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ROTP 2011-2012

jwtg said:
I'm going to CMR first year.  Possibly because of overflow at RMC Kingston, or possibly because I never actually applied to RMC (really wanted Civ U).

See you there! What trades did you guys get?

Consider yourself lucky, you will have an excellent opportunity to become bilingual there since it's in Quebec.
Inky said:
Consider yourself lucky, you will have an excellent opportunity to become bilingual there since it's in Quebec.
I consider myself lucky that I have been given the opportunity to receive a subsidized education and a career opportunity that hopefully will be very rewarding.

Je suis deja bilingue (CBB), et je suis certain que je ne suis pas le seul candidat bilingue qui sera envoyé à CMR St. Jean.  Je pense qu'il va y avoir plusieurs candidats/candidates qui viennent d'Ottawa (ou même des autres régions) qui sont déjà bilingues.

That being said, French is definitely my second language and you are correct in saying that by virtue of the fact that I will be living at CMR in St. Jean, I will have the opportunity to greatly increase my second language abilities.

[Please pardon any errors in my French- as I indicated I scored a CBB (C in writing, B written/oral) on the Government bilingual test, so I am 'bilingual' but it's definitely a 'secondary' language.  Does anyone know what level is required to be considered acceptably bilingual?  Is the Government of Canada standard used to measure second language ability?  Or a different standard?  Don't get me wrong, my French could certainly improve- especially written- but I do speak French often enough here in Ottawa that although I'm rusty, I could probably pick it up again pretty quickly.]
Like you said, CMR will provide you with a great opportunity to improve your French, but that is not the only opportunity that CMR will provide you. Although I did not go to CMR in my first year, I've heard a lot about it since I did BMOQ with a large group from CMR, a roommate of mine was from CMR, and I have many friends who did prep year or first year there. From all accounts CMR offers a great deal of things that RMC cannot. The small size of the school (it only has prep year and first year) makes it a great place for interaction with peers, leadership opportunities (1st years are the barmen at CMR vice 3rd and 4th years at RMC), and military trainnig. CMR also has an excellent NCO cadre that will enhance your learning and experience greatly. Many of the NCOs come from the famed VanDoos- take advantage of their accessiblity so that you can learn from their experience, unfortunately you will not get that exposure at RMC. I don't know too much that is going on there at the moment because I no longer anyone at CMR, but I'm sure there are members on here that can tell you how it is now, or tell you there past experiences of CMR. From all indications, it is a great experience and at times it probably beats doing first year at RMC.

BTW, the standard to be considered bilingual is BBB.
I applied for CMR because I heard of all those advantages, and really want to take the prep year. Plus, I'm totally unilingual, so CMR will be of great benefit in aiding my education in the French language. I really, really want to be in. Heh, I kind of want to change my third choice to Intelligence Officer now, but too late. I'll take whatever I can get! Even if that means Human Waste Management Officer (read: Janitor) :P
BBB is the minimum to be exempt from SLT but not from periodic testing, go for your Es, I have them and it's making my life a whole lot easier. As for CMR St-Jean, it's true, the place offers a completely different experience, one I wish I had been able to go through instead of immediately jumping in RMC Kingston.

Anyways congrats to you guys and I'll see you during FYOP... poor buggers
jwtg said:
I'm going to CMR first year.  Possibly because of overflow at RMC Kingston, or possibly because I never actually applied to RMC (really wanted Civ U).

See you there! What trades did you guys get?

I am psyched to get to experience both of the military colleges. I got accepted for my first choice of occupations(Signals Officer) and RMC/CMR was my first choice of institutions.
I am also attempting to CT from the reserves into the ROTP program for Nursing Officer, so now I am eagerly awaiting the results from the panel to slowly trickle their way out west. There are times that I think the military still uses the Pony Express as the primary method of delivering packages and only then because it is a liberal sponsored program from Quebec.  :)

That being said good luck to all who applied and hopefully you hear some positive news in the next little while.

