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The Gagetown Thread- Merged

Horse_Soldier said:
Funny.... that's not quite how I remember it   ;D   Must be old age setting in.

yeah seriously... What a sh*thole!  >:( I hated Gagetown for the few months I was there, the atmoshpere over there is terrible. Morale is low and the mood is glum. It's almost as bad as NDHQ! I hope I don't ever have to go back there, it's the worst base I've been to (compared  to Kingston, Petawawa, Meaford, Borden, Valcartier, etc. - which are all great places to be)

Rant over  ;D
Gagetown is a place unto itself.  Take a couple years here as a gunner and you will be a front runner when you get back to a regiment.  Fieldtime, yes.....but you will forget more about gundrill and fire discipine than most will ever learn.  We should be getting the 777's soon as well.  Good times.

My husband and I lived in Burton for 2 years and would hear gun fire from there...so yes, you'll hear it on the base louder I'm sure. Good luck.

On a good day(at lot in the summer) you can hear some training exercises happening in Gagetown, in Saint John...... :o
ArmyVern you can get your pedistal at Canex on a payment plan.

I tried to rub a cougars belly and got bitten.
mover1 said:
ArmyVern you can get your pedistal at Canex on a payment plan.
Aha...I shall have 9er purchase me one for Christmas!! I wonder if it will really do any good though?
mover1 said:
I tried to rub a cougars belly and got bitten.
You Sir, have had a run-in with a panther, quite the different beast than the kind, gentle, loving, highly-qualified cougar!!
A PANTHER!!!!!! That would explain the RASH!!!!!! I think  ??? I am allergic to panthers.
K, 025, here it is.  I did a couple courses there and I am a Sapper (as the name would suggest!) and have partied her up pretty good.

20-20 - Cheap drinks on Saturdays I think.  Cougars galore.  Good starting spot and easy to pick up if you stick around.\
Sweets - Lots of young tighties  DO NOT TELL THEM YOU ARE IN THE ARMY!!!!!  It'll kill your chances super quick.
Rockin Rodeo - Right next door to sweets.  A bit older crowd than sweets but still a good pick up joint.

There is a pizza place right near sweets that has the best pizza ever.

Don't expect too many weekends off though.  We got 3 out of 18 or something like that.  Good times.  Good luck on your course.
Thanks guys! I am leavin tommorow! Thanks armyvern for everything I will probably be seein you wednesday or thursday or whenever they get me down to pick up my kit.. look for the 19 yo with VII burnt into his forarm (long story  :-[ )

Wish me luck everyone!
025 said:
Thanks guys! I am leavin tommorow! Thanks armyvern for everything I will probably be seein you wednesday or thursday or whenever they get me down to pick up my kit.. look for the 19 yo with VII burnt into his forarm (long story   :-[ )

Wish me luck everyone!

Hmm.. you should have a jacket on...it's winter dress!! And, I've gotta hear this story... ???
Its not bad on the PMQ side of base even when the cloud cover is low you only get a small ruffle. Burton on the other hand is across from the ranges a little louder there. Imsure goldie will have fun.

3rd Horseman said:
Its not bad on the PMQ side of base even when the cloud cover is low you only get a small ruffle. Burton on the other hand is across from the ranges a little louder there. Imsure goldie will have fun.
ab136 arrived here yesterday. You won't be hearing from him for awhile now!!  >:D The dog will get used to it!! I'll let you all know if I hear from him...he has promised a visit!!
Recce41 said:
What the F#$%. A Goldie scared of gun firer? My big dumbie, has been out hunting for 5 yrs now. By the way, the ranges are not that loud.

Hey you never know when you get a dog , I have a black lab that can't swim, we fell into our pool one day and freaked........ sigh some dogs  ;D
I was posted there in 95/96, you better learn to play pepper.

I was at the School as the UK Exchange IG in 96/7.  Anyone remember me (Maj Paul McRory)?  I thoroughly enjoyed Gagetown - but probably because I only saw it for the first and last time in that tour.  Novelty value probably; you guys obviously know it a lot better than me.  I'm a staff officer back in Germany now.

So, what's the news in the RCA these days?  When I was there the 109s were falling apart and you'd just got the LG1.  I've lost track of you lot over the last few years unfortunately.  Much happening now?  All the best to everyone at CTC and Oromocto.

::) does anyone out there know about the 6A course in Feb. if you have any info please advise. i was in gagetown from 91 to 96, i didn't mind it there. i am currently at the recruit school in St- Jean. if theres anyone out there the rank of master or higher they are looking for instructors. this is the best kept secret the army has.
Gun missing from New Brunswick military base
Updated Thu. Jan. 5 2006 5:42 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

While law enforcement officers fight to stop illegal guns from entering Canada through the American border, New Brunswick officials are searching for a weapon that disappeared from the province's own military base.

About four months ago, a powerful nine-millimetre handgun went missing from a military vehicle inside CFB Gagetown, near Saint John, N.B.

"Our primary goal is to return that weapon," Sgt. Pamela Hoben, of the CFB Gagetown Military Police, told ATV News, CTV's Atlantic affiliate.

"If we can recover the weapon, that's all that matters to us."

The gun dissapeared from a vehicle parked near a highway during a training exercise. Unable to recover the gun, military officials have gone public with the possible theft, alerting N.B. Crime Stoppers.

"A stolen handgun is a serious, serious crime," said  Sgt. Paul Boudreau, the RCMP's coordinator of Crime Stoppers.

"The repercussions or results of that handgun being stolen can be very serious. It could lead to somebody being murdered."

Ross Faulkner, who owns a gun store in McAdams, N.B., said he has no idea how a military handgun could have been taken.

"According to laws in Canada, handguns are not to be left unattended in a vehicle and they're supposed to be locked with trigger locks, and locked in an additional storage container as well," Faulkner said.

According to Hoben, military personnel must never let a weapon leave their sight.

"Once a weapon is issued to a member, that member is responsible for that weapon 24-seven," Hoben said.

"That means if they go to the washroom, they don't leave the gun in their sleeping bag. They carry that weapon with them at all times."

Following a year of brutal gun violence in Toronto, federal politicians have made increased penalties for gun crime a major campaign issue.

All party leaders have called for tougher minimum sentencing for firearms offences, and Liberal Leader Paul Martin has proposed a handgun ban.

N.B. Crime Stoppers can be contacted at 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800-222-8477).

With a report by ATV's Monica Verma in McAdam, N.B.

As a person who is posted to Gagetown this news report is the first I heard of this haveing happened.  Having said that I hope who ever was responsible for this said weapon has been charged.  But I have no doubt that it was probably a young officer and they were given a slap on the wrist. 
But I have no doubt that it was probably a young officer and they were given a slap on the wrist. 

Yes did you fall on your ass with that leap?