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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I'm in a similar situation as you, though I completed my application fully last year.  It just wasn't complete before all of my spots were filled for my trade.  I am currently on the merit list for selections this year and am happy to hear that they are hoping to do early selections this year (similar to early acceptance to a civvy u.)  Good luck to you!
Hello there I'm currently a grade 12 student attempting to apply to ROTP, when on the online application it list what level of education I have, what would I do? It has a drop down menu with universities on it, but I'm not sure where to go from there and what to list since I am currently in high school. All help is greatly appreciated :)
Thanks a lot
Hey there, I'm trying to apply online to ROTP and I am not able to, I'm stuck on the education section where it states please enter your education, I'm still in high school and I'm insure what to do here for the options such as: degree/diploma received, date last attended and name of school
Could someone please help me out, thanks a lot for your time
As an ROTP Applicant, when completing the online application and once you reach the stage "Education ", you may use the following selections:

Degree/Diploma Received  -  "High School Three Years"

Subject Major/Specialization  -  "Unknown"
A little perspective - I'm an IB diploma student in grade 11, at a public school in BC. I'm hoping to become a Mechanical Engineer at either UBC or RMC.

How are IB (1-7) scores in each course assessed in comparison to percentages? for example, would a Physics HL student in IB with a 5 in that class be "ranked" higher or lower than an 87% student in the BC Ministry of Ed. program?

Hello all, when applying to the RMC under ROTP, do they expect competent French when applying, or merely having the skills for a language test when you graduate?

Thank you for reading,

Viam said:
Hello all, when applying to the RMC under ROTP, do they expect competent French when applying, or merely having the skills for a language test when you graduate?

How important is bilingualism when applying for ROTP?
2 pages.

RMC French Language Question 

Do you need to be Bilingual to beomce an Officer?

RMC french 

RMC and French for an Anglo 


Thank you very much for your resources. Please pardon my ignorance for the inability to find these articles myself.
JakeMoersch said:
A little perspective - I'm an IB diploma student in grade 11, at a public school in BC. I'm hoping to become a Mechanical Engineer at either UBC or RMC.

How are IB (1-7) scores in each course assessed in comparison to percentages? for example, would a Physics HL student in IB with a 5 in that class be "ranked" higher or lower than an 87% student in the BC Ministry of Ed. program?

They will most likely use some form of scoring matrix, to convert your IB Scores into percentages.  Several examples are available on the internet.
So I plan to apply for ROTP for civilian university and was wondering what would happen if I got into civi ROTP but did not get into any of my applied  universities? Would I be able to go to ROTP?

I did try googling it but didn't find the answer to my question, if you know this topic is already discussed than would you please provide a link.

Thank You
DarkPheonix said:
So I plan to apply for ROTP for civilian university and was wondering what would happen if I got into civi ROTP but did not get into any of my applied  universities? Would I be able to go to ROTP?

I did try googling it but didn't find the answer to my question, if you know this topic is already discussed than would you please provide a link.

That's not quite how the ROTP program works, unless of course, your occupation of choice does not have a relevant undergrad program which is offered by RMC.

When you apply for ROTP, you are in fact applying specifically to attend RMC, first and foremost.  At the same time, you are expected to also apply to a Civilian University as a "back-up" plan should you be selected for ROTP but not for attendance at RMC.  If you are selected ROTP Civi U, then it is "your" responsibility to provide your CFRC with documentation showing "unconditional" acceptance to a Civilian University in an undergrad program relevant and acceptable for your occupation choice.  If you are not able to do this, then your offer of employment will most likely be cancelled.

Hence the term "Conditional Offer".
Thank you for your reply.

I had another question would  I have a better chance of acceptance to RMCC if I were to apply early, say in August 2016 as opposed to December of 2016?

Thank You
  :cdn::salute: :cdn:
DarkPheonix said:
I had another question would  I have a better chance of acceptance to RMCC if I were to apply early, say in August 2016 as opposed to December of 2016?

This may help,

Step By Step process from High School to RMC 
DAA said:
The absolute BEST time to apply for ROTP, in my opinion, would be in the Oct-Nov time frame of your Gr 12 year.

