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Sept 2012: U.S. Ambassador in Libya and two others killed in attack of consulate

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Jim Seggie said:
Ultimately, is the President of the USA not responsible for the safety of his Ambassadors?

Only in the sense that he is also responsible for the safety of all Americans.

You cannot expect the President to deal with the minutia of day to day operational decisions like how may security personnel are required for each and every embassy. Hell, even Hillary wouldn't be expected to make such day to day decisions (she's not Donald Rumsfeld).

However, he is responsible to set national policy on how the US presents itself through out the world. He will base that on the recommendations from various sources. And you are only as good as your sources, and how well you are able to assess and utilize them.

As for security of the Diplomatic staff and facilities, that falls to the State Department, which has a specialized security section responsible for assessing risk, recommending and implementing security at the various embassies and consulates. Their funding, like all government funding goes through Congress, so they are left to the whims of political agendas.
Wonder if Obama regrets skipping all those Daily Security Briefings.  Even Jimmy Carter never missed one.

Might have kept him out of this doo-doo
cupper said:
Only in the sense that he is also responsible for the safety of all Americans.

You cannot expect the President to deal with the minutia of day to day operational decisions like how may security personnel are required for each and every embassy. Hell, even Hillary wouldn't be expected to make such day to day decisions (she's not Donald Rumsfeld).

However, he is responsible to set national policy on how the US presents itself through out the world. He will base that on the recommendations from various sources. And you are only as good as your sources, and how well you are able to assess and utilize them.

As for security of the Diplomatic staff and facilities, that falls to the State Department, which has a specialized security section responsible for assessing risk, recommending and implementing security at the various embassies and consulates. Their funding, like all government funding goes through Congress, so they are left to the whims of political agendas.

I understand that. BUT.....he should have said "the buck stops here".
Jim Seggie said:
I understand that. BUT.....he should have said "the buck stops here".

But we both know that the buck may stop there, but the blame still flows downhill.

I learned early on in my engineering career that shit sewage flows both ways, it just needs more pressure to get it to flow uphill.
The White House is going to need more swords to fall on.


The Monday debate on Foreign Policy is going to be 'interesting".

As a result of the debate, the new message from the President/WH/all Democrats is that the President did indeed call the attack an act of terrorism on 12 Sep, in the Rose Garden.

Benghazi, what song do they play?
Here's an interesting analysis by the CBC's Neil MacDonald:

Neil Macdonald: Mitt Romney was right about the Benghazi attack
By Neil Macdonald, CBC News
Posted: Oct 19, 2012 6:12 AM ET

Mitt Romney's Republican boosters are frustrated and infuriated, not just with their usual suspects in the mainstream media, but with their own presidential candidate.

And they have a right to be.

They believe Romney let President Barack Obama, the self-congratulating killer of Osama bin Laden, off the hook for its inexplicable handling of the murder by armed extremists of the American ambassador to Libya and three other government employees on Sept 11.

Serious questions have been building for weeks about that night.

It now seems clear that the Obama administration misled the American public by playing up the storyline that the incident in Benghazi was part of some spontaneous protest against the U.S., linked to the controversial video that was rocking the Muslim world at the time.

More at LINK

Coupled with:

CIA found militant links a day after Libya attack

The Associated Press
Posted: Oct 19, 2012 8:05 AM ET

The CIA station chief in Libya reported to Washington within 24 hours of last month's deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate that there was evidence it was carried out by militants, not a spontaneous mob upset about an American-made video ridiculing Islam's Prophet Muhammad, U.S. officials have told The Associated Press.

More at LINK

It might be interesting to see where this goes.
The administration vs Congress.The truth will come out now or after Romney gets sworn in.


BY: Bill Gertz
October 19, 2012 7:15 pm

The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee is demanding answers from four senior United States military officers about whether there was advance warning of terrorist threats and the need for greater security prior to last month’s terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

However, an aide to the chairman, Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon, (R., Calif.), said the office of secretary of defense Leon Panetta blocked the senior officers from providing the answers last night.

“The chairman is disappointed that the administration won’t respond to this basic request for information,” the aide said.

“It is nearly unprecedented that the office of the secretary of defense would prohibit a member of the uniformed military from answering direct questions posed by the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.”

