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Suicide bomber falls down stairs ...

Michael OLeary

Army.ca Fixture
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Suicide bomber falls down stairs ...
Article from: Agence France-Presse

From correspondents in Khost, Afghanistan

January 24, 2008 12:39pm

A WOULD-be suicide bomber fell down a flight of stairs and blew himself up as he headed out for an attack in Afghanistan, police say.

It was the second such incident in two days, with another man killing himself and three others on Tuesday when his bomb-filled waistcoat exploded as he was putting it on in the southern town of Lashkar Gah.

Yesterday's blast was in a busy market area of the eastern town of Khost, a deputy provincial police chief said.

The would-be attacker tripped as he was leaving a building apparently to target an opening ceremony for a mosque that was expected to be attended by Afghan and international military officials, said Sakhi Mir.

"Coming down the stairs, he fell down and exploded. Two civilian women and a man were wounded,'' Mir said.

Suicide attacks are regular feature of an insurgency led by the extremist Taliban movement that was in government between 1996 and 2001. The most deadly was in November 2007 and killed nearly 80 people, most of them school students.

Do you still get the virgins in heaven if you're stupid and only kill yourself?
I can hear the Anti crowd already: "Yah right, I'm sure he fell down those stairs! some big meanie Canadian soldier must have pushed him!"
Well this is probably one of the rare cases where I would agree would GAP's quote that "Slinkies" like this terrorist bring a smile to your face "when pushed down the stairs".    ;D >:D
I bet if he could talk, he'd say (In Pee Wee Herman style)

"Hueeah hueaah, I meant to do that, Huh huh huh"
Well if they're starting to take themselves out...then hey one less for our troops to worry about.

But instead of Pee-Wee Herman, I think Homer Simpson would be more fitting.

I think they're starting to run out of the good suicide bombers and have now resorted to their minor leagues.  One can only hope there are only so many morons out there willing to do this and that they will eventually run out...  :blotto:
Maybe if they decided to have a practical PO check during their suicide bomber work up training things like this wouldn't happen,... errr,.... wait a second,....
(I posted this awhile back in a different thread but it deserves a re-post here I think)

An instructor preping his students for the Big PO Check on Suicide Bomber Basic:


Strange, I can't remember them ever running an Advanced crse!
Delicron said:
One can only hope there are only so many morons out there willing to do this and that they will eventually run out...  :blotto:

"Hello! Suicide Hot Line! How would you like to go?" <--------------- Ahmed The Dead Terrorist
MedTech said:
"Hello! Suicide Hot Line! How would you like to go?" <--------------- Ahmed The Dead Terrorist

Unfortunately There could be alot of takers since it is A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPERTUNITY!  ;D
Teflon said:
Unfortunately There could be alot of takers since it is A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPERTUNITY!  ;D

You musn't forget all those virgins...
I wonder what kind of virgin this guy gets?  I wouldn't imagine it would be too pretty... :-X
I wonder if they were from the same bomb maker, if so, he is doing our work for us  ;D
MedTech said:
"Hello! Suicide Hot Line! How would you like to go?" <--------------- Ahmed The Dead Terrorist

"I had a premature detonation" <------------------Ahmed the Dead Terrorist
Michael O`Leary said:
Do you still get the virgins in heaven if you're stupid and only kill yourself?
Personally, I like to hear it when they take their handler with them.
Delicron said:
I think they're starting to run out of the good suicide bombers and have now resorted to their minor leagues.  One can only hope there are only so many morons out there willing to do this and that they will eventually run out...  :blotto:

Let's face it: it ain't like the Canadian Army is fighting the SS again, is it?
