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Russia's Mistral class LHDs: updates

Colin P said:
There is "Russian international law" and then there is "international law" which is a bit of a sham anyways as well. The people who respect it the most, are the ones that you need to worry about the least.

Exactly, I also find it kind of ironic that the Russians would complain about international law when they broke it themselves with the invasion of Ukraine. Budapest Agreement anyone?  :-X
One radical suggestion from a Defense News contributor:

Defense News

Commentary: NATO Should Buy the Mistrals

Move Would Boost Allies at Critical Juncture

Mar. 30, 2014 - 04:18PM  | 


NATO should buy the two Mistral warships France is building for export to the Russian Federation this year and make them a commonly shared asset. This bold action would prevent a powerful military capability from falling into the hands of an assertive Russia, bolster NATO’s capabilities, demonstrate political solidarity among NATO allies and offer the alliance a flagship symbol of multinational defense cooperation.

Russia’s invasion of Crimea has put many European countries in an awkward position due to the continent’s close trade linkages with Moscow. No one has been more challenged than France. Under former President Nicolas Sarkozy, Paris agreed to manufacture and sell to Russia two of its most sophisticated amphibious warships.

The sale provoked noisy objections in the US Congress and among allies in Central and Eastern Europe who saw the contract as undermining NATO solidarity.  But for France, the sale was all about jobs. The nearly $2 billion contract has preserved 1,000 jobs at the St. Nazaire shipyards.

No cancellation in this project seen so far...

Defense News

Russia Marks Key Stage in Joint France Warship Project
Apr. 30, 2014 - 03:41PM  |  By AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE 

SAINT PETERSBURG — Russia on Wednesday marked the completion of a key part of a project to build two helicopter carriers with France, which has been eyed with increasing unease in the West amid the escalating Ukraine crisis.

The Baltiysky shipyard in St. Petersburg held a ceremony to mark the dispatch of the stern of one of two Mistral-class amphibious helicopter carriers being jointly developed in the €1.2 billion ($1.66 billion) project with France.

It will be towed to St. Nazaire on France’s Atlantic Coast, where it is due to be welded together with a hull being built at the STX France shipyard. The full 22,000-ton vessel is then due for delivery to the Russian navy at the end of next year.

The first of the two warships has already been completed and is undergoing sea trials at St Nazaire.

But rising East-West tensions mean it is no longer clear whether the project will be finalized.

The first vessel, called The Vladivostok, is due to be delivered to the Russian navy in October. France’s defense ministry said last month it has yet to decide whether to complete the delivery.

Seems economic priorities are prevailing in France over fears of a Russian threat...

Defense News

Hollande Says Sale of Warships To Russia Still On 'For Now'
May. 11, 2014 - 11:16AM  |  By AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE 

STRALSUND, GERMANY — French President Francois Hollande said Saturday the sale of two Mistral warships to Russia would continue “for now” despite the West’s worsening relations with Moscow over the Ukraine crisis.

“The contract was signed in 2011, it is being carried out and will be completed by next October,” said Hollande during a press briefing in Germany, where he met with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Their two-day talks had focused on the situation in Ukraine and they called on both Kiev and Moscow to ensure nothing interferes with crucial presidential elections, set for May 25.

But Moscow’s annexation of Crimea in March and the West’s fears that other regions of east Ukraine could also join Russia has touched off the worst east-west diplomatic row since the end of the Cold War.

If i was France, I would quietly go find buyers for those ships and then tell Russia to play nice and back of Ukraine or these nice people over here are buying your ships, oh and no refunds
Hollande and his government finally coming to their senses over this? 

France Might Withhold 2nd Mistral Ship From Russia

PARIS — French defense officials are exploring ideas to avoid delivering a second helicopter carrier to Russia, including looking for an alternative client for the Sevastopol, analysts and an industry executive said.

A highly discreet review is being held as armed strife rises in eastern Ukraine and top US officials call for NATO allies to boost defense spending and act as a counterweight to Russia.

“The deal raises a fundamental policy issue not just for France but for the alliance,” said Robbin Laird of consultancy ICSA, based in Washington and here.

Paris is in a political crossfire between the US and Russia. Washington has publicly called for breaking the contract, while Moscow has threatened a hefty financial punishment while praising France’s “reliability as a partner.”


Defense News
HMCS Vladivostok has a nice ring to it, name will have a connection to the origins of the vessel and Canada's connection to the previous buyer.
Definitely one of the less known feats of the Canadian armed forces. I am fascinated by the adventure of the CAF but also awestruck by the feats of the Czech Legion.
The idea of NATO purchasing/leasing the Mistral class ships is proving attractive to a number of key US Congressmen:

Atlantic Council blog

Congressional Leaders Urge NATO to Purchase French Warships Intended for Russia

Text of letter to NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen from US lawmakers.

Dear Mr. Secretary General:

We are writing to express our deep concerns regarding France's contract to supply two Mistral warships to the Russian Federation this fall and to propose a solution to this vexing problem. In light of Russia's recent aggression against Ukraine, we believe that the sale would send the wrong signal to President Putin – that it is "business as usual" – and would enhance Russia's military


Therefore, we suggest that NATO collectively purchase or lease the warships as a common naval asset. As mentioned earlier, the purchase would send a strong signal to President Putin that the NATO allies will not tolerate or in any way enable his reckless moves. In addition, such a purchase would rapidly enhance NATO capabilities at a moment when many Allies have been cutting defense expenditures and greatly reassure Alliance members and partners in Central and Eastern Europe who feel most vulnerable by this force multiplier in the hands of the Russian military. Finally, we would point out that there is ample precedent for NATO to purchase shared assets, including the Alliance's fleet of E-3A AWACS aircraft.

Mr. Secretary General, we believe that NATO's joint acquisition of the Mistrals truly would be a win-win-win move – for France, for NATO, and for Ukraine and other states in the region under Russian pressure. We ask that you give serious consideration to our proposal and look forward to your response.


Eliot L. Engel
Ranking Member, Committee on Foreign Affairs

Michael Turner
Chairman, U.S. Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly

William R. Keating
Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats
It's nice to know that France believes that signatures must be honoured.......
Apparently the Russian annexation of Crimea isn't enough for cancelling the Mistral sale in Merkel's eyes:

Germany backs France on Russia warship contract


Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday (4 June) in Brussels that interruption of delivery might only come if the EU adopts “stage three” sanctions - economic sanctions - against Russia.

But she said the EU is not launching stage three because Russia did not stop Ukraine’s 25 May presidential elections from going ahead.

“The question of exports to Russia falls under stage three. About when to trigger stage three, if there is more destabilisation we have agreed, also myself bilaterally with the US President, that if elections take place we won't trigger stage three. We see elections have taken place successfully, but that there were also negative elements of destabilisation [in east Ukraine],” she noted.

“If there is further destabilisation, yes, stage three - we've always said it,” she added.
Found a better solution to the problem than Mers-el-Kebir 1940.  This one is more in keeping with French sensibilities.

Auckland 1985
Defense News

Russian Sailors To Begin Mistral Training June 22
Jun. 12, 2014 - 08:46PM  |  By PIERRE TRAN

PARIS — Some 400 Russian sailors are expected on June 22 to start training on the Mistral-class helicopter carrier, marking a slight delay from an induction planned to start earlier in the month, media reports said.

The personnel had been due to arrive in France June 1 but the Russian training ship, the Smolny, which was transporting them suffered damage at the Kronstadt military naval base and needed repairs, public service broadcaster France Television 3 and Agence France-Presse have reported.