I was wondering if anyone knows the date that we have to report to RMC for FYOP. My recruiter was unsure. I know last year everyone had to report on the 14th, a Saturday, would it be the 13th this year, (also a Saturday)? My family is planning a backpacking trip for around the 7th, 8th of August that involves booking flights and would like to know if I will be able to make it. I will be attending RMC for pilot.
All of those details will come down shortly. Be flexable and prepared to adjust your civi plans to meet your military requirements. You'll learn soon enough that in the CF, the only real constant is "change."  :)
I received official word earlier today (approximately 1100hrs NL time) from CFRC St. John's that I have been accepted for ROTP, CivvyU as a Communications and Electronics Engineer (CELE(Air)). Congrats to all others that received offers and good luck to those still waiting!
Hello everyone...I applied for Naval Combat System Engineering Officer through CFRC London...Because I was born in a non NATO country it took over two years to walk through the whole selection procedure...Currently, like many of us, I am also anxiously awaiting a decision on my ROTP application...We are already aware that at least one applicant has been selected, through CFRC London, and the message was conveyed to the applicant through a phone call...I have been trying to get hold of my file manager since Monday; eventually when I got to talk to him, a little while ago, I was told that no matter what the decision is he is not supposed to let me know anything over the phone...I will be informed about the decision through a letter...Now I am kinda confused...Can anyone please explain why they are handling my case differently ??? Or are they sending letters only to those applicants who are not selected ?...
I'm not fully versed on the operation of CFRC's, but I can tell you that everyone's case is handled differently depending on the situation, and I have found from visiting these forums that each CFRC operates differently from coast to coast, so don't worry that your case isn't being handled directly the same as anyone else's.
PrairieBoy said:
To my knowledge, and my knowledge might be totally wrong, civvy U officer candidates are the ones who qualified for RMC but there weren't enough spaces at RMC for them, or officer candidates who wanted to go to a civilian university instead and still made the grade for ROTP.

Not the case, there are many factors for deciding who goes where. It is not due to lack of space or competitiveness. They are however different demographics, Civy U for the most part seems to be older atleast to the St-Jean staff's noticing.  Not a case of one is the spill-over for the other.
Hey everyone, I still have not received a call or letter. Should I assume I was not picked up for the first round. I called my recruiting center on Tuesday and they said they had not received a status update on it yet.
mathabos said:
To all those accepted so far, congratulations.

As mentioned previously, get in shape. You have a few good months of summer to
train and get ready.
The PT at the last recruit camp injured those who were not yet in shape.
Some mornings were rough, I won't lie but it can be done with good preparation.

And yes we did do an Express test on the Wednesday or Thursday of our second week.

Rather many injuries were from the inter-platoonish soccer game which ended poorly for my side. Many injured. Thanks Sorel.  :P
Rogo said:
Rather many injuries were from the inter-platoonish soccer game which ended poorly for my side. Many injured. Thanks Sorel.  :P

Ya that was a fun activity even though some got injured. It developed good team spirit.

cobalt said:
Hey everyone, I still have not received a call or letter. Should I assume I was not picked up for the first round. I called my recruiting center on Tuesday and they said they had not received a status update on it yet.

Your are quite right on this. We had quite a few people in there mid to late 20s and even a few in there 30s.
mathabos said:
Ya that was a fun activity even though some got injured. It developed good team spirit.

Your are quite right on this. We had quite a few people in there mid to late 20s and even a few in there 30s.

Had a 46 year old on my BMOQ. Man was a champ.... Beat 1/2 our platoon in the PT test and we lost about 21 people for VRs, Medicals and RTU's out of 80.
thevagabondheart said:
Hello everyone...I applied for Naval Combat System Engineering Officer through CFRC London...Because I was born in a non NATO country it took over two years to walk through the whole selection procedure...Currently, like many of us, I am also anxiously awaiting a decision on my ROTP application...We are already aware that at least one applicant has been selected, through CFRC London, and the message was conveyed to the applicant through a phone call...I have been trying to get hold of my file manager since Monday; eventually when I got to talk to him, a little while ago, I was told that no matter what the decision is he is not supposed to let me know anything over the phone...I will be informed about the decision through a letter...Now I am kinda confused...Can anyone please explain why they are handling my case differently ??? Or are they sending letters only to those applicants who are not selected ?...

Hey, man I am in the same boat as you, I called our file manager on monday and he told me, that he should of known on Friday. He didn't say anything about not contacting over the phone. I'm going to call again today and post what he says,

I applied for Engineer Officer

through CFRC London.

So confused, apparently 9/25 applications from CFRC London got accepted so far, that is what my friend who got into RMC through London said

Also I was born in Canada.

mathabos said:
Your are quite right on this. We had quite a few people in there mid to late 20s and even a few in there 30s.

Are you sure you are that's direct to the righht person, he was talking about not getting a call.
Update for anyone who cares:

I'm now going to RMC Kingston for 4 years, no more CMR.  Just informed by phone call.

We'll see if this changes any time soon.  Nothing is set in stone until the message is in my hands I guess!

EDIT: Spell-check doesn't catch the difference between 'not' and 'now.'  Thanks guys!