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ROTP 2011-2012

Hello, I was wondering if someone could offer me a bit of insight concerning my situation. I am in my third year of a BA program at a civy u in Ontario, however i am very unhappy with it and no longer wish to continue. I was always interested in RMC but they didn't have a football team so i ended up going somewhere else. Now to get to my question, I'm not an outstanding student, last year i actually failed a few courses however that does not really reflect my academic potential. Is there a way i can apply using my high school marks and have them consider me for admission as if i were coming from high school?
Hello, I was wondering if someone could offer me a bit of insight concerning my situation. I am in my third year of a BA program at a civy u in Ontario, however i am very unhappy with it and no longer wish to continue. I was always interested in RMC but they didn't have a football team so i ended up going somewhere else. Now to get to my question, I'm not an outstanding student, last year i actually failed a few courses however that does not really reflect my academic potential. Is there a way i can apply using my high school marks and have them consider me for admission as if i were coming from high school?

As far as I know you need to show ALL academic transcripts (university, college, highschool, etc). You must also have a minimum of three semesters left in your undergraduate program to be eligible for ROTP.

While your grades are obviously a factor in your suitability for the program, it is not the only thing they consider in a candidate. If you play sports, actively volunteer, take leadership roles, and do things of that nature you will increase your chance of acceptance.
nosuperus, from my understanding, you are in a bit of a pickle. Under the ROTP program, they will look at all your marks, high school and post-secondary, but the marks they weigh the most heavily are the 6 most recent courses that you have taken that pertain to the program you intend to join at RMC. So, in short, you can't dismiss your university grades and only apply with high school marks. If you were applying for Sciences in ROTP and took arts in university, they would be forced to weigh your high school science marks, but they will still consider your university marks regardless of the program.

Furthermore, from what I know, the ROTP program will only subsidize students who have more than a year and a half left in a degree program. I may be wrong on that, but I know that if you are in 3rd year, you are cutting it close. That being said, RMC students start at first year. So if you apply to the ROTP program, you likely wouldn't be taken on at RMC because you are halfway through a degree program, and if you were to be accepted into ROTP, you would very likely be placed at a civilian university of your choice, not RMC.

Now, I am not sure how it works if you decide you want to change programs. You may still have a chance at ROTP and to go to RMC if you switch out of arts and into science or engineering, because you would have to start as a first year student that way. I am not certain on this though, and as always, the best source of information on something like this would be your local Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre. You can find the address or phone number of your nearest CFRC on the CF website.
thank you, i appreciate your input. I plan on going down to my local recruiting center at some point this week. By the way my university average is just over 70% all courses included. I don't quite understand the three semester rule you referenced. Even if i want to start an entirely new degreeĀ  without transferring any your saying i couldn't?
AH!Ā  Come on guys.Ā  You are supposed to be university students.Ā  Persons who supposedly have a higher education than most some.Ā  At least try to show some of your knowledge by using correct grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling.Ā  Us Serving and Former Serving Members of the CF would like to think that our potential future officers are able to communicate clearly, concisely, and correctly in both the written and oral form.Ā  Right now your are coming off as uneducated bumpkins.
From what I know, the rule is you cannot get your program subsidized under ROTP if you have less than 3 semesters left in that program. I am not sure if you could start a different program and have that one subsidized instead. That would be what you would want to ask the recruiter.
Hey folks!

Quick question about the ROTP forms. The final part of the academic questionnaire as you all know is an essay asking us to explain our reasons for choosing our preference of educational institution. The question states that "You may wish to complete on a separate sheet." Does that mean I can type out my essay as opposed to writing it all by hand? If yes then would this be looked down upon by the review staff?
shiska said:
Hey folks!

Quick question about the ROTP forms. The final part of the academic questionnaire as you all know is an essay asking us to explain our reasons for choosing our preference of educational institution. The question states that "You may wish to complete on a separate sheet." Does that mean I can type out my essay as opposed to writing it all by hand? If yes then would this be looked down upon by the review staff?

That's what I did and they didn't mind; You really could have asked this question to your RC, they're in a better place than us for clarifying these kinds of details.
It is obviously best to ask the recruiting centre. I wrote mine out by hand, and took extra care to make it very neat, and make sure my english was all entirely correct and my spelling was correct. I don't think they would hold it against you to type it, but if you do write it (or type it for that matter), make sure you make it perfect in terms of your english!!!
As pudd mentioned, it is your language and communication that will matter as well as the content. (this being what I know which is limited) You ought to not be penalized for typing something.
shiska said:
Hey folks!

Quick question about the ROTP forms. The final part of the academic questionnaire as you all know is an essay asking us to explain our reasons for choosing our preference of educational institution. The question states that "You may wish to complete on a separate sheet." Does that mean I can type out my essay as opposed to writing it all by hand? If yes then would this be looked down upon by the review staff?

When I was given the application by the CFRC, they instructed me to type out the essay and attach it and not to write it out. I was completely okay with that since my handwriting is atrocious.
When I received my ROTP application package the gentleman at the CFRC said it was best to type it as it looked more professional and will be easier to read.
Well perhaps I should have typed mine out though. My CFRC said it didn't matter, so I just decided to do it on the page provided. At least my writing is neat so that it shouldn't become an issue.
I'm sure it's fine pudd13, if your writing is clean and proper then I expect it to be no less professional then if it were typed.
I am not too concerned. The content is pretty strong, and so is the rest of my application. If they turn me down, it won't be because of my writing, it will be because of some other major flaw that I have yet to notice in my application/preparation.
Hi guys,

How many students are accepted under ROTP per year? Are there more students at civilian universities than at RMC?

On average it is around 300 according to the NCFRC, last year it was around 250. There are more accepted into it RMC than civy U, last year it was about 65 out of the 250. This has a multitude of reasons such as the design of RMC, the age of applicants, most civy U students have a general idea of what career they want to attain, and so many more. Hope that helps clear some things up.

If anyone has anything to add or to correct please post.
Wow, 300 isn't a lot of students, considering how unique RMC and the ROTP is.

Is the criteria for getting into RMC under ROTP more strict than civilian university? I read some posts and some people who applied for RMC got into civilian university instead.

Thanks again!
ktong, I urge you to look at other threads and on the website before asking questions like these, they are usually pretty easy to find. But in short, the requirements for RMC and other universities are pretty similar in terms of academics, but it would vary from university to university. In order to meet the requirements for a civilian university under ROTP you have to meet the requirements of that university, as well as any requirements of the ROTP program (this includes military eligibility).