Pentagon spokesman George Little told the Free Beacon: “We received the letters last night and are working expeditiously to provide a response.”

The chairman’s letters are dated Thursday. They were sent to Gen. Carter F. Ham, commander of the U.S. Africa Command, which is responsible for military activities in Africa; Adm. William H. McRaven, commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command; Vice Adm. Kurt W. Tidd, director for operations at the Pentagon’s Joint Staff; and Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

McKeon asked the officers to provide answers to questions about security threats by the close of business Friday.

The questions reveal that there may be information within the military revealing warnings about terrorist threats and the need to increase security that were ignored by the State Department or other civilians within the Obama administration.

McKeon asked each of the four officers in separate letters whether prior to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi anyone under their command had notified the State Department or other agencies about growing dangers in Libya.

“Given the steadily deteriorating threat environment in Libya prior to Sept. 11, 2012, did you or anyone in your command advise, formally or informally, that the Department of State or any other agency take action to increase security for U.S. personnel in Libya?” McKeon asked.

He also wants to know if there were any requests to increase security in Libya for U.S. personnel.

Also, the letters to the four officers asked whether any military officers under their command had recommended “deployment of additional U.S. military forces to Libya due to the threat environment.”

Other questions focused on determining if the officers were aware that officers under their command recommended increasing security in Libya prior to the deadly attack on the consulate that killed Amb. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

“To your knowledge, has the Department of State or any other federal agency requested additional U.S. military forces to augment security for U.S. personnel in Libya?” McKeon asked.

Since the attack took place five weeks ago, McKeon said he wanted answers by the close of business Friday.

The committee aide said the chairman also had asked for a briefing on events leading up to the attack, and so far the Pentagon has failed to provide the briefing.

McKeon, according to the aide, does not believe any failures related to the deadly terrorist attack can be traced to the U.S. military, which has a limited presence in the region, including special operations engaged in counterterrorism operations.

“He believes it is important whether or not the State Department and the administration were using all the information available at the time” on the terrorist threat and the dangers to U.S. diplomats and intelligence personnel.

McKeon sent the letter as a supplement to an earlier letter to President Obama sent by McKeon and seven other House Committee chairmen, which sought details on the intelligence leading up the attack, security for personnel, and the role played by former Guantanamo detainees in the attack.

The House leaders said in that Sept. 25 letter that administration statements attributing the attack to protests spawned by an anti-Muslim film disturbed them. They emphasized that the consulate murders were “a terrorist attack.”

“Decades after al Qaeda attacked our embassies in East Africa, which catalyzed a series of events that led to the attacks of 9/11, it appears they executed a highly coordinated and well-planned attack against us again,” the Sept. 25 letter states.

“Clearly the threat from al Qaeda and affiliated groups has metastasized; yet we do not appear to be learning from the past.”

The House leaders said it appears the administration has reverted to a past policy of treating terrorism as a criminal matter “rather than also prioritizing the gathering of intelligence to prevent future attacks.”
Funny how when ever this issue comes up when talking to committed Democrats they tend to segway in to a why were we lied to by Bush et al with respect to WMD in Iraq.
tomahawk6 said:
The administration vs Congress.The truth will come out now or after Romney gets sworn in.

I wouldn't hold my breath. Even if Romney wins, the news cycle will no longer be dominated by have any interest this story, and they will have moved on to the fiscal cliff.
Congressional investigations always get news coverage. Holder will be right in the crosshairs as well.
I think the US gov't should play the blame game after they search out and bury all those involved in the attack on their consulate.

National Post - 20 Oct 2012 - David Frum
We need to talk about what happened in Benghazi

Barack Obama got super lucky in the second presidential debate last week. Mitt Romney made a rare mistake, and the president took brutal advantage. Clever advantage too, for the governor’s mistake enabled the president to sidestep what otherwise would have been a discussion that is deadly dangerous to him.

Romney’s mistake, of course, was to assert that the president waited 14 days to use the phrase “act of terror” to describe the Sept. 11 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, an attack that killed four Americans including the ambassador to Libya.

You can see why Romney made his mistake, but a mistake it was. On Sept. 12, the president had said this: “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. “

People familiar with the language of presidents will understand what Obama was doing here. Notice he did not say: “This act of terror.” Instead, he offered a statement of principle about acts of terror in general, avoiding mention of whether the particular incident in Benghazi happened to belong to that category.

