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The brown Temperate Combat Boot (AKA: Mk IV Cbt Boot) - No longer CADPAT

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Maybe its time to get the Ombudsman involved? I'm sure another investigation into defense procurement wouldn't look great.

Perhaps you should go to clothing stores, ask to have boots LPO'd since the system cannot provide, and when they say no, file a redress of grievance. Start raising flags up the CoC, and pull some of the ostrich heads out of the sand.
My concern is why is it that the lower levels (Jr ranks) are  the one raising flags? Where is the senior leadership? And what happened to simply taking care of our troop?
A troop being put on listening watch while the remainder of the organization meanders down a "they'll get here when they get here" path is unacceptable.  Somewhere out there, if the back log is as it is said, and the troop's boots are as bad as they sound, a CO should be authorizing a LPO for boots...
Wolf117 said:
Still unable to get combat boots issued to me.  Not any sizes even close to what I wear in stock and this has been going on for six months now.  I am unsure what to do as my current boots are about ready to fall apart.  I am using gorilla glue and other adhesives to ensure that the sole doesn't peel off further.

Does anyone know what the CoC expects us to do?  I am unable and unwilling to fund my own pair out of pocket.  But at this point I'm almost unable to have footwear to show up to work with...

We should set up an Army.ca 'Gear Swap' site, like MEC, where you could post 'combat boots' under the 'gear wanted' page.  :nod:
We need Popurhedoff to start an "OP Walking Tall" CAF edition... I'll try to canvass the Americans I know and see if they will donate some boots our way.
Ok...in all seriousness...

Senior Officers/Bureaucrats please do something about this issue ...and would someone with some pull or supply knowledge from this site please help Wolf117 get some boots?

The whole issue is pathetic. Fix it!

I'm looking forward to being told we're not allowed to wear our civilian boots because the CF is issuing these great new brown ones and that's what we'll use  :nod:
Okay and would I just make a request in the form of a memo up my chain or simply verbally relay the difficulties again to the CoC to try and get an LPO started?  I'm not the only soldier this is affecting so I assume an LPO would cover anyone in my unit who is in a similar situation.
Wolf117 said:
Okay and would I just make a request in the form of a memo up my chain or simply verbally relay the difficulties again to the CoC to try and get an LPO started?  I'm not the only soldier this is affecting so I assume an LPO would cover anyone in my unit who is in a similar situation.
The first step would be to discuss your concerns with I/C Clothing Stores. Request that they authorize local purchase of combat boots for you, given the system's inability to supply.

If that gets no joy, write a memo to your COC explaining your inability to obtain adequate issued footwear and requesting their assistance (point out that it is a larger concern than just you).
That sounds good, but would I just walk over to the clothing stores and ask to speak to their "I/C"?  Is that like the Sgt in charge of the tables for that day?  Or is it a more permanent position somewhere in the back.  I don't know how they structure themselves over there and every time I've asked for reimbursement for purchased boots over there they (the Cpl at the counter) just tells me the authority for such a decision is in Ottawa and that they continually deny such requests.

So who do I seek out over there?
Going on you own and asking to see the IC might get you in hot water. Clothing has sent a few nasty grams to members chains of command for bugging them or asking for stuff they weren't entitled to. (Why would a sig op attached to an infantry battalion need a shelter-half...)

I would suggest going to the counter and quickly explaining to the Pte/Cpl working there that you're intending to staff a memo to your chain of command regarding your issue with boots and you just want to know who you should put in the memo as a point of contact from clothing stores.  You can bring it up in conversation like "Do YOU know if there's anything I could do, do you think your boss might know? I just don't want to waste your time". 

That way you may get an answer or some direction but also you'll be covering your ass since technically you were there looking for a point of contact in order to put a memo up your chain of command.

I'd still put a memo up and get the CoC involved.
I'd consider mentioning what you're doing to your 2ic maybe as well.  :2c:

He/she might even help you.
What has been said above, don't go on your own to clothing stores.  I recommend talking to your Pl 2IC and have him through your CQ talk to the RQ.  Your RQ being a supply tech will know who to talk to base side and all the regulations involving issuing boots.
dangerboy said:
What has been said above, don't go on your own to clothing stores.  I recommend talking to your Pl 2IC and have him through your CQ talk to the RQ.  Your RQ being a supply tech will know who to talk to base side and all the regulations involving issuing boots.

Good advice.

IIRC there is a CANFORGEN forbidding COs from buying operational kit. I do not know if this includes boots, but the CO may be precluded from authorizing the purchase of footwear.
Its probably base side that should be LPOing those boots, not individual units.

I don't remember seeing boots specifically on that CANFORGEN, but would be worth looking up on Monday.
I've been using LPOd boots since about 2003 for my orthotics and it has always been a Base lvl procurement/issue. 

Likely detailed in the CFSM.
I will post up the CFSM ref tomorrow;  a CO has no authority to authorize an LPO for footwear (or any other thing that is system-issued - CANFORGEN a couple years ago on that), but footwear is, and always has been covered in the CFSM - therefore no CO authority is required in the first place.

If it is a sizing issue, Base Supply is obligated to provide to member via custom or LPO. 

They are also obligated to ensure that personnel are provided with footwear by CFSM.  When I was the Sgt IC Clothing Stores, that is exactly the ref that I utilized to LPO footwear for individuals when stockouts occurred and when sizing was an issue. 

"LPO authorized as per CFSM yada yada. National stockout of required size".  They shouldn't need a friggin' CO to "authorize" because they are failing to apply the CFSM.  Are they paranoid these days? Perhaps, but the damn official ref backs them up.  I can tell you what I'd be doing if I were still employed in that world, "Here's the ref, LPO the man some damn footwear already".  ::)
ArmyVern said:
I will post up the CFSM ref tomorrow;  a CO has no authority to authorize an LPO for footwear (or any other thing that is system-issued - CANFORGEN a couple years ago on that), but footwear is, and always has been covered in the CFSM - therefore no CO authority is required in the first place.

If it is a sizing issue, Base Supply is obligated to provide to member via custom or LPO. 

They are also obligated to ensure that personnel are provided with footwear by CFSM.  When I was the Sgt IC Clothing Stores, that is exactly the ref that I utilized to LPO footwear for individuals when stockouts occurred and when sizing was an issue. 

"LPO authorized as per CFSM yada yada. National stockout of required size".  They shouldn't need a friggin' CO to "authorize" because they are failing to apply the CFSM.  Are they paranoid these days? Perhaps, but the damn official ref backs them up.  I can tell you what I'd be doing if I were still employed in that world, "Here's the ref, LPO the man some damn footwear already".  ::)

Thank you Vern.
To be more specific about language, it's a CANLANDGEN/CANARMYGEN and, if I recall correctly, it prohibits the use by COs of O&M funds (L101) for the purchase of operational clothing and equipment.  The reason is two-fold - first the CFSM has policies in place to expend the right type of funds to provide footwear and secondly it prevents units from doing what DLR is supposed to do.