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Still seeing Christmas lights? Here's the cure...

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score

As always happens, the images used here are being cached at various places across the Internet. If you're still seeing the Christmas lights (which were taken down some time ago) then you simply need to force a refresh. To do that, simply follow the instructions for your browser:

Firefox: Hold down the SHIFT key while clicking on the reload button

Internet Explorer: Press CTRL-F5

That should effectively take down the lights, though I make no promises about taking down your tree, booting out the in-laws or working off those extra moose milk calories.

I'll try it again, but post-halloween it didn't work here - so I've got a rather unique mix of Christmas lights and skulls.

I suspect it may be the caches that DND runs...
How about starting my Christmas shopping early this year Mike? :D
Well, I'm halfway there after a reset, followed by shutting down and restarting IE:  The lights are gone, but the skulls remain.  Fill in your own puchline...
dapaterson, what happens if you visit this URL directly:


and try the forced refresh?
I'm seeing intermittent lights and skulls now (sounds like a really bad bender, I know).  At home, all is good; it's just the DIN that likes to play odd tricks.

And since I've already had one set of interviews from the NIS (my boss had me write the reply to their report suggesting I be charged) I'll not go digging too deep into the DND IT infrastrucutre to try to fix this one...
On my workcomputer, the lights are gone, but I also still have intermittent skulls and pumpkins.  I can do the Ctrl+refresh.  But it gets rid of them for the people on that thread only.  Example:  If Mike Bobbit had pumpkins showing on thread A and I refreshed it, his pumpkins are now gone for all threads.  But if dapaterson didn't have a post in thread A, then he still has pumpkins until I refresh a thread that he is on....if any of that makes sense?!?!
It does: you refresh the pumpkins to their correct form for every user "class" in that thread. So if you refresh the "gold" maple leaves they'll be fixed from then on, everywhere you see them.

Might take a few attempts to get them all refreshed.
dapaterson said:
And since I've already had one set of interviews from the NIS (my boss had me write the reply to their report suggesting I be charged) I'll not go digging too deep into the DND IT infrastrucutre to try to fix this one...

Boy, I'll bet there's an entertaining story behind that quote!
Haggis said:
Boy, I'll bet there's an entertaining story behind that quote!

Yes.  Best told while hoisting pints of Guiness (or possibly some lesser beverage)
Mike Bobbitt said:
Might take a few attempts to get them all refreshed.

Well, if a few is more then a couple dozen, guess I've got some more to go.  It seems like I have refreshed numerous times now.  But good to know that there is an eventual solution.  Thanks Mike.  :)
And I thought this was going to explain how to get the rest of my street to take their darn lights down..

Christmas is over people..take down those lights!
Mike,  Do you think we can little pink hearts for Valentines' Day?????    Please, Please, Please !
