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The condom with TEETH: South African doctor designs new female contraceptive to

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I like this idea, talk about taking a bite out of crime.  Hopefully the girls can bite hard... :nod:

The condom with TEETH: South African doctor designs new female contraceptive to ward off would-be rapists

Last updated at 8:38 PM on 20th June 2010
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Rape-Axe is a condom for women with teeth-like hooks to deter would-be rapists
A new condom for women designed with teeth to ward off would-be rapists has been launched by a South African doctor. 

Rape-aXe was dreamed up four decades ago by Dr Sonnet Ehlers when as a 20-year-old medical researcher, she met a devastated rape victim who was like 'a breathing corpse'.

In an interview with CNN, Ehlers told how the woman said: 'If only I had teeth down down there'  said Ehlers.  'I promised her I'd do something to help people like her one day.'
True to her word, Rape-Axe has jagged teeth-like hooks that latch onto a man's penis during penetration.
Once its in place, it can only be removed by a doctor - a procedure Ehlers hopes will be done with authorities on standby to make an arrest.
'It hurts, he cannot pee and walk when it's on," she said. 'If he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter... however, it doesn't break the skin, and there's no danger of fluid exposure.'
30,000 of the female condoms are being distributed around the various South African citites where the World Cup football matches are taking place. 

Ehlers said that she had taken the proper research and development steps before launching the product.
'I consulted engineers, gynecologists and psychologists to help in the design and make sure it was safe,' she said.
Once the trial period is over, they'll be available for about £1.50 each.
South African Dr Sonnet Ehlers: 'This will make some men rethink before they assault a woman'
"The ideal situation would be for a woman to wear this when she's going out on some kind of blind date ... or to an area she's not comfortable with," Ehlers added.
However critics belive the female condom makes women vulnerable to more violence from men trapped by the device.
It's also a form of 'enslavement,' said Victoria Kajja, a fellow for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the east African country of Uganda.
'The fears surrounding the victim, the act of wearing the condom in anticipation of being assaulted all represent enslavement that no woman should be subjected to.'
South Africa has one of the highest rape rates in the world, according to Human Rights Watch.

A 2009 report by the nation's Medical Research Council found that 28 percent of men surveyed had raped a woman or girl, with one in 20 saying they had raped in the past year.  It is also believed that 16 percent of the population is living with HIV.

Women take drastic measures to prevent rape in South Africa, Ehlers said, with some  inserting razor blades in their private parts.
'I believe something's got to be done ... and this will make some men rethink before they assault a woman

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1288133/The-female-condom-TEETH-South-African-doctor-launches-anti-rape.html#ixzz0rUu2xKvP
I've got to say this is one of the most creative ideas I've ever seen for this problem...now if only they'd do a nice chemical castration on the rapists as they were removing the device it would be perfect.....
Geese, I wonder if they'll make it here? If they do, I'm gonna have think twice before pissing the ol' lady off lol  :P
Besides the debate over whose health card is used, how the frig do they get to the ER?
it comes out of the woman and stays clamped on the man's penis from the looks of it. So my guess is he'd have to walk/get a drive or the cops might take him in if called I guess.
So a guy is in the middle of a felony attack of violence (rape) and you're going to piss him off with this device. I hope the victim can get a last look at him before the guy kills her. I also doubt that it would take a doctor to remove the thing.
recceguy said:
So a guy is in the middle of a felony attack of violence (rape) and you're going to piss him off with this device. I hope the victim can get a last look at him before the guy kills her. I also doubt that it would take a doctor to remove the thing.

Most people that I have met and talked to would rather be dead at that point...no only is it a HUGE social stigma, AIDs is rampant(especially in Africa) so the woman most likely would be dead in a few years anyhow from a painful disease. At least this way they aren't shoving razorblades up there which is a common rape deterant apparently. It's taking at least a little bit of safety into their own hands, it's a choice. No woman chooses to be raped, but they can choose to mark the guy who tries to rape her with this device, which in a lot of ways, if the doctor who designed it is right and it does require specialized help to remove it, then that give the hospital a reason to call the cops and say hey, we have a guy here with an anti rape device on him...arrest him! It would be justice in a way, even if for some reason the woman did not live to tell about what happened to her, that's one more predator off the street.
recceguy said:
So a guy is in the middle of a felony attack of violence (rape) and you're going to piss him off with this device. I hope the victim can get a last look at him before the guy kills her.

