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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Do pilot ROTP applicants need to complete ASC prior to being considered by the ROTP board?
Heff18 said:
Do pilot ROTP applicants need to complete ASC prior to being considered by the ROTP board?

  I want to say yes, but I'm not 100% sure. If you don't get an answer from Kincanucks or someone in Recruiting here in the next little while, just call up your CFRC and ask.
Heff18 said:
Do pilot ROTP applicants need to complete ASC prior to being considered by the ROTP board?

I'd like to know the answer too, though I should probably know.
well. I went to CFRC today to do my processing....everything went fine till I had my interview and found out that I was 6 points short from making the grade! That put a damper on things! The recruiter told me that if I still wanted RMC, I would have to wait till the end of this school year, or till next year to re-apply....but if it goes well then, it wont be till 2010-11.....time will tell.....he also told me that I need to give some proof that I am capable of bringing up the score, and that I was lucky to be even given a second chance at the test, let alone a third......

Good luck to the rest of the applicants! I am out of the game at least for now...

Greg H
Heff18 said:
Do pilot ROTP applicants need to complete ASC prior to being considered by the ROTP board?

Unless things changes, I was enrolled as a Pilot before I did my ASC.  I did ASC at the end of my first year.
Thanks for the replies.

I'm handing in everything tomorrow. I know I'm cutting it extremely close to apply for ROTP as it is, let alone for pilot. I was hoping to get it in today, but the CFRC was closed early and I missed the window.

The helpful/honest recruiter I talked to earlier this week informed me it would be hard pressed to even squeeze in the CFAT/interview/medical  before the deadline. If ASC is required, then my chances get cut to nil from the very slim I even have now.

Thanks again, and I guess I'll take my place with the other 100, 000 pilot hopefuls  8)

Heff18 said:
Thanks for the replies.

I'm handing in everything tomorrow. I know I'm cutting it extremely close to apply for ROTP as it is, let alone for pilot. I was hoping to get it in today, but the CFRC was closed early and I missed the window.

The helpful/honest recruiter I talked to earlier this week informed me it would be hard pressed to even squeeze in the CFAT/interview/medical  before the deadline. If ASC is required, then my chances get cut to nil from the very slim I even have now.

Thanks again, and I guess I'll take my place with the other 100, 000 pilot hopefuls  8)


You'd be surprised how many leave it to the last minute. Ive already met a few who are still just beginning process.. so do not give up !
I am probably a little late on this topic but I was told by the officer who was processing my file that there was an early review board on nomember 5th. I am still waiting to hear back from RMC for any offers.
oliver.smith said:
I am probably a little late on this topic but I was told by the officer who was processing my file that there was an early review board on nomember 5th. I am still waiting to hear back from RMC for any offers.

For what program? ROTP? I never heard of any review boards except for January. Does anyone know if there was one? I would of expected someone to have been notified if they did some sort of selection already  ???
Got an acceptance letter from my CivvieU of choice (Mount Allison). So now I have another option for them to give me if not RMC. :)
Hey guys, great forum!
I have my application in for the ROTP program as well, and I've completed my medical and aptitude test, with my interview coming up on Wednesday. I've heard some rumours of a selection board sitting in December, but no one at the Recruiting Centre was able to confirm that. I've been reading a bit about the interview that is conducted, but I haven't been able to find a lot of information. Anyone have any advice? I know your not supposed to disclose much about your interview, but how long is it, how should I be preping... Things like that. Thanks guys!
Yamniuk said:
Hey guys, great forum!
I have my application in for the ROTP program as well, and I've completed my medical and aptitude test, with my interview coming up on Wednesday. I've heard some rumours of a selection board sitting in December, but no one at the Recruiting Centre was able to confirm that. I've been reading a bit about the interview that is conducted, but I haven't been able to find a lot of information. Anyone have any advice? I know your not supposed to disclose much about your interview, but how long is it, how should I be preping... Things like that. Thanks guys!

I don't know.  Have you ever been in to an interview before?  How did/would you prepare for it?  Did you research what the job was you were applying for?  Did you use the SEARCH FUNCTION on this site and search the keywords "INTERVIEW", "ROTP INTERVIEW", and any other conceivable variant of?  Lots of questions have been asked on the subject, and lots of advice given, as to what to expect, what to wear, some of the social graces you may want to know, etc.  Research is the key. 
I've done loads of prep, as in looking up my carrier choices (Armour, Artillery) and cataloging my leadership skills. I'm actually in contact with the Head coach of the Women's Varsity Soccer Program at RMC, for I am a prospective athlete, and he has sent me lists of prep questions.

What I am more concerned about is how to approach the interview, as in my attitude and confidence level. I am female (if that makes any difference) and I play and coach soccer actively within the community. Should I focus on that, or my academics (90% avg) or other things. I've had interviews for school things, preparatory for real life, but this is such an important interview... not just a $100 000 scholarship, but the chance to be an officer in the CF. I just want to be my best!
Everyone is treated as an individual.  As such, each interview may vary from the others, as each individual will have differing life skills, education, work experience, etc.  One interview may be fifteen minutes long, while another a couple of hours.  Yes there is a format/template they follow, and criteria that they are looking for, but no two people will have the same responses, nor will all the questions be required to be asked if clearly a person has the credentials or lack of. 

Be yourself, research, and don't fret over the interview.  You may find that your credentials have already garnered you an acceptance and that this is only a formality to finalize it.
Marshall said:
Got an acceptance letter from my CivvieU of choice (Mount Allison). So now I have another option for them to give me if not RMC. :)

If you go to Mount Allison we'll have the same ULO, we  might see each other one day.
Welcome to the group Yamniuk. What program at RMC are you looking at doing?

Just a hint for your interview, know your trade choices well. Know what they do, who they are, why you want to do it, and all that fun stuff. Also it would be a good idea to know some things about the officer side of the house. Just general things you'd want to know about any job.

And congratulations Marshall.

Hey everyone,

I am in the same boat as most of you applying for RMC via ROTP.

Anyone here applying for pilot? All my CFAT, medicals and interviews are favorable and just recently received word I am favorable at RMC (qualified). My next step is Air Crew Selection Jan 09.

I am excited, but realize that the Air Crew Selection is the killer in the process of becoming a CF pilot.

On a side note, anyone attending the ROTP open house in Hamilton Jan 22, I believe?

Marshall said:
Got an acceptance letter from my CivvieU of choice (Mount Allison).

Pfft, only hippies go to Mount A.
I'm kidding, my sister and a few good friends of mine go to school there. What are you planning on taking?

Magic, I'm applying for pilot as well. I did Aircrew last summer, it's tough but not impossible by any means. There are lots of hints on this forum about going, but it really all comes down to how well you handle the next maneuver after you make a mistake (in my opinion).

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