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Speeding / Traffic tickets during application [Merged]

eager_beaver said:
I misplaced a few of them..the bottom line was i was young and dumb and just simply neglected to pay them hoping they  would go away..out of sight out of mind i guess.This however is no reflection of the person i am today,nor the type of work ethic i aspire to..i have learned allot since then.

Well that is good to hear you learned a lot. I was one of those kids that learned from his mistakes. Even if I was told about something.. I had to try it. We are all humans.

All I can really say is best of luck with the ticket issue. Wait out until you get your report back then fix the problem. Re-apply afterwards.

Hope it helps,
eager_beaver said:
Thank you for the advice fellas.

I have contacted the O.P.P...and unfortunately they can not help me at this time.They basically said i would have to wait for the results of the security check and once these things come up take it from there and make arrangements to rectify the situation.Which is a blow..because i was hoping to get a head start and work on getting things sorted out and have some proof of this on paper when i FINALLY have a request for an interview.

You are mixing apples and oranges.....
You are talking to the OPP about fines levied against you which you have not paid.
For them, what does the pre enrollment screening have to do with it?

Get on with it.  Talk to the OPP, tell em you owe them money and want to make arrangements to settle up your tab.

Don't discuss military enrollment in the same sentence as you are talking about unpaid, forgotten tickets.

Cheers - It only hurts when you smile !  :)
Thanks Geo... sometimes I have a hard time putting words down.
again...everyone back to their corners, no more personal stuff......

army.ca staff
what personal stuff?

I handed out my best advice (as usual) ...
I didn't eat my nasty pills this morning - honest!
Eager: This may help you with what to do with your unpaid fines.  This is specially for TO but I suspect that your city/burgh has a similar agreement. 


If you go further into the site, it has another link for unpaid fines in other burghs at: http://www.toronto.ca/POA/poa_offices.htm
Crap... although I retreated to my corner as instructed, I suspect it is I that has earned the mod's wrath tonight.

My apologies to the mods for causing them more work.

(geo -- what colour are the nasty pills?  I think I might have gotten my 'happies' and my 'nasties' mixed up this morning!)
Sam, if you have to ask... you took the wrong ones.
Yes I would have to say my apologies too for tonight.

SamIAm said:
Crap... although I retreated to my corner as instructed, I suspect it is I that has earned the mod's wrath tonight.

My apologies to the mods for causing them more work.

(geo -- what colour are the nasty pills?  I think I might have gotten my 'happies' and my 'nasties' mixed up this morning!)

SamIAm said:
Crap... although I retreated to my corner as instructed, I suspect it is I that has earned the mod's wrath tonight.

My apologies to the mods for causing them more work.

(geo -- what colour are the nasty pills?  I think I might have gotten my 'happies' and my 'nasties' mixed up this morning!)

Enough of the pills.  Get back to work, you! ;)
Jeez, Loiuse.

Fine, I shall get back to studying forthwith... not that I want to though. 

God help me.
your best bet is to contact your local Provincial Offences Office and let them know thatyou have some outstanding fines. that's what i had to do to find out how much i owed in fines ($700 speeding ticket) got that all paid off and now I'm just waiting to see what happens next
eager_beaver said:
I misplaced a few of them..the bottom line was i was young and dumb and just simply neglected to pay them hoping they  would go away..out of sight out of mind i guess.This however is no reflection of the person i am today,nor the type of work ethic i aspire to..i have learned allot since then.

My advice is to contact them and tell them you have outstanding tickets to pay.  IF they ask why it has taken you so long, then repeat to them what you typed in the quote, well the first sentence anyway.  The 2nd sentence you could leave out.  Not required.

Then, keep whatever paperwork they give you to prove you paid off the tickets, in case the Recruiting Center/CF needs proof.

Case closed. 

No need to go into the "I was a bad boy, and I am ashamed of myself" or the "Scrooge after the visit of the 3 sprits" (I've changed!  The spirits, they did it all in one night!) speeches, IMHO.

Clear it up, if for no other reason than your own personal integrity, which is a HUGE reason...IMHO.

Hey Guys,

Quick question: If I have unpaid tickets from the states, will it affect my enrollment?

Best Regards
Yup... most provinces have agreements with most of the states.... fines and demerit points are transferable.

Own up to what you've done & pay up.