The president’s words gave him deniability in two directions: He protected himself against Republican charges just like the charge Romney leveled at him, while simultaneously refraining from any definitive characterization of the attack as terrorism.

The language was ambiguous — and intentionally ambiguous. (A statement like this would have been reviewed by at least a dozen senior White House staff, including both political and counter-terrorism advisers, and then circulated to relevant officials at State, CIA, Defense and maybe the Department of Justice, too.

Still, Romney led with his chin, and the president walloped him. By delivering the wallop, Obama also prevented the follow-on challenge before it could even be framed, and that challenge was this:

Why was the administration so eager to represent the Benghazi attack as a response to a YouTube video? Pulitzer-worthy reporting by my Daily Beast colleague Eli Lake has established that U.S. intelligence quickly ascertained that the Benghazi attack had been planned in advance; that it was organized by an al-Qaeda affiliate group operating inside Libya; that the attackers had surveilled the targeted consulate before the assault; that they maintained communications security in a way consistent with a trained force; and that they directed their firepower skillfully not only against the consulate, but also against a nearby CIA annex.

Yet despite this knowledge, and with very rare exceptions, the administration for almost two weeks mischaracterized the incident. Again: why? Here’s why. L ibya was fully Obama’s war. He made the decision to intervene to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi, and he decided on the nature of the intervention. Afterward, he took credit for the result: a dictator deposed, elections organized, without any longterm American presence in the country. Compared to Afghanistan or Iraq, Libya looked at first like a cheap and easy success.

But events have shaken the Obama narrative about Libya. Despite the elections, there is no effective government in Libya. The eastern half of the country is controlled by armed militia groups imbued with al-Qaeda ideology — to the point where ( The New York Times reported Friday) the presumed ringleader of the attack on the Benghazi consulate could hold a press conference on an open-air patio without fear of apprehension or retaliation. (But the FBI can't find him)

Suddenly, Libya does not look like such a big success. Gaddafi was nasty, but he had long ago ceased to be a nuisance for the United States. If overthrowing him created an al-Qaeda romper room a short boat ride from NATO ally Italy — that would be a very bad and embarrassing result.

The sophisticated criticism of President Obama’s Libya policy is this:

Obama intervened in Libya despite his awareness that the anti-Gaddafi rebels had pro-al-Qaeda leanings. He intervened to support those rebels because he hoped to prove to Islamists everywhere in the Middle East and North Africa that they had more to gain from co-operating with the United States than from fighting the United States. This is the famous “opening to political Islam” that has been so intensely discussed in Washington.

And the opening continues. It continues in the form of the covert aid now reportedly flowing to the Syrian rebels, and in the soft line being taken with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood president even after Egyptian police failed to protect the U.S. embassy in Cairo against attack (which also was on 9/11). If the opening failed in Libya, it’s likely to fail even worse in Syria, where the rebel groups are even more saturated with Salafist Islam than the Libyan rebels.

Romney was trying to articulate these ideas on Tuesday night. He slipped and suffered for it. But his slip should not be allowed to shut down this discussion. President Obama’s big risky Mideast gambit is failing badly. Four Americans died because of that failure — and many other US interests have been put at risk. Americans need to hear that truth before they vote in November.
Other than Fox and some blogs, this latest info on what happened in Benghazi that night is getting little coverage.


They (multiple US HQ's, Comms Centres, the White House etc) new what was going on, they watched parts of it live and they had live voice and email comms with Benghazi throughout.  The White House is doing an excellent stonewalling of this story, trying to run out the clock until after the election.

The ass covering is going on. Those emails are being released by folks who are trying to prevent being forced to fall on a sword for people in charge.

If any parts of this commentary are true, there is a very big hole being dug.


Iran Contra + Watergate + Fast & Furious 

International Situation & World News / Re: U.S. Ambassador in Libya and two others killed in attack of consulate

« on: September 18, 2012, 17:33:38 »

I would like to see the transcripts of any of the cell phone calls the Ambassador or the other three made that day. You can be sure calls were made.

