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The most dangerous things in the Army ... (besides Vern ;-) )

Shamrock said:
Bah, where's your sense of adventure?

I fly on a 27 year old airplane 300 feet above the water at over 200 miles per hour directly towards giant containers ships in near-zero visibility and near-hurricane weather.

How's that ?
heh.... the young, stupid and lazy who want to light coleman lanterns and stoves INSIDE the 5 & 10 man tents.....

NICE!  (and dumb!)
Sig_Des said:
Baked Chocolate Dessert in the Cabbage Roll IMP (comes with it's own glass and plastic bits, care of Ex Maple Guardian)
That hard crystallized substance that you refer to as "glass" was actually a common substance used by most people, we like to call it sugar.  ;)
(Our Pl medic actually tested this out by dissolving the "glass" in hot water.)
The Anti-Royal said:
A lieutenant with a CD... 

Hey now, Ive known a few of those, they're not all bad.  Promoted from the ranks and all that...
Lieutenant with CD - CFR - That's why they are dangerous !  ;D
Anybody know the record for how many stacks on an immersion heater?  A buddy and I got 6 stacks on once...you light it on two, then lift the segment of four (secured with WD wire for guys lines, of course) slowly up onto the first two...then you crank the fuel tap wide open!  :evil:  ...I won't forget the eerie howling the thing made, and the plume of thick black exhaust if chuffed out (before the burn chamber melted through and the water put it out...)  ;D

A digital camera in your pocket with live batteries...... its potential for damaging insights has no limit.

OK - the sticker says I WIN! :)
The Anti-Royal said:
A lieutenant with a CD or a major without one.

I should clarify . . . I had in mind the kind of lieutenant that had not/not been commissioned from the ranks or been through the OCTP (M)/UTP (M) (or whatever the heck those programs are being called now).
The Anti-Royal said:
I should clarify . . . I had in mind the kind of lieutenant that had not/not been commissioned from the ranks or been through the OCTP (M)/UTP (M) (or whatever the heck those programs are being called now).
Considering that promotion from Lt to Capt is usually a "time in rank" + "Med fit" + "PT fit" + Formation commander's Okie-dokie, I can't fathom how you'd be able to get one CD wearing Lt

(forgot.... must not have been caught peeing in COs corn flakes)
I've heard this but with reference to NCM's...

"Never trust a corporal with a CD or a sergeant without one."

Reason being, the corporal is still a corporal due to his affinity to piss people off, and will most likely get you in poo poo by association.  At the same time, the sergeant has advanced so quickly, he must have done so by stepping on the little people below him, and will crush you should you stand in his way.

Therefore, a LT with a CD (non-CFR) must have had his pee-pee slapped and may get you in poo by simply following him.  The major must be such a bag-lick that you may suffer due to his willingness to please his superiors.

Pro Pat ... and I'm on my way to being one of those sergeants ... watch your back.
Cataract Kid said:
That hard crystallized substance that you refer to as "glass" was actually a common substance used by most people, we like to call it sugar.  ;)
(Our Pl medic actually tested this out by dissolving the "glass" in hot water.)

In General, maybe. But when a recall order comes out for specific batches, with the reason being that it contains pieces of glass and plastic, I tend to believe it.

Maybe you want to waste time dissolving it in hot water, I'll just eat a different meal.
Idiots on the top of a rad van without the common courtesy to let the operator inside know they're going up top... then again it could just be darwinism at its finest  ;)
rmc_wannabe said:
Idiots on the top of a rad van without the common courtesy to let the operator inside know they're going up top... then again it could just be darwinism at its finest  ;)


We used to test Darwin's theories with the 515 set........"Here, give me a hand and keep the radio steady while I transmitt this message.......Just hold the 10 foot whip for me."    >:D
George Wallace said:

We used to test Darwin's theories with the 515 set........"Here, give me a hand and keep the radio steady while I transmitt this message.......Just hold the 10 foot whip for me."     >:D

:o how many people stepped out of the gene pool on that one ? ;D
The OCdt in the syndicate, during Centurion Tank Gunner Trg, who during the class on turret characteristics, and told that there were three means of traversing the turret 360 degrees.........You know.........The one who after being told the speed of traverse for "Power", and the speed of traverse for "Emergency", would stick up his hand and ask how fast was the speed of traverse for "Manual".   ;D
rmc_wannabe said:
Idiots on the top of a rad van without the common courtesy to let the operator inside know they're going up top... then again it could just be darwinism at its finest  ;)

Or even worse, the idiot, who decides to tune and load the 106 set after being told that I was going ontop of the carrier and had disconnected the coax. (yes he re-connected it first)