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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I'm not saying that there's not a legitimate reason for the rejection; what I am saying is that unsuccessful applicants deserve to know the reason why.  What IF there was an honest mistake on the part of the military?  It can happen and if this is the case, then it needs to be looked into ASAP so she doesn't lose an opportunity she's worked hard for.  In other words, respond to those who contact their DAA or CFRC inquiring as to why they were rejected and provide them with a legitimate answer.  It just seems odd that she was merit listed last year and this time around, after answering ALL questions on the application; providing even more volunteer experience; and having one year of university with high grades and courses relevant to the positions she's applying too, she can't even make it to the interview process?  Something just isn't making sense here. 
jackinthebox said:
I'm not saying that there's not a legitimate reason for the rejection; what I am saying is that unsuccessful applicants deserve to know the reason why.  What IF there was an honest mistake on the part of the military?  It can happen and if this is the case, then it needs to be looked into ASAP so she doesn't lose an opportunity she's worked hard for.  In other words, respond to those who contact their DAA or CFRC inquiring as to why they were rejected and provide them with a legitimate answer.  It just seems odd that she was merit listed last year and this time around, after answering ALL questions on the application; providing even more volunteer experience; and having one year of university with high grades and courses relevant to the positions she's applying too, she can't even make it to the interview process?  Something just isn't making sense here.

Sorry about that, frustration set in.  There are many reasons for rejection and the "majority" of them fall into the category of "not following instructions".  Parts of the ROTP questionnaire are blank, didn't send transcripts, etc.  Due to the high volume of applications last year, I think they decided to reinstitute the mandatory 75% average, which wasn't done last year.  So someone who was found suitable for ROTP last year could be found unsuitable this year due to the 75% thing.  The Recruiting Centre or whomever it was that contacted you should be able to tell you "why" and where you fell short.
DAA said:
  The Recruiting Centre or whomever it was that contacted you should be able to tell you "why" and where you fell short.

Yep, CFVRC sent me an email saying because of my grade 11 math mark I was unsuitable to be processed for ROTP period. So they should at least give you a reason.
DAA said:
Sorry about that, frustration set in.  There are many reasons for rejection and the "majority" of them fall into the category of "not following instructions".  Parts of the ROTP questionnaire are blank, didn't send transcripts, etc.  Due to the high volume of applications last year, I think they decided to reinstitute the mandatory 75% average, which wasn't done last year.  So someone who was found suitable for ROTP last year could be found unsuitable this year due to the 75% thing.  The Recruiting Centre or whomever it was that contacted you should be able to tell you "why" and where you fell short.

No problem, we all get frustrated at times.  ;) Need to clarify though.  I'm not the one that applied.  It was my daughter.  I am only here doing some digging so I can get a better understanding of the process.  Again,  nothing on the email indicated why she was refused and she had inquire to get that email.  She's been calling the number that was given, in the email, and has been told only a senior recruiter can assist her and they will have one call her back.  Still no call back.  She will give them until midweek and then head into her CFRC. 
I fully understand why they would want to reinstitute a mandatory 75% average or other rules if they have a higher volume of applicants. 

In my humble opinion, I think past applicants, that were successfully merit listed, should have had a grandfather clause created for them.  Especially considering so many of them worked so hard and followed the advice and guidance set out by their CFRC Officer.  Surely that must count for something and reflects an individual's continuity and dedication.  In my mind, that's the honourable thing to do for these young men and women.  Fair is fair, if they were accepted last year and told to go out and gain more education and volunteer experience, don't shut the door on them when they've returned and done so.  Grandfather these people in. 

Again, only my opinion, but I do think it's a fair one and I wish someone, in authority, would look at this and give it some serious consideration. 

jackinthebox said:
No problem, we all get frustrated at times.  ;) Need to clarify though.  I'm not the one that applied.  It was my daughter.  I am only here doing some digging so I can get a better understanding of the process.  Again,  nothing on the email indicated why she was refused and she had inquire to get that email.  She's been calling the number that was given, in the email, and has been told only a senior recruiter can assist her and they will have one call her back.  Still no call back.  She will give them until midweek and then head into her CFRC. 
I fully understand why they would want to reinstitute a mandatory 75% average or other rules if they have a higher volume of applicants. 

In my humble opinion, I think past applicants, that were successfully merit listed, should have had a grandfather clause created for them.  Especially considering so many of them worked so hard and followed the advice and guidance set out by their CFRC Officer.  Surely that must count for something and reflects an individual's continuity and dedication.  In my mind, that's the honourable thing to do for these young men and women.  Fair is fair, if they were accepted last year and told to go out and gain more education and volunteer experience, don't shut the door on them when they've returned and done so.  Grandfather these people in. 

Again, only my opinion, but I do think it's a fair one and I wish someone, in authority, would look at this and give it some serious consideration. 

Someone, somewhere should be able to "specifically" answer your daughter's question.  While the interviewing officer at her local CFRC last year no doubt provided valuable advice, they probably wouldn't have considered her previous grades that accompanied the original application as that may not have been on their mind during the interview at that time.  The 75% averaging has been around for quite sometime but not consistently used as part of the ROTP screening process.  You can look at her transcripts yourself (High School and University, if applic).  It is generally due to low grades (ie; less than a 75%) in or not having either Gr 11 or Gr 12 Advance/Applied Mathematics, Gr 12 English or maybe not having Pre-Calculus.  They may not have taken Mathematics or English at the University Level either, which could trump the High School marks.  They might have 80's or even 90's in everything else but without those core subjects, it can result in an unfavourable decision.

