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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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cuteboots said:
20 months from the application, or after basic training...?
What did you do in the meantime?

20 months after Language school until I started basic flight training in Moose Jaw, I bypassed PFT.

I went to RMC and Queen's to do some courses, did 4 of my OPMEs and worked at 1 Wing HQ for a while.
20 months, 19 months.... x months. In the case of CEOTP, it is a great opportunity to get some University credits out of the way. In my opinion, I could stand the wait, I think it is worth it. It also gives you an opportunity to soak up the CF culture if you are a newbee.

Dougie, I don't have a degree but I have been working on one on a part time basis. I am going through the CEOTP process right now. Honestly, I think you should select a Degree Program that you are genuinely interested in then research ROTP and CEOTP and head to a Recruiting Centre. Sit down with a recruiter to select an entry plan that suits your background. In my case, the Recruiters were extremely helpful.

Some more background information would help though. For instance:
- Did you graduate high school or are you in high school?
- What  is or was your average?
- What sort of courses did you take - Advanced level or Technical? -> you will need Advanced Level
- What are you considering as a major in university? -> don't just take something to become a Pilot. University is demanding. Also, there is a chance that you may have to fall back on your choice.

As Inch mentioned, you will have to earn a Degree, there is no way around it. They will want to see that you have the potential to do so. That being said, you will want to distinguish yourself from the many other applicants. The CF, I am sure, receives many exceptional applications  including those who have Degrees, many hours of flight time, volunteer time and leadership skills. The Degree is but one requirement. (A very important one mind you.)

Don't be persuaded by me; just a suggestion on how to increase your chances of selection. In my case, I spent two years updating high school credits, building University credits, flight time, volunteer time etc. just to have the chance. But, I am just a candidate, not a Pilot so take it for what it is worth.

As I mentioned, visit your Recruiting Centre and good luck!

About flying CF and vision, could you wear glasses and still join the Reserves?  I thought the restriction applied only to Regular Forces members?  Please correct me if I'm wrong!

FuturePrivate said:
About flying CF and vision, could you wear glasses and still join the Reserves?   I thought the restriction applied only to Regular Forces members?   Please correct me if I'm wrong!


The standards for CFAT, Medical and PT are the same, regardless if you are going reserve or reg force. Unless you have 20/20 or better vision(uncorrected) you are a no-go for pilot.
You also can't join the reserves as a pilot. You must transfer from the Reg Force to the Reserves.
23007 said:
You also can't join the reserves as a pilot. You must transfer from the Reg Force to the Reserves.

Not true, I personally know of a few pilots that joined straight into the reserves as a pilot without ever going to Moose Jaw or having been a RegF pilot. One guy was an Air Canada Captain on the CRJ, he joined in Winnipeg to fly the Dash 8's, they sent him to Multi school in Portage for an abbreviated course on military flying and gave him his wings. Now, he can't transfer to the RegF, if he does, he'll be required to go to Moose Jaw and complete the training just like every other RegF pilot.

There's also a program for Griffons called helicop or something like that, they take Commercial helo pilots, they get trained on the Jet Ranger, get their wings and then fly Griffons, again, they cannot move to a different community nor can they transfer to RegF without going to Moose Jaw and completing pilot training as per everyone else.

Medical standards are still the same for both.
CEOTP is opened for pilots right now.  Inquire with a Recruiting centre, or online thru E-recruiting.
I too would love to join the air forces!! ...my uncle is a aircraft trafiic controller in the airport tower. so i'm gonna see what I can do.
Inch said:
The air reserve doesn't work the same way as the army reserve, one evening a week and one weekend a month kind of thing.


Alright, correct me if I'm wrong, but how was it that General Richard Rohmer- Canada's most decorated military veteran, was still able to find time to be in the Air Reserve and still be a lawyer and avid novelist at that! He did fly Mustangs in World War II, though I'm not sure how he could have flown in the Air Reserve years after the war and juggle that with law studies and his writing. Well he was able to make Major General, as the ff. article states:


To the mods, please don't post this in a new thread- I thought this was the best place to put it.
Alright, correct me if I'm wrong, but how was it that General Richard Rohmer- Canada's most decorated military veteran, was still able to find time to be in the Air Reserve and still be a lawyer and avid novelist at that! He did fly Mustangs in World War II, though I'm not sure how he could have flown in the Air Reserve years after the war and juggle that with law studies and his writing. Well he was able to make Major General, as the ff. article states:

Because the Air Reserve has changed dramatically since General Rohmer was a member. I'll let my air force bretheren provide more detail but the Air Reserve used to be a much larger organization than it is today. (At one time the RCAF operated Mustangs out of London as an auxiliary reserve squadron IIRC).  The Air Reserve was also based in Toronto at Downsview for a number of years - no longer.

