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Summer SQ


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Just wanted to know if during courses in the summer (reserve) do you get most weekends off?? Like I mean where you can leave and drive home for the weekend or do you have to stick around?? ???
I don't know from personal experience, but what I've been told by my SGT the first few weeks you will have to stay on base. After a few weeks you can go home on the firday night, but you might have to be back by 1800 hrs. I have to go on that course this summer as well.
Like I said, that's just what I was told.
How much time off you get on any course is up to the course staff. But if the course does well, pass inspections, etc your get your weekends. If a lot of troops on the course f*ck up an fail inspections, don't expect weekends off.
The venues for the SQ's depend on your Brigade training area.  31 and 32 Brigade generally tend to have their SQ run with the assistance of LFCA TC Meaford during the summe.  As for the time off, it depends on the staff, but also on the training schedule.  Sometimes you may have to train on a Saturday or a Sunday, thus cutting your time off short.  A lot of it depends on course and personnal performance.
my SQ a few years ago. we had the first weekend off however like i was said before, if people **** up, and/or you piss off your course staff, hope you like PT and remedial exercises. that was the only weekend off on my SQ.
Do yourself a big favour and don't expect to get weekends off. Its completely up to your staff as to how much time you get off. On my BMQ/SQ at Minto in 2004, we got about 6 or 7 days off in total. Most of our staff was horrible though, especially my section SGT. We generally did really well, our staff stole one of the troop's mag's in the middle of the night, saying if the perp didn't give it up we'd lose our weekend. Even after complete kit searches in the parade square, nothing was found. We still got the weekend off. The mag mysteriously appeared a few days later. After hearing about so many others BMQ/SQ's after mine, Im pretty pissed off at my staff. They broke a lot of rules we new people wern't aware of at the time and made things a lot harder on us than any other BMQ/SQ's Ive ever heard of.

I forgot to mention, there are people who took their courses on the CF bases that did not get any time off at all. I am sure if our staff wasn't all from winnipeg, this probably would have been the case.