I can sympathise with your statement of "if they were found suitable last year, they should be grand-fathered".  The major draw back, is that the applicant could very well be set-up for possible disappointment and failure once again because of those non-existent or low grades, which "might" have been the reason for non-selection the first time around.

Based on some other posts in this thread, it would seem that she is not the only one who has had this happen.
Hi there, I have sent in an application approximately 3-4 weeks ago and around the 2 week mark I requested a follow up. The CFRC replied saying my application is awaiting a second level review. I did not want to harass the recruiter with emails so decided to ask here. What exactly is a second level review in terms of RMC applications? Also is it a bad thing to bombard the recruiter with emails?

CNDurrant said:
Hi there, I have sent in an application approximately 3-4 weeks ago and around the 2 week mark I requested a follow up. The CFRC replied saying my application is awaiting a second level review. I did not want to harass the recruiter with emails so decided to ask here. What exactly is a second level review in terms of RMC applications? Also is it a bad thing to bombard the recruiter with emails?


I believe the second level review is referring to the new system they have in place. Before all application went straight to RMC and were reviewed there. Now they are sent to a secondary location where the application is reviewed by a 3rd party (so to speak) before it is sent to RMC itself.

CNDurrant said:
Also is it a bad thing to bombard the recruiter with emails?

That really depends in your definition of bombard and also who your file manager is. Would I say that emailing (or calling) every two days is cool? Absolutely not. Is looking for updates every 1-2 weeks okay? Yes absolutely, especially as ROTP applicants have deadlines that other applicants do not.

In my humble opinion, I think you should give them a call and request to speak with your file manager. That way you can ask as many questions as you need and not worry about a "bombardment" as it will all be in one contact.

Good luck! :)
Hello to all, great resource this site is!

I'm an ROTP applicant and my trade interest is engineering, currently awaiting my medical test & interview.
I joined up on this forum to participate in discussion and more importantly to speak to other applicants and Officer Cadets.

Good luck to all in the selection process!
CNDurrant said:
Hi there, I have sent in an application approximately 3-4 weeks ago and around the 2 week mark I requested a follow up. The CFRC replied saying my application is awaiting a second level review. I did not want to harass the recruiter with emails so decided to ask here. What exactly is a second level review in terms of RMC applications? Also is it a bad thing to bombard the recruiter with emails?


It probably means that they need to have a closer look before making a decision.  I'm sure it's merely some sort of formality and nothing to be concerned with at this point in time.
iDisciple said:
Hello to all, great resource this site is!

I'm an ROTP applicant and my trade interest is engineering, currently awaiting my medical test & interview.
I joined up on this forum to participate in discussion and more importantly to speak to other applicants and Officer Cadets.

Good luck to all in the selection process!

Welcome to Army.ca iDisciple! Happy to have you here. Are you referring to Engineer Officer in the Army?

Good luck with you interview and medical! :)
Haven't been on here in a while, but I got good news on my ROTP journey so I thought I'd post it here.

I got a call and my marks were approved and I write my CFAT on Feb 21st!
That's great news TeenCadet.

A great way to study for the CFAT is to purchase a book from chapters called the Comprehensive Guide to Canadian Military, Border Services and Corrections Exams by Deland Jessop,
it cost around fifty-dollars with a bit of tax but it was well worth it, you can find exams upon exams that test your english skills, spatial skills, and mathematical reasoning skill. I'm fairly certain had I not read through the book extensively I would not have passed the CFAT. But that's just me, best of luck to you.


Thank you for the warm welcome and yes I applied for Engineering Officer in the army
iDisciple said:

Thank you for the warm welcome and yes I applied for Engineering Officer in the army

Ahh I see your signature now with the list you applied for. I was on the app before and it does not show that. Wow, you have a trade form every environment, very interesting. Also, you are most welcome :)
So I have been lurking the forums for a while and found answers to most of my questions without having to post although I couldn't find a clear answer on this specific topic. Basically, I am looking to join the CF as an infantry officer but I don't quite meet meet the academic requirements. I had about  a 90% average in grade 10 but that began to drop in grade 11 and I barely passed the final year of high school (This is not due to drugs/alcohol/partying etc. I was having some family problems and also had  to work to pay off some debt.). Anyways, I am in fairly good shape as a result of hitting the gym regularly for the past 2 years and also working on my cardio and stamina. My training routine is a combination of strongman training and lots of running because that is what I imagine military training to be like.

As for leadership skills, I have supervised people at my job and at some of my previous work places. Its not much but it is something.

My question is would my academic performance in high school hold me back even though physically I'm in pretty good shape? Would upgrading some of the core courses help?

I apologize if this has already been answered and I was unable to find it.
Academics is one of the 4 pillars of RMC, so yes, it's pretty important, but it's not everything. You need at least 75% average to be considered as well as Advanced Maths for RMC. I am unsure if the 75% average is required for Civilian ROTP as well, but chances are that having lower than that will significantly hurt your application. Furthermore, Infantry Officer is generally a very competitive trade overall.

What I personally did (though Artillery is my chosen profession) to overcome my bad academic history is that I went back to CEGEP/College for a year and brought my grades up, which made me eligible. Even if it doesn't outright disqualify you, be prepared to answer questions about your situation from your recruiter/interviewer.

Also, for your future searches, you might consider using google, and adding "army.ca" to your topic.
If you have the time I would say that you should definitely go back and upgrade some courses. It shows that you are always looking to improve yourself and that you are able to perform academically at a level that is required of an undergraduate student. Basically just show them in some way that you have learned from your previous mistakes and that you are able to achieve good grades.

Best of luck
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