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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Awesome. Hopefully you'll have some more light to shed on the process when you go through to give overs a more complete view of the ROTP selection process :salute:

Good luck for tomorrow  :pop:
It's unfortunate that the selection process takes so long, i thought the final decision would arrive at February so i would have time to drop school and start going to the gym, but since the final answer comes in May, i won't have as much time for the gym :/ but thankfully the requirement aren't too strict so i shouldn't have ne trouble
Since you apparently have no time, here's my advice. Read my threads on push ups and sit ups. These programs offer a way for you to improve significantly over a period of time and it doesn't really take that much of your days.

Atleast thats what I'm doing to get ready(My goal is to able to do 100 perfect push ups anytime I want). And yes, I've already started(though the ankle sprain kicked me off for a bit, but I'm hitting it off again tomorrow and onward).
You have a link to ur threads bms? i'm pretty good at situps but i've always had trouble with pushups for some reason ... i can do 15 flawlessly without strain but for some reason #16 takes all my strenght, i guess i just need to focus on that
Immortal said:
You have a link to ur threads bms? i'm pretty good at situps but i've always had trouble with pushups for some reason ... i can do 15 flawlessly without strain but for some reason #16 takes all my strenght, i guess i just need to focus on that



Try this if you want to it seams to be working for me: http://hundredpushups.com/
Thx for the help guys, it's always good to know others share your passion and your goals, because i have to tell you outside these forums people freak when i tell them where i want to go study :p
You'll get used to the constant looks of shock on people's faces, and you'll even have a standardized reply for all their questions after a while haha. I go to Civvy U, and so any time I meet new people and tell them I'm an ROTP Officer Cadet they all gawk at me like I'm some species they have never seen before.

Also, I use the 100 pushups site, it's fantastic.
Tell me about it, they seem to think that the forces are some alien part of the country that your born into if your unlucky or something in the sort. But despite all this, my resolve is strong and this just confrims to me that this is what i want to do in life.
That's a good attitude to have! People will get used to the idea eventually, just so you know. It just takes a bit of getting used to.
Hey guys.. update here (without revealing any hush hush info)

I did my stuff thankfully in this order: CFAT > Interview > Medical (this way I did not have to change out of my dress clothes :D )

CFAT went great, I got above average and qualified for all except one job.

Interview I thought went meh but the recruiter was pleased and said I seem to be a good candidate.

Medical went 100% and I do not have to get any forms sent in, which thankfully means my processing will be done a bit earlier supposedly.

So yeah, went good overall :D they recommend applying to some Civie U's as back up so I am going to get on that within the next week or so.
Glad things went well for you! I hope to have my stuff done next week...

@Marshall: Fantastic. They recommended that I go for some civi Us as well. However, it took me so long to decide to try to be an officer, and my pros and cons for officer and NCM ended at about even for me. So, personally, it's either RMC or I'm going Infantry Soldier. I'm not being fickle or anything. Either way, I'm sure I'll be very happy(Infantry Soldier was my dream until I got to talking to a lot of different people, and then I decided I'd give RMC a go. If that doesn't fly right, then back to the original plan). Also, oddly enough, I was never told if I qualified for any trades at all. But then again, we did do our CFAT on bubble sheets from booklets(or does everyone do it like that?). I guess they won't tell me until my medical things are all cleared through.

@CEEBEE501: Nope. I wish I could of though. Corner Brook is a bit far away. Way further than the armoury(about twice as far away actually).


ours were done via computers. High tech I tell ya. But maybe the interviewer just chose not to tell you your suitability for jobs, or just forgot to or did not plan to tell you. I think you should still try for some Civie U's. You'd be throwing a lot away if you ended up going NCM instead of Officer just due to that. But if you feel thats what you want then thats the best to do :p
@Marshall: Thanks for your concern. But I really doubt I'd be throwing anything away if I didn't make the grade. I really thought it through and honestly I'd love to go either way. I've talked to a lot of infantry NCMS and Officers at CFB Gagetown and surrounding areas and from what I gather, either way would fit me just fine. By the way, they probably didn't have the results of our CFATs. I mean, they were on bubble sheets, which means they'd probably have to be sent away to be scored anyway. There were computers in the testing room, we just didn't use them for some reason. I'm guessing I'll have my answers when my medical papers go through. Then I'll know if I'm medically fit and if I will be merit listed.
Oh, so your still waiting on some things. I thought you were all clear sorry. Yeah if your CFAT was done on paper it is most likely that it was not marked while you were at the CFRC. They do not release your marks so maybe they will just contact you via phone or something to tell you suitability, hard to say since you've already done the interview.
I was thinking phone as well. I doubt they'd get me to go back down there just to test me a few things. And, it's also pointless to get my hopes up before my medical is fully completed.

But hey, I'm optimistic. My family doctor basically said that all the forms(except the visual acuity one) were bogus and he filled them out using my charts and by making it clear that I was medically fit to do anything(except be a pilot. Crappy vision  :eek:).

Hopefully more people will post their progress and such. It'd be great to see how everyone is doing  :warstory:.
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