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They used to smoke onboard until the 1994 embargo grinded to a halt. Now its only outside. Breezeway for CPF's.
But as somebody mentioned earlier all the good gossip either starts or spreads in the Breezeway with the smokers

I remember on IROQUOIS in 13 mess, 30 people smoking at once during lunch. You couldn't even breathe. It was a haze.

My white pants hanging in my locker had a nictotine crease from the locker door gap (seam).

I am an ex-smoker and quit while you can!
kincanucks said:
Yes and your interview will be halted and the local police will be called. You will have to give up your friends and the adults who bought them the cigarettes.

Seriously don't worry about it but you should worry more about your spelling!

Very funny. Thanks I was just woundering.
PS- Im not worried about my spelling, im a fast typer.
Kr3w said:
Very funny. Thanks I was just woundering.PS- Im not worried about my spelling, im a fast typer.

One day, in the future, you will have to write PERs, memorandums, etc...

Enough said.....
adaminc said:
I quit smoking cold turkey about 4.5 years ago now, I will on occasion puff a cigar or a colt like cigarillo if someone offers one to me, but thats it.

I tried the patch and the gum but the only thing that worked for me was Xyban (which I'm about to go on again after getting cocky and thinking I could have a smoke 'now and then.') I think of it as the indifference drug - after two weeks on it, when you quit, you don't want a smoke. You don't really want anything else either, but no cravings. 10 days on it, nicotine out of the system, done with the Xyban, and most medical plans cover it. I have a friend who has taken it for mood disorders and who is familiar with the full spectrum of anti-depressants and she says it's a remarkably benign medication as far as side-effects go. It can be tough to get to sleep for the first week but a melatonin capsule 30 minutes before bed helps.

I also found it was helpful to snap a few filters off my last pack of smokes and stash them in my pockets, my cars and my desk, just to roll them around in my fingers when I needed to – it wasn't the absence of nicotine that bothered me as much as not having anything to do with my hands all of sudden. YMMV and good luck.
40below said:
I also found it was helpful to snap a few filters off my last pack of smokes and stash them in my pockets, my cars and my desk, just to roll them around in my fingers when I needed to...

Thats just weird.
Nothing odd about it at all - biochemical addiction and patterned behaviours go hand in hand. It's hard to break one without addressing the other.
Start smoking for several years, then try and quit, it won't seem so "weird" once you go through it. I said the same thing when i first started, "how is it possible to get addicted to something like that" sure enough...

Has anyone tried a nicotine inhaler? I tried one and it worked pretty good, however after I stopped that I still craved nicotine.
A woman that sits in a cubicle near me used it for 3 weeks and claims that she is free from the craves.
That was a great idea 40below. I had no idea how much time I was wasting when I smoked. Suddenly I had all this free time and nothing to do with my hands. I think I ate my body weight in tic-tacs the first week. Then I switched to toothpicks. They were cheaper and lasted longer. I wish I would have realized  it was my idle hands causing me all the trouble.
...........uuugh...............I was smoke free for over a year.....just finished a 15 week QL3, and remained smoke free for 13 weeks of it.  Then when we went into the field for a week, I picked it right back up...like I had never stopped!!!  Now I'm back to at least 15 smokes a day dammmnit >:(
        Time to stop again!
C.O.D. :cdn:
Cluett said:
I don't mean to be rude, but isn't smoking a no no for bmq?

You can smoke on BMQ, but only during authorized breaks and after-hours.
i've been a "dirty" smoker since I was 16 and an idiot for much longer ;)

As all the others have mentioned, you always end up recruiting more and more smokers on course as it progresses. I find that the trend is more so for those who are not use to dealing with stresses so they just like getting outside and eventually take up smoking while on course.

The two tips I can pass on would be; 1) bring enough for you and a community pack or 2. 2) the infantry love their swamps. and on nav ex's this is especially true, so zip lock baggy them cigarettes. ;)
im going infantry, never plan on smoking.... :D or even starting. Because I'll join LOG than and we all know about that!
Cluett said:
im going infantry, never plan on smoking.... :D or even starting. Because I'll join LOG than and we all know about that!

Ummm, what?
eh, it was random.. Just saying I'll never smoke. He said that Infantry end up smoking... I don't :P