Well we are seeing them now, written copies of emails/cables, the addressees, at least if you are watching FOX News. Even the cable the AMB wrote the day he was killed warning of the situation. Item number 5 on ABC with Dianne S last night, BUT no detail, 10 second blurb.

The media is stupid. The WH, Carney and the POTUS have been lying right to their faces and using them as willing pawns.



Father of security agent killed in Libya speaks out

Watch/listen for 11 minutes of the father of one of the former SEALS speaks out today.

Politics can be a dirty game, but I'm thinking that this required both a  :Tin-Foil-Hat: and matching underwear.

(We need a tinfoil underwear smiley)

Was Susan Rice set up on Libya?


U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice has been pretty low-key over the past three years. With Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal appeal, strong personality and extensive relationships in Washington, there hasn’t been much opportunity for Rice to make her mark. Her opportunities to appear on Sunday news shows have been pretty rare.

Everyone has known for at least a year that Clinton intends to leave her job. And, if President Obama wins reelection, there would be a fierce contest within his administration to be nominated to take her place.

D.C. insiders will recall that Rice was a core adviser to Obama during the cantankerous 2008 Democratic primary campaign. Eleanor Clift noted in a January Daily Beast profile on Rice that “lingering tensions” from the campaign still exist between Rice and Clinton.

Rice was sent out in the days after the Benghazi, Libya, attacks to explain the administration’s view of the crisis. Clearly almost everything she said was untrue. The subsequent revelations and the evolving stories are wildly different than what she earnestly offered on a full set of Sunday shows in the immediate aftermath of the crisis. Republicans believe Americans have been misled by Obama’s forces, starting with Ms. Rice's now-infamous Sunday-morning appearances. Did she volunteer for the Sunday show assignment, or was she “encouraged” to take the poison?

Were the attacks in Benghazi followed by an attempt to kill Rice’s political career? Or did her ambition compel her to advance a faulty narrative of events in keeping with the administration's apologist foreign policy? 

Either way, it is safe to say that her participation in launching the misdirection that is the administration's Benghazi explanation will prevent Susan Rice from receiving Senate confirmation for any new job — much less that of Secretary of State. We may never know if her grasp for the spotlight was part of an audition gone bad or if she was sent out by her enemies to take the flak they knew was coming.

By Ed Rogers
So, hearings on Nov 15. Convenient since the vote is on Nov 6.
FOX is reporting that:

1. A Spec Ops team was alerted and on standby 480km away in Sigonella Italy but they never launched, not even to fly off the coast of Libya to be close just in case.

2. The two ex SEALs made at least three direct requests for military support throughout the four hour firefight at the CIA Annex facility a mile from the Consulate site.

3.  There was continuous UAV coverage of the fighting at the CIA Annex, with the first UAV on site being supplemented with a second drone.

4. The two SEALS were killed on the roof of the Annex building by mortar fire  while they had eyes-on and laser target designator sighting of the mortar firing at them.

5.  Numerous people in multiple HQ's including the White House Situation Room watched the fire fight for five + hours and were able to watch the activity of the two SEALs on the roof top including the mortar strikes that killed them.

Still being mostly ignored by CNN/CBS/NBC/ABC.

But the story will not go away.

Haletown said:
FOX is reporting that:

1. A Spec Ops team was alerted and on standby 480km away in Sigonella Italy but they never launched, not even to fly off the coast of Libya to be close just in case.
2. The two ex SEALs made at least three direct requests for military support throughout the four hour firefight at the CIA Annex facility a mile from the Consulate site.

3.  There was continuous UAV coverage of the fighting at the CIA Annex, with the first UAV on site being supplemented with a second drone.

4. The two SEALS were killed on the roof of the Annex building by mortar fire  while they had eyes-on and laser target designator sighting of the mortar firing at them.

5.  Numerous people in multiple HQ's including the White House Situation Room watched the fire fight for five + hours and were able to watch the activity of the two SEALs on the roof top including the mortar strikes that killed them.

Still being mostly ignored by CNN/CBS/NBC/ABC.

But the story will not go away.

For the current administration, it is such a great asset to have the MSM in your corner when going into an election.

I note that President Obama is the first President to vote in the advance polls and this factoid was widely reported. Maybe the administration wants everyone to vote as soon as possible before this 'furball' coughs up.
