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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

  • Thread starter Thread starter cf_2000
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I was wondering if someone out there can answer some questions I have about the Military police in the regular army.

1.  How many years do you sign on for is it 3 years (the same as every other full time army job)
2.  What kinds of equipment do the military police have?
3.  What kinds of shifts/rotations do Military Police work after they are done BMQ?
4.  Are military police always armed with a gun like regular city police are or are they more like security and only have baton, pepper spray, and handcuffs.

Those are the questions I could not find the answers for anywhere on the internet so if anyone could help me out by answering the I would really appreciate it.  If the are any full time Military police out there that can give me all the information that I need to know let me know cause I will probably figure out some questions about it later on.

Thank you to who ever helps me out.

try searching here....


under Full time carees (Reg Force) NCM scroll down until you find Military Police...

it will answer alot of your questions.

secondly try running a search on this site. it does also have a military police sub board which may also contain the answers youre looking for.

and to sum it up.

Regular force MP's Carry Firearms just like any other Police Officer in canada. they also carry the same type of equipment as any other police officer..
as far as specific equipment? I belive they carry the Sig Sauer 225 Chambered in 9mm with an 8 round Magazine

I think thats what you really wanted to know...

as far as what its like, we have several MPs on the board who are infinitely more qualified then myself to answer those questions..

Welcome to the boards, but please try searching our site first before starting new threads.


Also, Please fill out your profile. thanks.
How many years do you sign on for is it 3 years (the same as every other full time army job)  Five years and what is with the poll?
Thanks for your help Josh I checked out the site and they helped lots.  And the profile infor is on the way.
I am thinking of joining the army reg. force as a MP and I looked all over this site and can not find the answer to a few questions cause I haven't seen them asked anywhere.

1. After you are done you BMQ and your MP training do you get to pick where you get posted to work or does the army just send you to where you are needed?
2. When you join the reg force army as an MP how many years will you be signing on for?
3. Do MP's go overseas or do they only go if they volunteer for a tour of duty?
4. What are the shifts and working rotations like for MP's. how many days on and how many days off?
5. Lastly when you are all done your training and you are posted do you have to live on the base or canyou get a house off of the base?

I looked on this site and the army website for the answers to these questions and couldn't find them so if some people can passon the informations that the know that would be great.

Cheers  :cdn:
2. When you join the reg force army as an MP how many years will you be signing on for?  FIVE YEARS!!
I was wondering if anyone can tell me how long it take from the time you send in your application to the time that you start your training for army reg force Military Police?

Cheers  :cdn: :army:

That is the magic question. No-one can provide a definiitive answer because there are too many factors involved that may affect your personal situation.  We have had people on the forums get processed in only a few months, others have taken well over a year. Your personal history, medical history, results of your aptitude test, where you land in the merit listing of eligible applicant against others, how many spaces are open, when the training system wants them to start ......  any one of these can incorporate delays.  Your best bet is to go talk to a recruiter about your individual case.

You'll also find plenty of information on the forums, check the Recruiting board and FAQ for a start. You will find many tales there of recruiting process progress.

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

well, I cannot speak for the MP side of things, but for me just to get to BMQ( found out today, jan 31/06) has taken about 389 days, others on the forum have been much faster 4-6 months.  There is no set time from the point when you drop off your application to the time you start, everyone is different.  The best of luck to you.
I wrote my CFAT on the 17th of January and am qualified for MP Reserves. I have to wait for some paperwork from my family doctor and then I start my training. I cant wait. I wish you the best of luck.


Yes I am currently working on the education requirement not worried about that.

Another question.  What are the living conditions like after you are done BMQ while you are doing your MP training.  Do you have a place to lock up your personal stuff such as a laptop and MP3 player and other stuff like that?

Cheers  :cdn:

PS.  Best of luck to you as well S.Bradbury
way off topic here, but just out of my own curiosity do mps have k9 units. Thanks
Check the threads on accommodation in Borden.

Do you have a place to lock up your personal stuff such as a laptop and MP3 player and other stuff like that?

Due to the fact that we in the CF are all part of a team we encourage the sharing of each others valuables you must put all of your personal valuables in a common room where anybody is allowed to use them at anytime.


You can lock them up in your personal locker or your barrack box.  Both of which will be provided to you. ;D

Ok so there is a place where I can lockup a laptop and other personal stuff.  Or share it in the common room if I like but you dont have to or do they make you share it in the common room.  Like if I brought my laptop would they make me leave that in the common room?  I will check the threads on the accommodations in Bordon do you have a link where I can go and check it.  Maybe I will surf this site as well.

Cheers  :cdn:
b_carn said:

Ok so there is a place where I can lockup a laptop and other personal stuff.  Or share it in the common room if I like but you dont have to or do they make you share it in the common room.  Like if I brought my laptop would they make me leave that in the common room?  I will check the threads on the accommodations in Bordon do you have a link where I can go and check it.  Maybe I will surf this site as well.

Cheers   :cdn:

The part about the common room was a joke.  ;D
Hey Kincanucks, I was wondering if a member of the reg force wanted to OT to MP would they need a full two year college requirment?
Futuretrooper said:
Hey Kincanucks, I was wondering if a member of the reg force wanted to OT to MP would they need a full two year college requirment?

No they don't but they do need some time in the forces.
Thanks, I heard that they required a member of the CF to have some post secondary. What are the chances for a person considering OTing to the trade after a few years in a different trade?