $30 annual subscription rate. This figure shows the total subscription cost divided by the number of hours the user has been online.