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Sault Ste. Marie DP1 Arty

Only thing I've been told about sault st. Marie is that the bugs are nasty there. Are you heading up on The 28th? Anyone else here going? Anyone here did there training there? I'm leaving in a week but I don't even have a kit list yet...
My course got changed from London to Sault.

I'll be going up on the 28th to the Sault for BMQ and DP1 Arty.
I'm going up at the end of July.  There is no range on the Canadian side, so odds are the live fire will be done 2 hours south of the Sault in Michigan at an American base, or if they keep it domestic they may ship us to Pet to do it there.  But I've heard from a past member of 49th Field that they use the range in Michigan.

Have a good one,

Sounds good, have any of you guys been given a kit list yet?
Spazz said:
Sounds good, have any of you guys been given a kit list yet?

I have been given one. If you would like I could scan it and send it to you.

I'm sure I will get one from my unit soon, but it would help me to get my packing and shopping started. So ya that would be great, thanks.
Ya I have been given a kit list its the same as any other course except don't bring your winter gear...I also heard we go to Grand Rapids Michigan to shoot our guns...I was supposed to be leaving on the 27th but that got changed to the 28th...I was wondering if anyone could tell me a bit about the armouries and if we will be staying in mods shacks or cotts in the armoury?
I'm starting to freak out a bit here. I still have not heard from my unit and we leave tomorrow. They called yesterday but they didn't leave a message. So I still don't know what to bring and even what time I'm leaving the armories at. As for what were sleeping in I have no idea.
I heard we were staying at a college or something? Don't hold me too that, it's just what I heard from somebody.

Spazz...dont spaz out (sorry, I had too ;D). If you want add me to msn or shoot me an e-mail and I can scan the kit list I recieved and send it to you.
EDIT: PERSEC violation.  Send any pertinent info via PM.  This stuff is not to be put on open forums.