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The Merged Thread on Gay/ Homosexual Topics and the CF.

Originally posted by bossi:
[qb] Hmmm ... another Navy guy, eh? (CHUCKLE!!!!) [/qb]
As Churchill said "the Navy built it‘s rep on Rum,Bum and Tobac"

Come here Billy let me show you the Golden Rivet. ;)
...Blast, I should‘ve seen that one coming.
"Cue the laugh track" ...

1. Of course you didn‘t see it (something about "eyes in the back of your head" ... ?)

2. "... that one coming." (LOL!!! Say no more!)

3. Hmmm ... I always thought it was "Rum, bum and the lash." (and, no - it‘s not a reference to leather bars ...)

4. Now I‘m confused - it‘s like that episode of Star Trek where Capt Kirk says "everything he says is a lie" ... (i.e. who‘s the "straight" man in this stand-up comedy cabaret ... ???)
Aaaarrr, Matey! Another Navy guy pipes up ...
(why are we NOT surprised ...)
Yarr--The sailors are always the pitchers. LOL
Have ye ever been to sea Bossi?
Originally posted by Spr.Earl:
Originally posted by bossi:
[qb] Hmmm ... another Navy guy, eh? (CHUCKLE!!!!) [/qb]
As Churchill said "the Navy built it‘s rep on Rum,Bum and Tobac"

Come here Billy let me show you the Golden Rivet. ;) [/qb]
ROTFLMFAO!! :D That‘s too funny.
Another gay quote. A Australian Rugby player naemd Ian Roberts who is openly gay and came out of the closet a while back recently retired from the sport.

He has taken up acting, and in a recent interview on the Footy Show (Thurs nights on the 9 Network), he was asked if he was going to be a good actor and he said "yes, after all I acted straight for the first 25 yrs of my life".



Seems like these days you can only have an opinion if it‘s politically correct. Step off the narrow PC path and your a bigot or racist.

i kinda feel like a monster because theres a few cultures i dont like very much and some sexual things that some people do in which i find repulsive. I‘ve never do anything to harm or hinder someone from either example i‘ve given, i just make the personal choice not to associate with them because of how i was brought up and what i believe in. What they do is their buisness, why can‘t what i like be mine?

Also, everyone wants to do away witht he silly old army traditions because this is the NEW army. Yet everyone says the army isn‘t what it used to be. it‘s nothing like the old days. Thats sending a bit of a mixed up signal IMHO.
Call me what you want, I disagree with gay / lesbian marriages because, well, its physically incompatable. If you take it down to the core, we are mammals, and mammals reproduce man and women. Man with man or women with women just dont go together on the physical level. I dont hate gays or lesbians or anyone with a different sexual preference, I just dont agree with it. Sorta seems like trying to open a lock with a pen. The pen just wont fit in like a key. (bad analogy I know, but my personal opinion)

If they want to get married, I‘m fine with that. It doesn‘t affect me in anyway. However, if they were trying to do it to claim discrimination of some sort later on, that I totally disagree with that.
Since when has marriage become a matter revolving around intercourse. How many people have gotten married for the sole purpose of breeding? I think affection goes beyond your simple, physiological explanation.

If your going to form opinions, you may as well try and back it up with decent facts.
Well I kind of agree with Northern Touch, Infanteer. I lived with my wife for almost 6 years before we got married and the reason we finally did get married was because it was time for children. I‘ve never really understood the getting married to "prove" your love or just to say your taken. **** just piss on her leg before she leaves in the morning. You show your love by your actions everyday and not some one-day three ring circus show. We took our vows because of the comittment to raise our children with a mommy and a daddy. On this subject I am terribly old-fashioned, once you have children their lives are infinetely more important than yours. CHEERS
I think there are a number of reasons marriage was "invented". It certainly has a lot to do with love and commitment between two persons. But there is probably more... Originally, it may have had something to do with jealousies and fights that came with people sleeping around in small communities, thus two persons commiting to one another and making it public so others would‘t interfere (I guess that worked most of the time ;) ).
Certainly another reason was to try to provide children a stable environment to be raised in, under a mother and father who shared the different aspects of everyday life. This also promoted the social values under which people evolved.
I don‘t hate homosexuals either, but don‘t agree with the lifestyle. They are certainly allowed to do whatever they want with their life, but I think "gay pride" is taking things too far, and so is gay marriage. After all, I‘m not proud to be heterosexual... happy, but not proud. ;)
Originally posted by Ghost778:
[qb] Seems like these days you can only have an opinion if it‘s politically correct. Step off the narrow PC path and your a bigot or racist.

i kinda feel like a monster because theres a few cultures i dont like very much and some sexual things that some people do in which i find repulsive. I‘ve never do anything to harm or hinder someone from either example i‘ve given, i just make the personal choice not to associate with them because of how i was brought up and what i believe in. What they do is their buisness, why can‘t what i like be mine?

Also, everyone wants to do away witht he silly old army traditions because this is the NEW army. Yet everyone says the army isn‘t what it used to be. it‘s nothing like the old days. Thats sending a bit of a mixed up signal IMHO. [/qb]
Exactly right on all counts. And it isn‘t just the Army that isn‘t what it used to be; the entire nation was built on hard work and personal sacrifice, now it is simply a matter of getting what you can from a bloated government who steals from the poor to give to the poor. WCB claims and EI and insurance claims and lawsuits and welfare and lottery tickets have replaced the work ethic in many homes. You can now add homosexuals jumping on the bandwagon looking for exemptions.

Your children would still have a mommy and daddy regardless of whether you are married or not. Did you marry because you thought your children would suffer if it wasn‘t legal? I‘m not trying to irritate here, just trying to understand where the compulsion comes from. LOL

Personally, the only reasons I see for marriage are: 1. legality between the two partners. Some provinces don‘t recognize common law marriage as equal to legal marriage 2. religious reasons.
Brin11, No totally understandable question. What I meant was that we made a committment that went beyond us. It may sound silly to some, but I would live with Satan herself[I‘m not] to ensure that my girls get the good-old-fashioned mommy and daddy upbringing. I‘m not slagging those that don‘t here but thats the way I am. I waited untill I was 33 before kids[BK] because I wanted to be 100% sure that I could give them my complete attention. CHEERS