Probably most salient points - Rohmer already had his wings and like today's Air Reserve the majority of its members are former regular force.  There are very few pilots today who are recruited as reservists. There might be some rotary seats available for those who possess a commercial helicopter license and an instrument rating - but even then it's rare. Try using the search function for more information on this topic.

(I do recall a couple of articles profiling one reservist who was a Snowbird pilot and another who flew Griffons out of Borden - just for an FYI  ;))

cheers, mdh
Well I filled in the online application and i need to go bring in my information and such. Which im doing soon. The only problem is that i cant exactly get a transcript to prove ive completed high school education. I cant possibly tell how long it takes me to do the 2.4 km run, but i go for jogs every other day with the dog so i should be in rather fine shape. I'm 6'5" 170lbs so im in good fitness. Except upper body. I can just do the 20 pushups, no idea if they are proper or not. I can do well beyond enough situps without even bothering me. I should be able to get through the medical exam no trouble. Except i have mild asthma. I dont even need to take a puffer for it.

the competancy test should be fine. In grade 12 i took chemisty-calculus-geometry-physics and IQ tests show roughly 140-145. I got perfect on http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/ppc/gct2_test_e.htm this test. Though its kinda odd. The definitions dont really prove competancy. It only proves if you've seen the word and know the defintion. Which i never learnt in school; I learnt them on my own from reading.
http://www.recruiting.forces.gc.ca/engraph/howtojoin/aptitude_test_e.aspx?bhcp=1 these questions were a breeze.

I just find this kinda odd. the physical tests shouldnt be so strict. They should accept anyone who can medically get into shape. Then have basic training get you into the fitness they want you in.

Also assuming that i do get in and all. Do you get the choice to which kind of planes you learn and fly? If you do and choose say cargo planes. later can you switch over to fighter pilot?

and, do they require transcript for education?

addition/ I also dont have any bachelors degree. i know there are some of the jobs which require officers to have a BA. but the pilot-regular officer didnt say anything about a BA.
munky99999 said:
I just find this kinda odd. the physical tests shouldn't be so strict. They should accept anyone who can medically get into shape. Then have basic training get you into the fitness they want you in.

I would recommend talking to a recruiter and a trip to your local CFRC before doing all this (I assume you haven't done this based on your post), especially if you don't have confirmation that you meet the basic requirements. Start searching, most if not all of your questions have been answered here on army.ca.
Oh and reference your physical test comment, there isn't enough time in basic to get you into shape. Everyone coming in must have a certain baseline of physical fitness. Otherwise the staff would never be able to teach you anything, they would have to hump you around on their back all day because you couldn't keep up. Good luck with your application.

I just find this kinda odd. the physical tests shouldnt be so strict. They should accept anyone who can medically get into shape. Then have basic training get you into the fitness they want you in.
They are NOT that demanding. A little work and the basic PT requirements will seem like nothing; trust me. Just as an example, I used to HATE running. I was always above the minimum in situps, pushups but I couldn't run more than a K without suffocating a year ago and taking one week off because of the pain. Now I run  between 5-10+ K several times a week and look forward to doing them.

Just some advice - use the training forum mainly Paracowboy's thread "shin splints, blisters and PT".

Be careful - don't kill yourself trying to get up to standards but work at it. I have a buddy who has a ankle that is really swollen (stress fracture) and another buddy who has the knee of an 80 year old - both because they went at it too hard.

Also assuming that i do get in and all. Do you get the choice to which kind of planes you learn and fly? If you do and choose say cargo planes. later can you switch over to fighter pilot?

Click here -> http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/43023.0.html

and, do they require transcript for education?

addition/ I also don't have any bachelors degree. i know there are some of the jobs which require officers to have a BA. but the pilot-regular officer didnt say anything about a BA.
As a pilot, you will need to either have a degree or earn one eventually. Apply under either ROTP or CEOTP if you don't already have a degree.

Good luck.

went to recruiter today and got the security and consent form. but nothing else really happened yet because i dont have a transcript. which i pick up on tuesday.

