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The military does not distinguish between qualified reservists and regular army?

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Maybe this recent comment by the CDS will be the beginning of his end?

He's saying pretty inflammatory stuff by Army.ca standards.

(another thread circling the drain.....)
But all in all we are all here to complete somekind of service to our country part time full time.Some are better trained some have better education.

some are going out for a 21km run..

some are eating tacos.
rcac_011 said:
Gee thanks figured saying something you disagrees with you would not sit well.
Reservist also seem to not have thicker skin i.e take a ribbing so well in my experience.

Ahh ribbing,

As opposed to the thick skulled   skinned comments from some others.

Yep some are going for runs, and others for tacos,

Then there are those that are bitter and go and run off at the mouth, causing the same effect as tacos...


First, there is more than one deployment going on in the world, and there is more than 1 reserve trade being sent overseas.  Not all comments about reservists are based on how they perform in Afghanistan.

Saying that:

Recceguy - Yes, it can be said for both sides.  Yes, there are some incredibly incompetent reg force guys out there.  

Tess - And no, I dont think this is true for the troops in Afghanistan, there has been an extra effort to ensure that troops deloying there are ready and able, especially with the combat arms.  It is not, unfortunately, a standard held up in other reserve trades.  (In 2004 during a selection program, I had two reservists who didnt even know how to read a map and two others who were unable to tell their positions using local features - come on, even you have to admit this is basic stuff here! And they were screening for overseas positions where that skill was needed!)  

Kat - I am contemplating ducking out before you dogpile me!
rcac_011 said:
But all in all we are all here to complete somekind of service to our country part time full time.Some are better trained some have better education.

some are going out for a 21km run..

some are eating tacos.

So, what's your point?

I have a plate of nachos in front of me right now.  Fat free chips, iced chicken breast, skim milk cheddar grated on top of some low-cal hot salsa.  Just the type of high fibre, high protien snack to top off a ruck march.
Tess - And no, I dont think this is true for the troops in Afghanistan, there has been an extra effort to ensure that troops deloying there are ready and able, especially with the combat arms.  It is not, unfortunately, a standard held up in other reserve trades.  (In 2004 during a selection program, I had two reservists who didnt even know how to read a map and two others who were unable to tell their positions using local features - come on, even you have to admit this is basic stuff here! And they were screening for overseas positions!)  

I asked you what tour, were you talking about. The one that "reservists" considered a vacation.

I only did one.  1994, and it was not Afghanistan, and I did not think it a vacation, however I only did 3 months of the 6 month tour.



Know what?....its confession time.
I'm sick of the bickering/whining/sniveling that goes on between SOME of our members when it comes to the Reg/Res thing.

I will start deleting/locking threads as they appear on the website from now on if they even venture that way.

We have a common enemy already and it ain't us........
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