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Summer camps .... what did you get!

ive got air cadet rifle coach at connaught this summer intake 2...
wow whitehorse is awsome. this is my first day off in 3 weeks. i have been really busy b ut it is worth it. oh and to let people know i got sec Sgt in CLI adventure in whitehorse not what i wanted but it is trhe best adventure course in canada so i am not complaining
I'm at Blackdown doing CLI Adventure which so far has been awesome. I just got back from Meaford last night where we had loads of fun.
GGHG_Cadet said:
I'm at Blackdown doing CLI Adventure which so far has been awesome. I just got back from Meaford last night where we had loads of fun.
You don't do patrol training at borden annymore?
We have our Partol Exercise this upcoming week in the training area. It will assess on our leadership and navigational abilities in a patrol. The patrol IC will have to give orders in the proper format and will be required to make sand maps and things like that.
Sgt. Papke said:
Well I got in (better late than never) A-Coy CLI: PERT & Rifle Coach   Storesman/Clerk   at VACSTC

Got the news like 5hrs after the all-night prom was finished, so im tired but happy

Its actually just A-Coy Storesman, (I havent been on here for quite a few weeks  :P)
GGHG_Cadet said:
We have our Partol Exercise this upcoming week in the training area. It will assess on our leadership and navigational abilities in a patrol. The patrol IC will have to give orders in the proper format and will be required to make sand maps and things like that.
I know, I did adventure at Blackdown in 2000, back when we had rubber c7 in the field
Drill, OAT, field guns, theary, how to fold a map ;D LoL <---That was funni!!!, when it was to hot to do drill we'd work on our uniforms up in massey (203) and watch little funny flashes on the computer. Cerimonial stuff like colours and divisions. Jetty jumping, leadership classes and I wasn't supposed to go on the Fort Henry run cause I'm only a Tg1 but I went anyway, it was fun. We did fitness testing and I got a bronze fitness metal, but ya the list goes on but I think what I like most was the staff, my friend was the coxswain of the camp, my Po's were lots of fun and I had the funnest officer ever, he was an army guy, if you were looking for him just look for green or red depending on the rig of the day. He was alittle out there but then again so am I so it works, LoL I guess there has to be something wrong with you to join the CF LoL. He gave me the nickname Bubblez.
Oh it is but You've got to be careful or you'll go home missing either a few fingers or a whole hand. The breach weighs about 30 pounds so that will crush or fingers and as you continue to push the handle in to lock it the breach turns to lock itself in place and presto, there goes you hand. LoL
OMFG rockymountain ruled wooohooo im so glad i was chosen to go omg 2 platoon all the way

kananaskis we're the best ohhh yeas 2005 we'll win everything.....!!!

2platoon lalala 2 platoon lalala
wow tone down on the language. rocky mountain is an amazing course i did it last year. had an incredible time. i was in 4 plt so i am all pro sulphur
Heslip said:
OMFG rockymountain ruled wooohooo im so glad i was chosen to go omg 2 platoon all the way

kananaskis we're the best ohhh yeas 2005 we'll win everything.....!!!

2platoon lalala 2 platoon lalala

you went to rockey moutain? my friend Hill went there this summer, hes from my old corps