SeR said:
Are you saying that the fact that an entire community, consisting of millions of people, was almost decimated is not shocking at all?
As well, could you please clarify the reasons for quoting this?
To all that asked to elaborate, I will move on since I've been unjustly accused of trolling and - many point's quite trivial.
Like I said this information has been vigorously discussed and documented over two decades ago believed by many to be
22, to 25, Million.
Total Deaths: 22 to 26 Million
Numbers based on these sources.
Michael Berenbaum,ed., A Mosaic of Victims: Non-Jews Persecuted and Murdered by the Nazis (New York/London, 1990), xi
Gilbert, Martin. The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe during the Second World War. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1985.
Lipstadt, Deborah E. Beyond Belief: the American Press & the Coming of the Holocaust 1933-1945. New York/London: The Free Press, 1986.
Lukas, Richard C. The Forgotten Holocaust: The Poles under German Occupation 1939-1944. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky, 1986.
Milton, Sybil. Senior Historian, The United States Holocaust Museum, Washington, DC. Telephone interview. with Karen Silverstrim, 16 April 1997.
Silverstrim, Karen. Overlooked Millions: Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust. MA Candidate, University of Central Arkansas.
What I fined socking is those two researchers are trying to pocket, per-say from legwork others have done in the past two decades.
If I knew this information two decades ago and now it's been seen by the whole Main stream as fact. Why would I be shocked,
since I have vigorously discoursed this two decades ago.
Like I stated for 6 thousand years history and now believed to be 10-14 thousand years ago, clearly shows we have been barbaric
towards each other for what ever reason, and our thirst for blood. If history is any indication we are still in this day and age.
Do YOU know the term " 3 DAYS TO ANIMAL ?"
If you consider the manner in the way tens of thousands or more all together. Some estimates claim 20,000 a year, enemy's of the Aztec,
and all central and south American Indians, horrific manner they slaughtered while the majority were still alive ect.
Not counting the 6 thousand years, what happened in the First and Second is quite expected for us Humans.
Poe , Humm In 1997 the States that were involved in the Second World Ward, opened the files to public viewing.
Half of what's been written concerning accounts, is still up for debate.
War is usually written in a one sided perspective, the winners.
Also like I stated I grownup with Hasidic and Orthodox Jews for over 30 years, and found out about the "Great Catastrophe" or the Shoah
when I was 7, and never heard it discussed in any school history, even after I saw the Mini series The Holocaust.
Like I said many Jews I know consider the term Holocaust very offencive, a slur, to the Horrific and despicable nature the Jewish people endured
during the Second World War.
As for Poe ......Rabbi Abraham Moses Klein the poet ect. ect. ect., told me every coin has 3 sides.
Also read how Russian Jews were treated Pre and post Second World War.
moving on.