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The Most unbelievable thing ever heard on a Parade...

Kiwi99 said:
How about a very senior Patricia, served for years, addressing one of the Battalions as Princess Patricias Canadian Light Artillery?  Sounded rather odd at the time.

Mighta been commenting on someone "shooting his mouth off" once too often

From a sapper's perspective, I think it's funny :D  >:D
AEC Kapp said:
I saw a video of a speech of his while at CFLRS as part of a leadership class. I'll see if I can find it on the DIN tomorrow.

that would be great, I really want to see this comment, really can't believe this stuff came out of the mouth out of anyone, much less a general officer.
Kiwi99 said:
How about a very senior Patricia, served for years, addressing one of the Battalions as Princess Patricias Canadian Light Artillery?  Sounded rather odd at the time. 

Remember the CO who told his men to wear pantyhose under their uniforms to keep warm on parade? 
Late 80s standing outside the Mega in St Jean and hearing the OC, Maj tête de merde, ordering the assembled OCdts to remove their tunics so he could make sure that their shirts were ironed properly.  It was about -45 degrees Celsius with the windchill at the time.
In 1960 a few months before I left the regiment to go on officer training, I was serving in M Bty, 4 RCHA in Petawawa. Our new battery commander either had a very dry sense of humour or was a complete dingbat; I'm still not sure yet. Anyway, we had had one of those sudden rushes of deaths of parents and grandparents that occur from time to time right out of the blue and defy all the laws of probability. On the next battery parade the major acknowledged that a number of the troops had suddenly and unexpectedly lost loved ones. After expressing his sympathy, he advised the battery to try and save some relatives for emergencies.
lone bugler said:
that would be great, I really want to see this comment, really can't believe this stuff came out of the mouth out of anyone, much less a general officer.

You've got his post all wrong. You need to go back and read to whom he was referring.

Because "stuff" that came out of A/C Leonard Birchall's mouth -- is very worthy of coming out of many more mouths.
The most unbelievable thing I heard on the parade square was "Promoted to Sgt from A Coy, Sgt ******" and I found myself marching up to be promoted. :)
"So, today I had the opportunity to hear the most incredulous, unbelievable, mind-boggling comment I have ever heard from a Reviewing Officer in all of my 23 years of wearing this uniform, and I am curious about what you on this forum make of the comment. For the sake of my own career, I will not mention any names, but I will say that the reviewing officer was a BGen."

Obviously you never got to enjoy a J*mmy  C*x special.
Kat Stevens said:
"So, today I had the opportunity to hear the most incredulous, unbelievable, mind-boggling comment I have ever heard from a Reviewing Officer in all of my 23 years of wearing this uniform, and I am curious about what you on this forum make of the comment. For the sake of my own career, I will not mention any names, but I will say that the reviewing officer was a BGen."

Obviously you never got to enjoy a J*mmy  C*x special.

Funny - I was pulling on a pair of socks today, and noticed that the "toe seam thread" on one was blue, and on the other was red.  Jimmy came immediately and horribly to mind.
I thought everyone LOVED Jittering Jimmy. >:D  Have you ever heard that man on a radio, trying to issue FRAG Orders to a Brigade? :threat:  I've have Root canals that weren't that painful.  I remember him in Calgary demanding that one of the female MCpl's remove her TTTTTTTTTTrouserrrrrrrrrrrrs, so he could ensure that she was wearing Military BBBBBBB'BBBBBBoxer shorts.
Old and Tired said:
I thought everyone LOVED Jittering Jimmy. >:D  Have you ever heard that man on a radio, trying to issue FRAG Orders to a Brigade? :threat:  I've have Root canals that weren't that painful.  I remember him in Calgary demanding that one of the female MCpl's remove her TTTTTTTTTTrouserrrrrrrrrrrrs, so he could ensure that she was wearing Military BBBBBBB'BBBBBBoxer shorts.

My wife was on that parade, a file or two down from that (or perhaps another) MCpl.  Although only a Pte at the time, she determined that if he demanded to see any of HER underwear, she'd take the charge.  We'll never know the strength of her resolve, he passed her by.
Most unbelievable thing I heard:

"During this past exercise, the leadership of the Bn performed immaculately. I ascribe our current failure to a lack of motivation of the junior ranks."

This was after an exercise when the Coy Comd in question launched a Coy quick attack from a different Attack Position from that he gave in his orders, and at the worst possible angle from the firebase. He actually formed us up on parade to say this. It was a lesson in what not to do as a leader that I'll never forget (I was a Cpl at the time).
"Remember the CO who told his men to wear pantyhose under their uniforms to keep warm on parade?"

Tony the Tiger Anderson, 3PPCLI ,October 1986 if memory serves. I was in penal (A) coy. I could not believe my ears.
I actually heard that in a recently released movie about a soldier killed upon returning from Iraq...  I actually wrote it in my field pad to verify with google.  Appearently panty hose insulates well.  I have yet to verify.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
I bet it melts real well too

Without requiring the application of "flame" too!!

And man, trust me on this one, those bastards can run like the devil.  ;)

Which then, of course, makes any "insulating" properties they once held ... moot.
Bob Terwilliger said:
"Remember the CO who told his men to wear pantyhose under their uniforms to keep warm on parade?"

Tony the Tiger Anderson, 3PPCLI ,October 1986 if memory serves. I was in penal (A) coy. I could not believe my ears.

I was in 10 platoon at the time.  Afterwards, Sgt B****** was so aggitated about it, he almost threw his rifle through a window...

dangerboy said:
The most unbelievable thing I heard on the parade square was "Promoted to Sgt from A Coy, Sgt ******" and I found myself marching up to be promoted. :)

I imagine it was unbelievable to everyone on parade! ;D ;)
Kat Stevens said:
"So, today I had the opportunity to hear the most incredulous, unbelievable, mind-boggling comment I have ever heard from a Reviewing Officer in all of my 23 years of wearing this uniform, and I am curious about what you on this forum make of the comment. For the sake of my own career, I will not mention any names, but I will say that the reviewing officer was a BGen."

Obviously you never got to enjoy a J*mmy  C*x special.

A bad joke played on the Patricias from the Royals! :threat: