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"The Last Ship" tv series depicts USN AEGIS destroyer fighting global pandemic

S.M.A. said:
Now that USS Nathan James is fighting that crew of radical "immunes" on the ex-HMS Achilles SSN, don't you think the Nathan James' crew would have their burdened lightened if they had a skeleton crew manning one of those empty DDGs docked at Norfolk?

After the beating Nathan James took recently and the sonar issues I wouldn't be surprised if they head back to Norfolk for spare parts.
Does anyone here think a real submarine captain would have surfaced and battled it out with the Nathan James in the same way that Captain Ramsey of the ex-HMS Achilles did? Or the damage was such that it prevented them from diving?

Anyways, tonight is the last episode of this season.  Perhaps they will heard to Norfolk for repairs?

Why do I have a feeling that the first season wasn't the last we saw of Russian admiral Ruskov and his Kirov class cruiser? He might be the "comeback villain of the 3rd season".

Here's a graphic, courtesy of the show's facebook page, of "statistics" to put the 2 seasons in perspective.

Was it really necessary to end the season with Dr. Scott shot?

I was expecting a different kind of cliffhanger...like Admiral Ruskov and his battlecruiser appearing out of nowhere.

And who would have thought that St. Louis, Missouri, has a drydock capable of handling a DDG?
The way the last episode ended is almost as if they didn't expect a third season. As if they added the doctor being shot in the end to keep things a little interesting.

I was also expecting Ruskov to show up. When they were celebrating in the mess I was almost expecting a nuclear bomb to go off in the distance or something from Ruskovs ship.
I binge-watched the first two seasons over the March break...the show is nicely done, with a fair amount of attention paid to the detail about all things naval.  They took a little Hollywood licencing with a few things, but nothing overt.  I'm looking forward to season 3!
Just a reminder: Season 3 of "The Last Ship" will start this Sunday at 6 PM Pacific at the Space Channel here in Canada. Not sure about showings on the US channel TNT but it should be simulcast at the same time.

Plus: More insights/spoilers into Season 3 on the CNN interview of Eric Dane/Cdr. Chandler yesterday: apparently the USS Nathan James goes to Southeast Asia this season.


[08:50:57] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Chinese ordered the cure, letting the virus mutate across Asia.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: the cure hasn't been getting to the people who need it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you are implying -

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm a military man, Mr. President, I don't imply.


BALDWIN: A look at some of the action from the upcoming season of TNT's "The Last Ship." The drama centering around the catastrophic virus that nearly kills off the world's population. Yikes. This show returns for a third season with a two hour premier this coming Sunday. Joining me now, one of the stars, Eric Dane, who plays Commander Tom Chandler.

So nice to meet you.


BALDWIN: So can you give me a little preview as we jump into season three?

DANE: Sure.

BALDWIN: What we're - what we're coming (INAUDIBLE).

DANE: Sure. Season one was about finding the cure. Two was about discriminating the cure and restoring government and national healing. And now season three is more of a global affair. It takes place in the better part of China, Japan, Vietnam.

BALDWIN: So, we were just talking in commercial break and I think viewers will find this fascinating here. You know, you shoot in California. You're very close - you have, you know, folks in the U.S. Navy around making sure this is -

DANE: Every day.

BALDWIN: You know, as real as possible.

DANE: Every day.

BALDWIN: You've been in the Pentagon. Talk to me a little bit about that.

DANE: The Pentagon was interesting. I ended up in the basement about two hours into my tour, which is where everything happens in the Pentagon.

BALDWIN: Ended up because you walked - you were kind of curious or they were watching your every move?

DANE: I didn't - I didn't wander into the basement. They brought me into the basement.


DANE: It's - it's actually not really a basement. It's a very high- tech sort of command center.

BALDWIN: Yes. DANE: And I was sworn that I wouldn't say anything. But they showed me -

BALDWIN: Except for right now.

DANE: Right. I know. But they showed me some pretty interesting stuff. And it was all just - it was all stuff they put up for me to make me feel like I was seeing something.

BALDWIN: Of course. Of course.

DANE: Once I left they -

BALDWIN: They were like, OK, now the real - the real work can continue.

DANE: Right.

BALDWIN: How have you - you know, this season shifts toward Asia and being, you know, character being so enmeshed in, you know, like world affairs, geopolitical. How close - are you paying attention? Do you pay attention as you, yourself, for your character, for the show?

DANE: Not at all. I'm clueless about most of it.

BALDWIN: You are not.

DANE: I am.

BALDWIN: You are not. You are not.

DANE: I don't follow politics. It's not my thing. I'll leave politics to the politicians.

BALDWIN: Yes, no, but for the show. So tell me a little bit. Actually, we have another clip. This is a bit of a spoiler alert and then we can talk on the other side. So if you are following along, "The Last Ship," close your ears for just a second because you may not want to see what's about to happen. Roll it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Michael Slattery (ph), captain of the United States Navy, I, and five members of my crew are prisoners of war.


BALDWIN: Can you tell me - what - what just happened?

DANE: Well, they're prisoners of war. They got - so, Captain Slattery, he's a captain now and he's my xo.


DANE: I've been promoted to CNO. He and his crew are taken hostage, kidnapped in Vietnam and my new mission is basically to bring back Slattery and his crew.

BALDWIN: Why do you love this show? Last question, why do you - why do you love this job?

DANE: It's fun. It's fun. I've never had so much fun at work. You know, it's - I'm just a kid at heart and these are just huge toys and we have a great cast and the Navy's just fantastic to work with and collaborate with.


DANE: And the writers are great. It's all around - for me it's a win/win.

BALDWIN: Chris really wanted to do this interview, so -

DANE: But?

BALDWIN: So, thanks, Chris, for, you know -

DANE: Next time.

CUOMO: His macho would melt me.

BALDWIN: Season 3 of the "The Last Ship" premieres this Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on our sister network TNT. Eric, a please. Thank you very much.

DANE: Likewise.

BALDWIN: And "The Good Stuff," next.


[08:58:43] CUOMO: All right, BB, you feel like you need your faith in humanity restored?

BALDWIN: I do, please.

CUOMO: All right, here we go.


CUOMO: "The Good Stuff." Very often, as we know, the worst can bring out the best. And this story is a tough one. OK. Beth Laitkep, she was the mother of six kids, she passed away from cancer at just 39 years of age. At her side was a very good friend named Stephanie Culley. She did all she could while Beth was suffering.


KATHY WOODS, FRIEND OF STEPHANIE: Very, very humble. She - she won't ask for help. She's just - she's an angel.


CUOMO: Stephanie not only stayed true, but she felt she was called to do more. Much more.


STEPHANIE CULLEY, MOM OF NINE: Complete peace with the fact that I was going to be the mother of - of nine kids.


CUOMO: That's right.

BALDWIN: My goodness.

CUOMO: She has three kids of her own. Now she has nine kids of her own.

BALDWIN: Plus six. Bless her heart.

CUOMO: Beth's six kids are now with someone she knows will love them the way her - their mother wanted them to be loved.

BALDWIN: That's friendship. That's love.

CUOMO: Right?

BALDWIN: You know.

CUOMO: And, obviously, the need is great. Nine kids. I mean three kids is hard. Nine kids -

BALDWIN: And just think about what the six kids are going through. Just - they know what's happening with their own mom and to be around -


BALDWIN: At least their mom's dear friend.

CUOMO: And we know that you're feeling the way that Brooke is, which is, how do I help? How do I help? Go to my FaceBook page. There is an opportunity for you to help, for these kids, to make sure they have a future that their mother wanted for them.


[09:00:05] CUOMO: You can get the information right there.

BALDWIN: OK. Thank you so much.

CUOMO: Oh, thank you.

BALDWIN: It was good to see you for three hours. I'm back at 2:00 Eastern. So we'll see you then. In the meantime, NEWSROOM with Carol Costello starts right now.
The US airing of the premiere has been delayed on the TNT network as announced on Twitter:

TNT has postponed the season 3 premiere of The Last Ship “as a result of the shootings this weekend in Orlando,” the network said in a statement. “Our hearts are with the victims and their families,” they added.

A single gunman killed at least 50 people and injured 53 at a gay nightclub in Orlando early Sunday morning. The Austin Television Festival was scheduled to hold a panel on television violence that same day, but canceled it once the news about Orlando broke.

“Out of respect for the victims of the tragedy in Orlando last night, we won’t be holding the Viewer Discretion Advised panel today,” the festival announced on Twitter. “While it is a very important conversation to have, today does not feel like the time to have it.”

A sneak peek of The Last Ship’s third season opens with the sound of a gunshot and features attackers opening fire in a nightclub full of people dancing. TNT hasn’t yet announced when they will air the premiere.
For those still waiting for the Season 3 premiere, here's info on the new date: it'll be on Sunday, June 26th, 6 PM Pacific Time on the Space Channel.

Entertainment Weekly
The Last Ship gets new premiere date following Orlando shooting

The two-hour episode features attackers shooting in a nightclub

by Derek Lawrence • @dlaw1988

Posted June 14 2016 — 8:03 PM EDT

The season 3 premiere of TNT’s The Last Ship will now air this Sunday after being delayed following last weekend’s tragic shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando.

A sneak peek of the show’s two-hour premiere features attackers launching into gunfire in a crowded nightclub. The drama was set to return Sunday, but TNT decided to delay airing the episode. “Our hearts are with the victims and their families,” the network said in a statement announcing the postponement.

With The Last Ship now debuting at 9 p.m. ET on Sunday, the season 3 premiere of Murder in the First, which was originally scheduled for Sunday evening, has been shifted to June 26 at 10 p.m. ET.
BUMPED as a reminder of the season premiere at 6 PM Pacific on the Space Channel in Canada or the TNT Channel in the US.
S.M.A. said:
BUMPED as a reminder of the season premiere at 6 PM Pacific on the Space Channel in Canada or the TNT Channel in the US.

Ummm...I watched the two hour season premiere on Space last Sunday.  Tonight is Season 3 episode 3, or at least it should be...
Occam said:
Ummm...I watched the two hour season premiere on Space last Sunday.  Tonight is Season 3 episode 3, or at least it should be...


Hmm. The 3rd season premiere full video doesn't seem to be at the video streaming section of the Space website, like what they did with the previous 2 seasons where they posted the previous week's episode on the site.

I guess I'll catch a rerun at some point. 


Now that I've caught up on the series premiere after finding a different online source, I find it interesting that the presidential advisor mentioned the USN Pacific Fleet has been rebuilt to 3 destroyers so far including the Nathan James, but the show title hasn't changed.  ;D

But at least the XO became the CO of the Nathan James, though he was later kidnapped.
I was kind of surprised when green broke up the fight wolf was in with the Chinese Security guy in the streets, with a gun, and didn't kill him.
As we saw in the last episode when we saw 5 Chinese destroyers in that port, it seems the Chinese PLA Navy's fleet has been quicker to recover than the USN.

And the US itself hasn't fully recovered from the plague and already there is a news reporter hoping to dig up dirt on the current administration.

Also, if that new character Sasha, the multilingual ex-USN liasion to China whom they picked up at Hong Kong, is now Chandler's acting XO, why has she only worn civvies in the last episode? Shouldn't they at least provided her with NWUs/sun tan khakis by now?

Spoilers below this line


I didn't expect the hostages to be rescued this early in the season.

Also, why would China send the MSS when they can send in the PLA?
Spoilers below this line:


"Wow, just wow" is all I have to say after tonight's episode! Finally a sea battle between China and the USN! Though it's sad how the USS Shackleton and the USS Hayward got the worst of it with multiple SSMs hitting them.

Also, would it really take a single Harpoon to sink a Chinese Type 52C class destroyer?


And somehow I knew a coup was coming in St. Louis, though the lady presidential adviser leading it caught me by surprise.
No SMA: A single Harpoon would not sink a Type 052C.

In fact a single Harpoon is unlikely to sink anything bigger than a small patrol vessel, unless lucky enough to hit and start a fire in a magazine.

What a single harpoon can do, however, is start a big fire that will burn your destroyer/frigate, or a large part of it, to a crisp and thus, permanently disable you.