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The Military is Inapropriate for Christmas Parade

uumm not thing, I only go to the Christmas parade to take my daughter.
MOOXE said:
The only reason the parents are there is to take the kids to the parade.  It isn't for them. 

Can you see whats wrong in this statement?

Santa is not going to bring you a pony.  Get over it.

"It is no coincidence that the catastrophe theory of geology gained most ground in France, where the Great Revolution of 1789-94 had a decisive influence on the psychology of all classes, the echoes of which reverberated down the generations. For those inclined to forget, the revolutions of 1830, 1848, and 1870 provided a vivid reminder of Marx’s penetrating observation that France was a country where the class struggle is always fought to the finish. For Georges Cuvier, the celebrated French naturalist and geologist of the 19th century, the earth’s development is marked by a "a succession of brief periods of intense change and that each period marks a turning point in history. In between, there are long uneventful periods of stability. Like the French Revolution, after upheaval, everything is different. Likewise, geographical time is subdivided into distinct chapters, each with its own basic theme."

Ummm...remind me what did the French Revolution(s) had to do with geology?

Talk about a hijack ;)

zipperhead_cop said:
Santa is not going to bring you a pony.  Get over it.

No.. but I think Des was trying to
(hint.. Hannah.. someone is giving your a "horsey")

I find clowns scary - I want them out of the parade
What do clowns have to do with Christmas?  Nothing.

Anyone can find anything offensive. 

Eventually we have to draw a line in saying... this is
what is acceptable without watering down the standards
so low that we have

Santa not being big because it insults people who are overweight
Santa not wearing red because people might be colour blind
No reindear because it's cruel to animals
No other floats because it wastes gas and hurts the environment
I could go on...  but you get my point

We need accommodate people in this world... of course we do.
To which depths do we choose to accommodate people? Not this far.
It's for the children and I'm sure the kids loved it.  Take the political
mumbo jumbo and shove it.
Trinity said:
I find clowns scary - I want them out of the parade
What do clowns have to do with Christmas?  Nothing.

Oh, I totally agree.  Especially the creepy ones that walk on their hands and look at you from their crotches.  BRRRR!
You mean Wally Walmart the clown isn't really part of historic Christmas lore?!?


And who is this Santa person you guys speak of? Sounds like a marketing gimick to me!

PIKER said:
Well.. since this lady felt the need to go on the record..  My small town had a tinsel laden Septic Truck in its parade!  how christmas is that?? any other inappropriate examples?;D  ::)

Halifax is too Politically Correct to have a Christmas Parade.  Instead we had the Parade of Lights that Santa just happened to drop in on.
Trinity said:
No.. but I think Des was trying to
(hint.. Hannah.. someone is giving your a "horsey")

What's that now, she so does NOT need a pony for Christmas!!!  Nice try guys... you know who would end up taking care of it, and I'm not picking up pony poop.  Not a pooper scooper big enough for that job!

And back on topic, the Pembroke ON parade had military vehicles with a Support the Troops banner on it and I thought it was great!  There was actually a cheer and applause from the crowd when it rolled down the street in front of us.  The kids around us were very excited to see it.  
But then again we're talking about a town who pretty much is runs on the paycheques of the military members and their families.

And HitorMiss who are you kidding you were there for the free candy! :)
zipperhead_cop said:
Santa is not going to bring you a pony.  Get over it.

ROTFL  Seriously though.  I agree.  I wouldn't go to a parade unless it was to take my Daughter, or if I knew someone in it.
In a parade the common citizen only sees a pretty float with lights and tinsel decorations on them. What they don't see is that every float is sponsored by a group or an organization or heaven forbid, a corporation  :o that is taking the opportunity to advertise themself. And thus I can only see parades as another form of subliminal advertising that we are bombarded with every season, represented by the signs that read "Happy Hollidays and Merry Christmas from... (insert company name here)." We (the military) aren't any different than the other floats trying to appeal to the massed sheep crowds there to see a parade.

So what if the military has a 'float' in the parade. If you (the common citizen) are going to buy into any other corporation or organization to support their interests during the holidays (this includes food banks even though there is nothing wrong with that. They are just another organization) Why not support an organization that is trying to provide peace in other civilizations.

In short:
BAHUMBUG! hurry up and pay the cashier. Some of us want to get home from the mall before it starts snowing.
Trinity said:
Can I be offended that there is no religion involved in a Christmas parade... since
Christmas is actually a religious holiday!?!

oh wait.. silly me.  It's about gifts and Santa...

It's a  LAV.. geez.

+1 Padre!


Peace and security is in the eye of the beholder.  That's what I see when I see a Canadian fighting vehicle.