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SVBEID Detonates off Hiafa St, Baghdad 1210h local - about 80 minutes ago now...


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A typical day in Baghdad......

Well, I had just left the mess after a 3/10 steak, fake mash and canned mixed veggies, when KABBOOM!

Without thinking, I made a mad dash to some t-walls for protection and ducked down, anticipating another incoming rd of terror.

I noticed when peeking around a corner, that the open area had been vacated pretty much by all, and others were running for cover into the bunkers or behind t-walls.

I then made a mad dash for better protection, and gathered with a few mates behind decent cover.

I had thought it was either a big mortar or rocket, maybe 200m or less, but it was actually a SVBEID, a biggie, over a km away from us. The explosion was huge! A massive concusion had followed. I seen the Al Rashid Hotel, and the smoke was behind that. Massive plume. Absolutly massive!

I pulled out my camera, peered over top of some protection and began to film. The dusty mushroom cloud, still rising, followed by a secondary burn of thick black smoke. Sirens in the background. Same ole routine for the poor bastards outside the wire.

Then once things cooled down, off to our room to catch CNN. Not even 10 minutes later they had a live feed, and as of 5 mins ago, 14 killed, unknown amount wounded, and toll is rising.

It is such a nice day, maybe 20C, sunny. Sparrows chirping etc. At times it does not sound like a war here, but it does today.

So, over an hour later, that thick black secondary burn is still going. Let me tell ya's, I won't miss this place when I leave  ;D .

Its a crazy place full of nothing but pure violence. Better on his shores than ours.



EDIT....And to think this attack is to co-incide with 15 minutes silence the 1st year anniversary of a shiite mosque attacked by sunni's, which started this whole civil war. The car blew up at the time when the memorial ended. I am sure this will bring more reprisals against the sunni minority. At tleast their violence is directed at each other and not ourselves.

Muslims killing muslims and blaming Israeli 'officers' and the US 'agents' for such attacks. Yes, and they believe what they are told too, as their religious leaders preach this crap all the time.

You know, its obvious they want no peace here, and I just don't bloody well care! There is no light at the end of the tunnel, well maybe for us there is, for at least we know when we are leaving.
Glad to hear you are safe from it.  I also like your analysis of the situation on the ground (well not like, more applaud the sincerity of it).