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The Next Canadian Government

Meanwhile, in the now, the CPC hypocritically votes for increased inflationary deficit spending by supporting the Bloc's push to bribe seniors with more social transfers.

I get that right now literally everything is about toppling the government- but at what cost? In this case if it fails and the Liberals give in it's literally billions of taxpayers dollars on a failed gambit to make PP PM a year earlier. A broken clock is right twice a day, and in this case it's the Liberals taking the stand for fiscal conservativism. A principled PM in waiting should be able to find a way to still win politically while supporting a fleeting instance of good governance.

Plot twist: Raise OAS payments, but lower the thresholds where the clawback begins to make the "increase" net zero new funding.
Plot twist: Raise OAS payments, but lower the thresholds where the clawback begins to make the "increase" net zero new funding.
That's not in the current bill, and Blanchet is hard lining that it must pass as is.

We can only hope that the CPC has a fiscally responsible plan for OAS reform that they're not broadcasting, and that this is just politicking. But if the politicking fails the money still gets spent between now and next fall.
That's not in the current bill, and Blanchet is hard lining that it must pass as is.

We can only hope that the CPC has a fiscally responsible plan for OAS reform that they're not broadcasting, and that this is just politicking. But if the politicking fails the money still gets spent between now and next fall.
It's a motion, not a bill.
It's a motion, not a bill.
It's a motion to push the government into enacting a bill via royal recommendation.
Said bill does not contain language to adjust the clawback formula, and the Bloc has explicitly called for it to go through as written.
I’d argue that regular cleaning would probably prevent the extraction and filling, but that’s just me.
It isn't enough, if you're suggesting people can do six-month recalls and go without routine daily home care and not have cavities.
Meanwhile, in the now, the CPC hypocritically votes for increased inflationary deficit spending by supporting the Bloc's push to bribe seniors with more social transfers.

I get that right now literally everything is about toppling the government- but at what cost? In this case if it fails and the Liberals give in it's literally billions of taxpayers dollars on a failed gambit to make PP PM a year earlier. A broken clock is right twice a day, and in this case it's the Liberals taking the stand for fiscal conservativism. A principled PM in waiting should be able to find a way to still win politically while supporting a fleeting instance of good governance.
The existing amounts aren't enough for very low income seniors. The flaw in the program is the means testing. If progressives want to cleave to philosophies of transferring money to individuals who can't or won't look after all their own needs, they ought to make the hard choices to do it everywhere - cut other spending, shift some nice-but-not-necessary individual spending down the list until we have more revenues later, or increase taxes.
This could be an easy win for the Torries. They support the bill as is, and after forming the government, insert some tweaks. Most notably, they can adjust the clawback schedule.