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ROTP 2011-2012

EricWArms said:
I am applying for Rotp very soon. I haven found every other form required online, but i can't seem to find the questionarie. Can anybody help me out? Or is it even online?

Thank you very much

- Eric

I believe this is what you're looking for. I found it on the forces.ca site under Multimedia->Documents->Education/Training
shiska said:
I believe this is what you're looking for. I found it on the forces.ca site under Multimedia->Documents->Education/Training

Thank you for finding me that form, really appriciate it. I guess you can't fill it out online :(. I'll call my local CFRC tomorrow to confrim, but i assume thats the case
No, as far as I know you can't fill it out online. From what I know, even the common forms aren't truly filled out online, its more or less you get the forms online, complete them on your computer, then print them and mail them. But I may be wrong on that. But yes, get on that stuff ASAP!!!
Does anyone know how important the interview is towards acceptance into ROTP? The way I understand it, the interview, cfat and medical are for entrance to the CF as a whole and the ROTP questionnaire is for that specific program. Is this right?

What I would really like to know is if the results of my interview get sent off to the review board? I have what I feel is a strong application but I was disappointed with my interview and that has me slightly worried.
There are three parts that create a total score that your application is based on. Your ROPT Questionnaire, your CFAT, and your interview. The CFAT and Questionare count for 25% and 25% respectively and the interview counts for 50%. They are weighted scores for a total of 100.

I am sure you did fine on your interview. It is a very intimidating environment to be in. I myself have mine on the 24th and am feeling the anxiety already!

We can only do our best and hope for the best.
Out of curiosity, where did you get those numbers nairna? It seems like a logical weighting, but I would have thought your ROTP questionnaire would be more.

Keep in mind that your interviewer probably is not on the selection board (I say probably because I am making an assumption). They can only score you on the interview in the interview, and that score, from what I know, is really all that counts. If they find you suitable for the job after the interview, then thats that as far as the interview part goes. I think. I might be totally wrong on that.

But nairna is right, I wouldn't worry yourself too much. What's passed has passed. They likely would have told you right away if you were not found suitable for whichever jobs you chose. You've made it this far based on how well you've done, so don't start worrying now!!!
I was told at my local CFRC that essay and the interview were the 2 key componets. But they could be wrong as well.

There is 2 forms you can fill online the reference and the application i believe.

I should my stuff in by wednesday
EricWArms said:
I was told at my local CFRC that essay and the interview were the 2 key componets. But they could be wrong as well.

There is 2 forms you can fill online the reference and the application i believe.

I should my stuff in by wednesday

OK.Ā  If you don't believe them then don't.

The essay will indicate several things.Ā  It will demonstrate your ability to write using correct punctuation, spelling and grammar.Ā  It will demonstrate to a certain extent what type of and what level of education you will have.Ā  The essay will also inform the reader as to your character (which you are also demonstrating here) and what kind of activities and occupations you may have been active in.Ā  The essay will compliment your CV/Resume and give the interviewer a little more of an idea of who you are.

The interview is like the interview you would go to for any application for a job.Ā  It will be a face to face with the potential employer where they will have an opportunity to verify your CV/Resume and essay and make a final decision as to whether or not you are a good candidate for them to hire.Ā 

If you donā€™t feel that these two things are important, than fill your boots.Ā  It is your future to piss down the drain as you see fit.

Hope that helps.
Guys be serious here, don't worry what part is worth more so you can half ass the rest.Ā  There may be a magical weighting system or there may not.Ā  Just do your best at all of it. You are all over thinking the process, as George Wallace said, it is like any job interview.
That is definitely the truth; every part of the process should be treated as if it is the ONLY important part, and you should give each part 110% as it comes.

I may be poking a beast here, but I feel I have to:
George Wallace said:
If you donā€™t feel that these two things are important, than fill your boots.Ā  It is your future to piss down the drain as you see fit.
Spot the error in George Wallace's grammar! I am sorry, but I had to! I am now preparing for months of scrutiny on my English ability.
pudd13 said:
I may be poking a beast here, but I feel I have to:Spot the error in George Wallace's grammar! I am sorry, but I had to! I am now preparing for months of scrutiny on my English ability.

I see it.Ā  I saw the very opposite of it today in the holiday leave directive from 4 H Svcs Gp.Ā  ;D
pudd13 said:
I may be poking a beast here, but I feel I have to:Spot the error in George Wallace's grammar! I am sorry, but I had to! I am now preparing for months of scrutiny on my English ability.

An "a" that should be an "e"?Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ;D
Of course each part of the application should be handled as best as one can. Simply knowing how each part is weighted should not provide comfort to anyone. It is simply knowledge. If someone chooses to use this information to "slack" in one section then that is completely on them and will most definitely affect the outcome of their application. Each part is equally important. Without one the other cannot exist. So make each part count.

Pudd13/George Wallace: All I can say is lol.
nairna said:
Pudd13/George Wallace: All I can say is lol.

In all seriousness, there are courses in the CF where your written work is very strictly and mercilessly QC'd and mistakes can mean a failure, not just of that assignment, but perhaps the whole course.Ā  You have to pay very close attention to your "Canadian" English spellings, grammar and sentence structures.Ā  You will also have to ensure that you stick to the format for the document that you are expected to produce.Ā 

Then there is the fact that many Trades communicate verbally or in the written form over Radio and other means and there is no room for errors.Ā  Clear and concise are the rules that one must follow in many cases and errors or miscommunications could lead to the deaths of friends and/or colleagues.Ā 
pudd13 said:
That may be confusing, but what I am saying is that some people might buff up their own story in an effort to discourage others, and prevent them from applying, or perform worse on the CFAT or interview due to anxiety, and thereby reduce the applicant pool.

Such a person would make a very very lame officer. In the long run, I don't think someone with this kind of attitude can make it through all the process and formation. I hope (and I'm confident) there's not too many of them applying!

Pudd13, did you get your call for ASC yet? Did they tell you how long it usually takes before they call?
Trampbike: I agree. It is a childish and greedy move and they would most likely make for terrible officers.
I don't imagine there are many applicants who would do that, but there are all types of people in the world.

I haven't received a call about ACS yet. My recruiter told me to call her if I didn't get a call to schedule dates before the 6th of December. I did receive my CAPPS package though. I am hoping they call sometime this week, I want to get to ACS before the New Year. Apparently they are running ACS weekly, which was news to me. I thought it was more like they did one or two, depending on the number of applicants and who could make it to which.
Woah, looks like I just kicked a deceptively sizable hornet's nestĀ  :P

Thanks for the answers gents. Not exactly good news but at least I know where I stand now. All that's left is to sit and wait until April. :'(
Getting good grades in this upgrading Math class I'm taking, hopefully that should make my RMC application a whole lot strongerĀ  ;D And make me better prepared for rewriting my CFAT.

Anyone have any tips for mental math? I've always found math questions most challenging if I couldn't write them out and think about them a bit. My recruiting officer told me that the math section was my weakest part of the CFAT, and that's really the only reason I'm rewriting it, because he also told me that the rest of my CFAT and the rest of my application in general were strong and solid.