DarkPheonix said:
Thank you for your reply.

I had another question would  I have a better chance of acceptance to RMCC if I were to apply early, say in August 2016 as opposed to December of 2016?

Thank You
  :cdn::salute: :cdn:

What mariomike quoted is probably the best piece of advice, but keep in mind you can still be accepted if you happen to apply later. I applied at the end of January 2015 and I just wrapped up my first semester at RMC. Personally, from what I've gathered, your chances of being accepted are more tied to your own application profile than the time in which you apply.

Just my 2 cents.
If I failed a class at university while under ROTP program what are the repercussions.  Normally this wouldn't be a huge deal as one could retake the class next year at their own cost.  But assuming they wouldn't be able to graduate in time as the course is a prerec for three others...

I understand that extra time is unpaid,  and unpaid for.  However does that include the whole year or just the one semester that I would be in school to catch up(ie not the summer...).  If that's the case would I be able to get a job for that time.
Underway said:
If I failed a class at university while under ROTP program what are the repercussions. 

This may help ( from 2006 - 2010 ),

questions about ROTP civi U
phil27 said:
What happends if you fail a class during university
7 pages.

DarkPheonix said:
Thank you for your reply.

I had another question would  I have a better chance of acceptance to RMCC if I were to apply early, say in August 2016 as opposed to December of 2016?

Applying early affords you the opportunity to complete all of your processing in time for Selections (ie; late Mar, early Apr) and also for the possibility of receiving an early "conditional acceptance" if you rate high enough.  ROTP has a "cut-off" date for applications.  You can apply after the cut-off date but by doing so, your CFRC cannot guarantee that your application/file will be processed in time for the Selections.  The established deadline for all occupations this year is 31 January 2016 for school starting in September 2016.

For more details, see the information at the link below under the heading "The Regular Officer Training Plan Selection Process".

Hello everyone,
I am currently a grade 12 student, interested in ROTP Program through a civil University.
I have already applied at various Canadian Universities such as McGill, U of A, UBC, Queen's, McMaster, and UofT. And, my focus is Bachelor of Science, Life/Health Science, as I want to pursue a career in dentistry in the future.
Currently, i have: English 12 (Second Semester)
                          Chemistry 12 (95% Mid-term)
                          Biology 12 (94% Mid-Term)
                          Math 12 PreCalculus (98% Final)
                          AP Psychology (96% Final)
                          AP Calculus (98% Final)
Moreover, I participated in various extracurricular activities (sports teams, school clubs, leadership positions) and Community Volunteering. - At least over 500 hours in various healthcare facilities.

Back to topic, I did 2 hours research on this program ROTP, and as many of you know, it provides large benefits and opportunities especially for high school students going into a university.
My questions are:
1) I have looked up the salary and OCTP-NFS provides more Salary than ROTP as an officer cadet. What exactly is OCTP-NFS, and am I eligible to apply for this position?
2) Summer training starts in the following year, 2016 if I do get accepted. Does the training take place every summer for four years? Is there any way to miss this training?
3)After graduating from a university, I have to work in the army for 5-years commission. Is there any way to reduce this? I heard it is between three to eight years. Please suggest me a way to reduce the commission if possible.
4) My career goal is Dentistry. I came to learn about DOTP - Dental Officer Training Program. So, do I have to be admitted to a dental school first to apply for this program? Also, if I'm apply and get accepted, do I still have to do 5-year commission? Or does being in a dental school count as a commission? It would be great if someone can simplify this process. For example, 4 year Undergraduate Study --> 4 year dental school --> 5 year commission.
5) Lastly, I'll be able to leave the army after 5 years of commission. Would it be a great idea to do so if I am not liking the program? What kind of jobs can I have after leaving the army after taking Life Science Program at a civil University?

Another quick question that just popped in my head. Some universities offer higher/prestigious awards and scholarships for students with superior academic ability/leadership/involvements. Does ROTP have anything like that? What are reservists for? Is there any programs that are highly competitive (Selects few) for those students?

Thank you for any responses.
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