But that would be true of any sort of self-defence, wouldn't it?

If this device performs as advertised it will, at least, cause the rapist some measure of incapacity and the victim some degree of protection from disease -- not to mention pregnancy.

I also doubt that it would take a doctor to remove the thing.

Not sure about that one myself.  I can't easily picture a device that would be impossible to remove with a combination of ice, careful use of some sort of cutting device, and a great deal of caution.

But my main reaction to all this to wonder is what sort of place a person has to live in where it's necessary to consider using such a device in the first place.
recceguy said:
So a guy is in the middle of a felony attack of violence (rape) and you're going to piss him off with this device. I hope the victim can get a last look at him before the guy kills her.
I was thinking the same thing however, if x-rapist is, possibly, at least initially, in too much pain to focus enough to kill immediately after the device engages, then this might provide x girl or x woman with the needed window.  X-girl or x-woman just needs a brief moment to get away and if this device distracts x-rapist, if only briefly, it might give her enough of a window to escape, maybe... hopefully.

N. McKay said:
But my main reaction to all this to wonder is what sort of place a person has to live in where it's necessary to consider using such a device in the first place.
The sort of place you wonder about, is called Earth.

I could see women and girls, all over the world, considering this device.
N. McKay said:
But that would be true of any sort of self-defence, wouldn't it?

This is my thought as well, it's either self defense or lay there and take it...I'm gunna go down fighting :threat:
Ideally, it would be great if the hospital would call the police to deal with rapists if they show up with the devices.

Realistically, in some less developed parts of the world such as Nigeria "some security forces act as if they were entitled to rape local women, and they are sure never to face justice" (http://www.afrol.com/articles/22992) and charges of rape are not only disregarded but seen as the woman's fault no matter what the circumstances - in Muslim culture especially.

In fact, even in more developed countries "conviction rates for rape prosecutions at jury trials are falling" (http://www.news24.com/World/News/Poll-Rape-is-womens-fault-20051121) because of the belief that rape is a woman's fault.

I don't know why but I can see the use of this device being twisted into an assault on the man by the woman. And in countries where women have less rights than men do, the consequences of that could be pretty painful too.

I'm not saying I wouldn't resist or that it's not good that someone's trying to help these women out. It's just a ****** situation all around.
SARgirl said:
The sort of place you wonder about, is called Earth.

I could see women and girls, all over the world, considering this device.

Well, alright.  But where I live, most women don't find it necessary to take active measures of this sort to protect themselves because they recognize that prospective rapists are a very small fraction of society.  I think it would take a very different culture for woman to add this to their daily routine, and it's unfortunate if there are places where such a culture prevails.
N. McKay said:
Well, alright.  But where I live, most women don't find it necessary to take active measures of this sort to protect themselves because they recognize that prospective rapists are a very small fraction of society.  I think it would take a very different culture for woman to add this to their daily routine, and it's unfortunate if there are places where such a culture prevails.

You mean a culture like Afghanistan where women are viewed as property? Where Rape is considered to be their fault?

Really, you could substitute any 3rd world and even some 2nd world countries for Afghanistan and it would still apply...

The World is not as Civilized as we in North America would like to think. 

Anything that could help these women is good in my opinion... and if it keeps them from putting a Razor blade up there.... I'm all for it.
Maybe at first rapists wouldn't really be aware of the existence of the "condom with teeth" but what happens if they grow in popularity?

I'd imagine that it would be easy for the soon to be rapist to just take the condom out first and then continue on with the assault.
Barmecide said:
Maybe at first rapists wouldn't really be aware of the existence of the "condom with teeth" but what happens if they grow in popularity?

I'd imagine that it would be easy for the soon to be rapist to just take the condom out first and then continue on with the assault.

Very good point and things also to consider,

1.  Is the device removable only by a Doctor and can it be removed other wise resulting in injury to the Woman.

2.  Where  an area that requires its use for a protective or defensive application. Would it be only used by Single Women or also by Married Women, in the case of the latter, wouldn't this present problems for them in normal sexual relations ?.

3.  Another good point that has been brought up, Laws would have to be passed to require Doctors or Facilities removing these devices from Males to report or detain them for Police assessment. The same as Bullet Wounds, Child Abuse or  Suspicious Injuries.

4.  Will the Courts consider this as Evidence in allegations of Rape.

5.  What is the comfort or Hygienic factors of this device or length of time before removal is required. ?.

Just a few things to consider.
