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The air cadet thread

Ironside said:
No foxtwo, sorry about the confusion - My question is directed to WO2_mandal.   I was wondering what squadron he is in because I'd like to think I had seen most of the atlantic region Cadet squadrons during my time in the program, and he knows someone from my old squadron.

If you read his sig, you notice it says 631 Sential Sqn....... ;)

And Ironside, happen to know Tim Daigle or Grace Bulger? I'm almost 100% they were 517.....
Condor, I do know that Captain. And I said my comments about SLC and flying crse in a tongue in cheek manner. However, I'm sure that an SLC crse, and being away from home and friends must be difficult for some, but marching around and doing drill (nothing learned on SLC cannot be learned by OJT) really cannot compare to learning to fly a plane. Everyone is welcome to their opinions on this but that one it mine.
Ironside said:
Yes I know her - I used to work at Zellers with her mother actually.   Her twin sisters were also in one of my biology classes in high school.
I believe Robin was a Sgt. or F/Sgt. before I left.

I do not believe I am familiar with your squadron - where is it located?

We are in Scarborough, in Toronto, in Ontario lol.......and she retired a WO2..........I'm not atlantic region, I was there in 2003 for Intro to aircrew sruvival, and she was doing staff.......
Scott937 said:
Condor, I do know that Captain. And I said my comments about SLC and flying crse in a tongue in cheek manner. However, I'm sure that an SLC crse, and being away from home and friends must be difficult for some, but marching around and doing drill (nothing learned on SLC cannot be learned by OJT) really cannot compare to learning to fly a plane. Everyone is welcome to their opinions on this but that one it mine.

Cool, she was an awesome flt comd too, she was the one that was able to get it approved for us to sing on the bus....
Sorry if I tore into you a bit there on the last post, I'm just tired of hearing people argue which course is the best/tougest/most hardcore/whatever the hell you want to argue, they're all tough, to a certain point.

Personally, I believe that glider and power are the two toughest courses to take as an air cadet, mentally, due to the sheer amount of material you need to know, and in the case of glider physically, two people pushing a thousand pound aircraft a couple hundered feet while trying not to trip in the potholes and having to clear the landing area's ASAP because all are occupied and you have another 2-33A on downwind or base or final can be pretty tough on the body. Espically if you get extended and end up running gliders for 12 hours a day for the last week. That's tough, espically when there are a few MIR commando's or people who are just lazy and don't do jack shit on the field............If anyone here ever gets glider, do yourself and your flight mates a favour, run your ass off on the field. Never volunteer for the "soft" jobs like signaller or logs, just make sure you crew every glider as fast and as hard as you can, it'll be appreciated when you start running out of time and you need every second of flight time you can get. Trust me on that.

Not insulting any other course out there, they're all tough, just the possibility of death if you screw the pooch as opposed to being CB'd.....a lot more to worry about there in my mind.......

condor888000 said:
If you read his sig, you notice it says 631 Sential Sqn....... ;)

And Ironside, happen to know Tim Daigle or Grace Bulger? I'm almost 100% they were 517.....

First of all, being a fourth year history major, I like to think that I can read/write by now - the squadron name does not necessarily give the location, which is the reason as to why I posed the question in the first place.

As for Tim Daigle and Grace Bulger, I can't say that I know them - would they still be in the program?  Because if so, that would be why I do not recognize the names.  I did leave the program several years ago.
  I've done both power and SIC.  I'm very glad and fortunate to have done both in my cadet carreer.  Last month, my old warrent asked me what one I liked better, and I really had to think.  Power everyone understands, and I have a piece of paper and an awsome experience.  Both are experiences I couldn't get anywhere else for sure.  I wouldn't really want to choose between the both.  I do believe I enjoyed SIC moreso, even though if i were to go now that may not be the case.  Power was awsome, i love flying, and go every chance I have, but SIC to me will be the top experience of my cadet career.
CI Gubbels
Ironside said:
As for Tim Daigle and Grace Bulger, I can't say that I know them - would they still be in the program?   Because if so, that would be why I do not recognize the names.   I did leave the program several years ago.
Yeah, they're both still in, I did glider with them last year......
POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I PULLED IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLS YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait till the 27 of June, cause then I'm gone till 14 Aug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, anyone else hear?
shafted for bagot staff *sigh*.......o well next year........now i think I'm gonna be stuck in trenton ...........ew.........trenton.........
WO2_mandal said:
and cpl, i think that was 180. they were dedicating a glider to someone who died recently or somethign like that.......

They were dedicating the glider to the memory of John Kerr.  John was a cadet in 180 and an officer with a Squadron in Winnipeg.  He died in a flying accident.  His parents have been big supporters of the Air Cadet Program.

631 Senitnel is in Scarborough.

Shawn Walsh
condor888000 said:
POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I PULLED IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLS YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait till the 27 of June, cause then I'm gone till 14 Aug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, anyone else hear?

Congratulations condor   :), so where you going? The senior camps are being announced tonight and my squadron.
Not sure yet......likely somewhere in Eastern, they tend to collect all the English power in Eastern at one site..........

I know the dates are June 27 to August 14 though......
condor888000 said:
POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I PULLED IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLS YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait till the 27 of June, cause then I'm gone till 14 Aug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, anyone else hear?

Congrats! I just found out I got glider 2 days ago.... I'm still hyped.  I can't wait until July 11 now. As for your advice about always running for the gliders I agree. I was on ITAC last year and one night we helped push the gliders and after 3 hours I was exhausted but it was fun and you could tell no one liked the lazy kids.
Good job! Gliders a hell of a lot of fun..........

Yeah, runnings the gliders is tough the first week or two, then your body catches up and it becomes a lot easier when you run them..........but if you get extended, its worse than the first week, cause you're running all day long................... :crybaby: Still, best 7 weeks of my life so far........
Update: Just found out I should be heading to Gatineau for Power. The bad thing is that according to the letter I'm heading to St. Jean on the 25th of Sat, sleeping there, coming back to Gatineau on the 26th, and course starts on the 27th..........god I hate having to go to Montreal all the time.............
condor888000 said:
Update: Just found out I should be heading to Gatineau for Power. The bad thing is that according to the letter I'm heading to St. Jean on the 25th of Sat, sleeping there, coming back to Gatineau on the 26th, and course starts on the 27th..........god I hate having to go to Montreal all the time.............

Why would you go to St-Jean just to come back to Gatineau? Doesn't make sense to me.

Bad news for me, didn't make the initial selection for camp, that means I'm just going to have to work hard till the end of the year and hope I get it.  :-\
Its Eastern, they ain't that bright ;).......and yeah, the course is run out of St Jean. I knew that I was likely going to have grad parade there, but I forgot that they would have to do intake too...........