I dont like the 3 people for references. I really dont know that many people. I guess i'll use my neighbour and 2 other people who have know be for 5+ years. But even then. They probably dont know me that much. The people who do know me. Arent considered adults or not someone i'd want talking to anyone about me.

I never ever have done drugs. I very rarely drink. I never do anything illegal. I am very reliable and a good worker. Just not that social.

especially if you don't have confirmation that you meet the basic requirements.
I went to the recruiter and he never really did anything like this. Then again if you saw me. You'd expect i grew up in a military family or are already am. Ive been getting a brushcut(#1 clip) for the last ten years at least. Im clean shaven. etc. As far as i can tell. I do satisfy the requirements.

I expect the only things to change by joining the military is I start saluting and wear a uniform. Basically i do everything else. though i dont know everything. Im just looking to get a degree in math or physics. With a good job waiting for me when im done. Pilot being the best one. As ive played alot of flight simulators. Which are pretty fun. My favourite being Lock-On MAC
munky99999 said:
I dont like the 3 people for references. I really dont know that many people. I guess i'll use my neighbour and 2 other people who have know be for 5+ years. But even then. They probably dont know me that much. The people who do know me. Arent considered adults or not someone i'd want talking to anyone about me.

In the CF you'll need to learn to suck the bullshit up sometimes. Complaining does nothing good when it's not constructive. Don't like it? Too bad. What would you recommend instead?

Good luck in becoming a pilot.
Naralis said:
In the CF you'll need to learn to suck the bullshit up sometimes. Complaining does nothing good when it's not constructive. Don't like it? Too bad. What would you recommend instead?

Good luck in becoming a pilot.
No recommendation. Should stay the same. Its a good idea. Its just for my situation its kinda bad. The people who I'll use as a reference wont really know me beyond knowing that I'm a good guy. Not really complaining, was just saying that in my place its not really effective.

Also i forgot to mention.
I'm more interested in Multi-engine rather then jet. I'm not interested in helicopters. But say i get into multi-engine. Would this be the good place to be if I wanted to become a bombardier? For example if the airforce were to get a F-117, b-2, or something newer? I might also be interested in doing the f-35 JSF. In the current selection of planes. I'd choose flying the Hercules class. But when newer planes come out. I might wanna go to one of those. Is that possible?
munky99999 said:
I expect the only things to change by joining the military is I start saluting and wear a uniform. Basically i do everything else. though i don't know everything. I'm just looking to get a degree in math or physics. With a good job waiting for me when I'm done. Pilot being the best one. As I've played alot of flight simulators. Which are pretty fun. My favourite being Lock-On MAC


Just a tip, don't tell your staff that when you get to St-Jean.

Maybe they should just send you directly to Moose Jaw for Basic Flight training.  ;D

Seriously though, good luck with your application.

well thanks. Hope i can make it there. I definately wont be talking much when im there. If i do make it to basic training. I think it will be fine from then on. My cousin just graduated out of basic training(st.jean i think) and he loves it, though hes just went for infantry.

Only thing that will make me very very nervous. When i land. Sure i can do it reliably on simulators. But a simulator is a farcry from reality. Plus if i crash its my butt and not a sim pilot. Actually make that low-altitude flying, I'd be pretty nervous at least the first time. This is normal right? ???
I dont like the 3 people for references. I really dont know that many people. I guess i'll use my neighbour and 2 other people who have know be for 5+ years. But even then. They probably dont know me that much. The people who do know me. Arent considered adults or not someone i'd want talking to anyone about me
*sigh* ::) First the fitness requirements, now the references.

What about teachers? Coaches? Did you work in high school? Maybe your supervisor can fill it out? Did you do volunteer work while in high school? etc.

munky99999 said:
Only thing that will make me very very nervous. When i land. Sure i can do it reliably on simulators. But a simulator is a farcry from reality. Plus if i crash its my butt and not a sim pilot. Actually make that low-altitude flying, I'd be pretty nervous at least the first time. This is normal right? ???

If you want to experience flying first hand, scrounge up $50 or ask Mom or Dad to buy you an intro flight at a flying club. You will experience what turning, climbing, descending and ground rush is all about. They may even let you grab the controls. If you're in the Ottawa area, I will take you up.  >:D 

PS- Yor sentencisses. Are. hard toread. ;)

Seriously though - good luck.
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