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The adventures of bekkamgov and her Boyfriend

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I don't know if I got this in the write spot,but I got a question about medical coverage of dependents. My boyfriend told me that our son is not going to be covered until he is done basic. I just paid $1500 for my sons dental surgery, and I'm just making sure that I haven't paid that much money when he was covered the whole time.

2. When coverage starts
For a member who became eligible on or after 1 January, 1992, participation in the Plan commences following a waiting period of exactly three (3) months of continuous Regular Force or Primary Reserve service.
That being said, can we expect you to post here to double check what your husband says to you every time ?
So if it is 3 months in service does that mean he is covered now because my boyfriend has been in full service since January. He got re coursed in basic  because he broke his foot.
I was asking because he wasn't sure if he was covered or not. Everything I ask is stuff he isn't sure about.
He should be confirming these things with his chain of command. It's his responsibility. He should have enrolled in the Public Service Health Care Plan and the dental plan as well to cover you and your son.

We cannot tell you if he has done these things or not. Only he can do that.
There is absolutely nothing we can do for you.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

HE wil have to go to HIS Chain of Command and get the details of HIS medical insurance plan and find out what HE has to do to get you and the child covered.
I know you are new to all this so, tell him this.

"talk to your Master Corporal or Sergeant and tell them you need to get PSHCP coverage for us.  You need to make sure we are listed as dependents on your Pers File/HRMS program. Once/if we are covered as dependents, then the dental coverage is automatic and you pay $4 for PSHCP deductions".

I'd also recommend he opt for the Lev III coverage.  It is just better benefits for hospital stays (private room if available, TV...but he can look all that up and let you know about it).  The cost (per month) is so minimal...I spend more $ a day at home on double-doubles.

That is about all you can do.  Seriously.  Well, other than crack the whip under him to get him off his arse.

Yeah...I think he said  that is what he applied for. My boyfriend is so slack. He never does anything till I bug him forever.
bekkamgov said:
Yeah...I think he said  that is what he applied for. My boyfriend is so slack. He never does anything till I bug him forever.

Maybe you should look for a new one.
It almost come to that point till he joined the army and started do something with his life.
He might be able to get coverage for the boy, but only if the son is a legal dependant. The OP keeps saying her "boyfriend" which may mean they aren't common law, so he can't make her a dependant.

captloadie said:
He might be able to get coverage for the boy, but only if the son is a legal dependant. The OP keeps saying her "boyfriend" which may mean they aren't common law, so he can't make her a dependant.

If they share custody of the child, he can claim common-law.  From the DCBA Aide Memoire:

6. Common-Law Partner
Common-law partner, in relation to a member, means a person who has been cohabiting with the member in a conjugal relationship:

a. for a period of at least one year (or non-continuous period if they are living separately for military reasons); or

b. for a period of less than one year, if the member and the person have jointly assumed the support of a child.

I believe this was discussed in another thread, that the child was born after the member had departed for BMQ, however, on his next posting (for trades training) he should be able to declare the common-law status.
I guess I was thrown off by the fact that the child needed $1500 in dental surgery. I figured the child must be older, and therefore may not be his legally.
captloadie said:
I guess I was thrown off by the fact that the child needed $1500 in dental surgery. I figured the child must be older, and therefore may not be his legally.

I must have been thinking about another recent post.  bekkamgov's child is 3 years old.

bekkamgov said:
my boyfriend is in basic training is in basic training right now after he is done we are thinking of getting a pmq in borden where he is doing his training for supply tech..we did live together for a year but i moved out before he joined the army back to my parents but we were having financal trouble. we have been together for 5 years now and have a 3 year old. we are planning to get married sometime soon. but i was wondering if anyone knows if we could get a pmq.it has been so had on our son being away from his dad.

I believe the member was not living with her when he went to BMQ, however, if they share custody of the child, he can declare common-law.
bekkamgov said:
I hope so..My son misses his daddy so bad.

Well, I've missed my daughter for the 15 years I've been posted out of the province she lives in.  Yes, it was my choice and it was also to be able to provide her with a little financial security on my part, but that doesn't make it any easier.,
yeah..It sucks when children have to be away from there parents. I don't really know how it feels I have never been away from mine so I don't know how to relate to what my son is feeling, and he is to young to explain how he feels. All I know now is when his dad calls he won't talk to him.
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