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The CFN seems interesting...


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I am not sure where my life is going right now. What I do know is I have a strong desire to be a part of Law Enforcement on the Federal level at some point in my life as a career. Not sure if that will be RCMP or CSIS I really don't know. I've pretty much only got a rough outline.

I've always also had a strong desire to be a part of the military as well. I'm not sure why.

I was looking at the Navy website and it seems like a good experience for someone like me that is unsure of the exact path I wish to take it life and I could actually make a career out of it.
What I need is some stories of what life in the CFN is like,etc. I just really want to be informed about what the reality of such a job/career would in devour and whether a CF service record would look good on or help me at all in applying for a Federal Job such as CSIS or RCMP.

Pretty much any information regarding the CFN(Deployments,etc) would be greatly appreciated
There are thousands of posts on the forum about life in the CF and the Navy (which is what I assume you mean by "CFN").  You will get more out of spending some time browsing (and searching) what members have already taken the time to post, rather than waiting for responses in answer to your general questions.

ShawnHartwell said:
I just really want to be informed about what the reality of such a job/career would in devour and whether a CF service record would look good on or help me at all in applying for a Federal Job such as CSIS or RCMP.

All it says is this: "What kind of courses should I take in high school, college or university to prepare for a career as a regular member with the RCMP?
The RCMP does not recommend one course of study over another. While one of the basic requirements is a high school diploma or equivalent, we hire applicants from all educational background and areas of study. The RCMP also promotes and encourages continuous learning.":
Best to ask the RCMP recruiters about military experience.

I have one question. I have just talked to my local recruiter and received an information package with an application.

Assuming all goes well, after my application is approved, how long do I have before basic physical training takes place?

I am currently not in the best shape but I have been working on it for a couple months. I wish to be near/at the top of my physical game for the Physical testing.
If I opt for the reserves do i see very much time on a ship/traveling? I would very much enjoy traveling as I have a family but my Fiancee and I recently left me and she miscarried our child, I no longer have a immediate commitment to anyone.
Alright just two more questions. I'm sorry if I am annoying it's just a big decision to join the CF.

1) How hard is the CFAT compared to the sample provided at getting your application?

2) My hometown is Sherbrooke/Lennoxville,Quebec. Seeing as the BMQ Base is at Montreal,Quebec I am aware the CF would fly me out from Kingston,ON, however if I go home to Sherbrooke,Quebec for 2 weeks before BMQ would I be allowed to have my parents drive me to the base?
ShawnHartwell said:
1) How hard is the CFAT compared to the sample provided at getting your application?

Topic: Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) FAQ  (Read 193249 times):
Looks like I gotta brush up on my math. I've always sucked at math, haha. Never been able to retain math well.
I am just wondering. Is BMQ the same for everyone? Because if I am aiming to go into the Navy under most likely SONAR OP or my second choice of NCI OP. I'm doubtful but seeing as those trades are not really directly combat related I would assume the BMQ is different?
Every non-commissioned member (NCM) takes the same Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) course.
BMQ is the same for all Trades.  It is after BMQ (BASIC MILITARY Qualification) that one may find that the stream that they follow will be different.

Michael beat me to it.
So my BMQ course will consist of the use of firearms aswell? I knew to expect marching,running,etc, but I was not sure on the Firearms and actual combat instruction.
ShawnHartwell said:
So my BMQ course will consist of the use of firearms aswell? I knew to expect marching,running,etc, but I was not sure on the Firearms and actual combat instruction.

You do realize that you are looking into joining the military, don't you?  Your life may depend on you having the knowledge to defend yourself, perhaps with the use of a firearm.
Yes, I am aware of that. I just thought depending on the Naval Trade there would be no need for the use of Firearms. I'm already somewhat practically trained with firearms, but not military grade(Only Handguns). I won't mind the training I was just unsure. It's quite a mystery when first deciding to join the CF.
ShawnHartwell said:
Yes, I am aware of that. I just thought depending on the Naval Trade there would be no need for the use of Firearms. I'm already somewhat practically trained with firearms, but not military grade(Only Handguns). I won't mind the training I was just unsure. It's quite a mystery when first deciding to join the CF.

When you do your interview...The MCC asks you if you are able to use a firearm during any CF operation or  other government sanctioned operation. You may have to use one to defend yourself and I'm pretty sure handguns could be classified as military grade but I have a feeling you're talking C-7/C-8's etc.
When I said "Military grade" i meant like Assault Rifles,Fully Auto, "Prohibited" weapons that I can't get without being the army. Even with a PAL.

Anyway, I handed in my app. 3 months waiting time. then BMQ is closed till 2011. I got PLENTY of time to shape up, but I won't waste a second of it!